Chapter 14: The hero named Kyles

Once the hybrid has regained his composure, the bidding war for the elf-girl named Yllaner has been raging on for a while now. Ignore the yelling and screaming, Kibadios discreetly glanced at Kyles, who was standing next to his group this entire time. The hybrid was worried that he has been saying too much about himself and his past in front of a random hero class individual he just met. As cautious as he was, he had to treat every single person he came into contact with to be a spy for the Ennead, the self proclaimed gods of this world, and Kyles here was not an exception. As of right now, his power level was far below what he had achieved during his first reincarnation so his only advantage over the Ennead would be the fact that they had no idea he had been reincarnated and seeking them out for revenge… and the hybrid really wanted to keep it that way. He carefully studied Kyles' face for any clue, but soon noticed the armored clad man's attention has been focusing onto the stage, toward the elf girl.

「5,000 gold coins!」Kyles suddenly made a bid, his loud and husky voice soon quelled any other voices. The crowd began to murmur, discussing the outrageous bid. Even though Yllaner was a beautiful elf, the highest bids for her have been hovering at the upper 100s gold coins. What Kyles offered was almost 50 times that. Strangely, from the moment Kyles made his bid, the frightened and confused elf girl has been smiling nonstop as if she had found her savior. As the whispering began to grow, the auctioneer finally reverted back from his shock, a broad grin now could be visibly seen on his face.

「5,000 gold coins! Going once… Going twice… SOLD!!」He could not contain his excitement, thinking of the fortune he was going to make from the commission for this auction, given that someone had just paid such an outrageously high price for the elf.

The auctioneer's declaration was met with growing whiny responses as the rich ugly bastards finally realized they have missed an opportunity to buy a good slave for themselves. Still, as rich as they were, coughing up 5,000 gold coins for a single beautiful slave was not something they could stomach. Once Yllaner has been sold off, the crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Kyles and Kibadios' gang standing there in front of the auctioning stage.

「She's now yours.」said the auctioneer as Kyles handed over three pouches filled with gold coins. Once confirmed the payment was good, he continued.「Do you need us to restrain her with a slave crest? Once you make a slave crest pact, she won't be able to disobey your demand.」

「I know what a slave crest is! I don't need one. 」Kyles coldly answered. 「And you better uncuff her now.」

「... Sure, sure, sure!」the auctioneer nodded while fumbling through his key chains to find the correct one to open the elf's cuff. 「It's good doing business with you. If you ever need another slave, please let me know and i'll personally find a good one for you. 」

「No need.」Kyles wrapped his cloak around the lightly shaken girl.「Let's go, Princess.」

Princess? Kibadios, who still stood close by, could clearly overheard Kyles just called Yllaner a "princess." Interesting… It seemed like they knew each other before.

「Please excuse us. 」Kyles nodded as he walked pass Kibadios.

「The name is Kibadios!」The hybrid yelled out to the couple, to which Kyles responded by waving his arm as he walked further and further away.「Maybe we'll meet again, in the near future」

「... From the look of it, they must have known each other.」Rowan also made the same conclusion as his master once Kyles and his newly acquired "slave" have completely disappeared into the crowd of the marketplace.

「So that means Kyles "buying" the elf girl was just to rescue her, right? That's good for her! It'd be really bad if any of those fat ugly men had bought her instead. 」The kind hearted Maia sighed in relief. 「But are you sure, Master?」

「About what?���

「She looked just like someone dear to you right? Is it okay for you to just let her go like that?」

「Yes. Why not? Even if she's looking exactly like someone I knew, she's not her. I couldn't care less if she was bought and raped by some rich ugly dudes, let alone that hero.」


「Yeah, definitely he's a hero… one that is much stronger than Ryan… maybe even myself.」Kibadios nonchalantly commented. 「Anyways, let's visit a few other shops before going back to the guild to meet Ryan.」

Both Rowan and Maia nodded to their master's suggestion. Although they still had questions about the mysterious person who their master clearly held dear in his mind, neither of them wanted to pry any longer. They knew if they had asked too much about it, the hybrid might become angry. One day, they believed, their master would trust them enough to open himself up to them so for now, they knew all they could do was to obediently serve him until that time came.

「...」Back at the guild, with one twitching eyebrow, Kibadios finally said something after a few minutes of awkward silence. 「How come you two know Ryan???」

Sitting across the table, right in front of him and his slaves, was the couple they had just said goodbye to a few moments ago, Kyles and Yllaner. Once the hybrid and his slaves got back to the guild, they had found Ryan to be happily conversing with the two as if they were some life long friends. Granted, the hybrid had declared that they would soon meet again, but this was too soon. It was like saying goodbye to someone, then only to find out that they all were walking the same fucking direction , Kibadios thought to himself.

