Chapter 22: The porn chapter (2)

Kibadios ended Corey's suffering with his Skill, swallowing him whole into the dark abyss of his skill. "Whole" was a bit relative since by the time the beasts and monsters were done with him, he was barely alive as bite and claw marks covered his bloody body. Had he been any regular man, he would have been dead hours earlier. It was his that protected him until his end, prolonging his suffering. By consuming the hero, the hybrid demihuman was now able to gain affinity to the Holy element, something that no other demihuman could… At least that was what he learned during his first reincarnation and what Ryan has just confirmed for him. After finishing devouring all other corpses to ensure no one could find out what happened to Corey and his group, the hybrid finally got going. Now, his group could travel along the main road and was able to sleep over at fancy inns instead of camping outside in the woods. It was funny. Kibadios had spent the whole first year of his life living in the wilderness, inside a rocky cave, yet now, he could no longer do so. He had gotten used to the luxury provided by cozy inns by the