「... Yeah… Ryan was just telling us about you. I am also surprised that you're the mysterious master who Ryan pledged his loyalty to.」said Kyles, while his "princess" sat next to him in silence. 「Anyways, first and foremost, I have heard what happened to Ryan and his party during that goblin nest mission. I just want to thank you for rescuing him from Desmond and the goblins' trap.」

「That was nothing. But let's get back to our topic here: How come you guys know Ryan?」

「Kibadios sama, let me reintroduce them again: His name is Kyles. He possesses the Seed of Hero, just like me. Although he's 10 years older than me, we have been hanging out together for much of the time we were at the orphanage. He's like a brother to me.」Ryan happily explained. 「And this is Yllaner-sama, a daughter of the chief of the elven tribe close to my home town.」

「Close to your orphanage? So does it mean Yllaner came from the same tribe as Reuk?」asked Rowan.

… Ahhh, that pain in the ass guy! I already regretted devouring him...

「... Yes. We came from the same tribe.」the girl finally spoke as she tried her best to hold back tears. Her melodious voice quickly captured the attention of Kibadios, Maia, and Rowan. 「He was actually part of my guards before leaving the tribe and joining up with Ryan. He has always wanted to travel to new places. To think he was killed...」

Even her voice? The hybrid frowned at the fact that even the princess' voice sounded exactly the same as Sylvia.

「So, do you have any information on where Desmond might have gone off to?」asked Kyles.

「Not really.」shrugged the hybrid. 「Since the incidence, we have been continuously on the road so naturally we did not hear any news about him.」

「I see.」

「... But don't you worry. I have made a promise with Reuk to kill Desmond for him.」Kibadios' eyes glowed red, a faint, creepy smile crossed his face. 「and I don't intend to break a promise, ever.」

「...」The hero remained silent while staring straight into the hybrid's murderous eyes, then finally spoke「I'll keep my eyes and ears out for any news about the monk. If there's any lead, I'll let you know.」

The conversations continued on for another hour, with the topic quickly changed to Yllaner's situation. Turned out, just by chance, the elf princess was captured the moment she travelled outside of the elven lands. Her entourage was ambushed by some mountain bandits and most were killed. Because Yllaner was clearly a beautiful, high class elf, the bandits decided to sell her to one of the slave traders for a whole lot of gold. Thankfully, some people from her entourage were able to escape and reported the situation back to the tribe. Since Kyles, the princess' childhood friend, was visiting the orphanage close by, the elven chief had asked him to find and rescue the princess back. Being a veteran adventurer, gathering information and finding out the princess location was not a hard job for him.

「I see, so that's why you came to the auction.」

「... Eto...」Maia hesitantly spoke up. 「I know it may not be okay to ask, but how come you can come up with so much money back then at the auction? I was really surprised when I heard your bid.」

「Ah, that… 」the hero scratched his head. 「Well, one of the members of Yllaner's tribe has a unique skill to transform anything he touched into gold coins so ...」

「Haha! Really? What an interesting skill.」Kibadios was amused 「Does he realize he can disrupt the entire world's monetary system?」

「Actually, he can't」Yllaner shook her head. 「Without one's Haki continuously pouring into those gold coins, they will transform back into useless rocks in less than hour.」

I see… so this hero here was not just trying to suppress his haki, he was also directing it to the gold coin's pouch. Having that much control over his own haki… how strong is he, really?

「Wait, so that means the 5,000 gold coins they received will soon turned worthless? 」asked Rowan.

「To be honest, they got what's coming for them. I really dont like their business practice. Buying and selling people as slaves, dont they have any decency?」asked Maia. The village girl smiled as she reached out to the princess.「Yllaner, I'm glad that it turned out okay for you.」

「... Thanks, Maia.」

… Wait, that's ironic considering she loves being my slave … Did she forget that she belongs to me? Thought Kibadios.

「Ha!」a group of passersby loudly interrupted the conversation 「So this is the loser hero who was captured by some lowly goblins?」

「And is that the so called "master"?」another adventure joined in, pointing his finger at Kibadios while looking down at Ryan. 「Man, I have never heard of any hero who would pledge to become a subordinate of a nobody adventurer. Are you sure you're a hero, Ryan-kun? 」

Yet, the moment the adventurer finished laughing, he was sent flying across the room by Ryan's punch. The normally happy and easygoing hero quickly turned murderous once his master's name was being put down by some strangers.


「Dont you dare badmouthing Kibadios sama!」Ryan glared at the remaining men. 「I don't care whatever names you're calling me, but disrespecting my master again and you're dead.」

Heeding Ryan's warning, the men swiftly recovered their knockout comrade across the room and ran outside of the guild building.

「Sorry, Kibadios sama… 」

「It's fine. We knew the rumors about us was spreading in the adventurers' community so moments like this are to be expected. Afterall, it is indeed strange for a hero to be someone's subordinate, isnt it? 」commented Kibadios. Little did they know, more than just a subordinate, you've fully transformed into my obedient slave, Ryan-chan .

「Hahaha!」Kyles let out a loud laugh. 「I guess it's good that Ryan is with you, Kibadios. I have always been worried about him since he was such a pushover. Always trying to make everyone happy, at the expense of his own well being and feelings. But look at him sending that guy flying with a solid punch! He finally learns to stand up for himself… Well, granted, just now, he was defending your honor, but still! That's a step in the right direction! 」

「... I guess so.」the hybrid stared at Ryan. 「Anyways, we will have to get going! We need to check in with the royal inn, don't we?」

「Is that so? If so, I won't be delaying you guys. I guess I will see you at the royal meeting two days from now.」

「Huh? You're not staying at the royal inn?」

「No. I have an acquaintance running a small guesthouse so i'll be staying there instead. 」

「See you in two days then!」


「... So you finally met the princess?」

「Yeah. The resemblance is uncanny, isnt it?」

「...I was surprised too, when I saw the girl named Sylvia from your memories. She looks exactly like...」

「...If you're talking to me then at least stop reading the fucking hentai, you fucking perverted weeaboo elf!!!」Kibadios finally threw a thick manga straight at Reuk's face. After devouring Reuk, the elven archer's soul has been existing within Kibadios ever since. Naturally, at first, he was adamantly antagonistic toward the hybrid for mind controlling Ryan. However, after realizing the hybrid did not really harm the newbie hero, instead, he was actually helping the hero to cope with the goblin incidence, the elf finally settled down. 'Well, at least now, I can get to know you more and hopefully I can act as your conscience' was what he said a few days after being devoured by Kibadios. Ever since, he had become more and more laid back, his attitude changed 180 degrees from an ideal ikemen to a pervert who kept trying to peek at Maia's naked body through the hybrid's eyes. What's more, he had fully transformed into a weeb the moment he discovered the existence of manga and anime through Kibadios' memory.「Who could have thought the handsome, serious elf would turn out to be like this...」

「Aw man, you're still going on about that? I didn't try to deceive you. When we met, I was just too nervous to act like myself since Maia-chan was so pretty… I didn't want her to have a bad impression of me. Everyone knew this side of me, just ask Ryan or Princess Yllaner.」

「That reminds me! Speaking of Maia, if you ever try to catch a glimpse of her naked body, i'll fucking smash your head!」Several cross-popping veins were now visible on the hybrid's forehead.

「... You do know that I don't have a physical body anymore right? Smashing my head would do nothing.」smirked Reuk.

「I can still seal your consciousness...」The hybrid stopped mid sentence. Why, yes. He could easily and effectively erase the elf's presence, but somehow, for the last few weeks, he did not do it. Deep down, despite all his denials, the hybrid indeed realized he liked these pointless interactions with the elf, who currently would be the only person in the whole world that Kibadios could speak to, unrestrictedly… just like a close friend. Ha! A friend?… I am getting soft... Maybe I should really erase his existence...

「Well, let's get back to the topic. Do you really think the princess is Sylvia's reincarnation?」The elf finally put the hentai doujinshi of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken down onto the side.

「I am almost 90% sure… Though not that it matters much. Even if Yllaner is her reincarnation, they're not the same person.」

「That's for sure! Their personalities are almost completely opposite of each other.」

「Is that so?」The hybrid gave Reuk a puzzling look.「Why would you say that?」

「No offense intended but your Sylvia is so crafty and manipulating while the princess is ...」

「Why would that be an offense?」Kibadios cut of the elf while giving him a wicked smile. 「If Sylvia is here, she would totally thank you for the compliment. Besides, if my hunch is correct, I'm pretty sure your precious little princess is wearing a carefully crafted mask.」


「Just like Yuuki.」Kibadios pointed at the manga next to Reuk. 「You would never have imagined...」

「STOPPPP!!!!」The elf hurriedly ran over to the hybrid as if his life was somehow depending on it, just to cover the hybrid's mouth. 「Dont freaking spoil the manga for me!!!!」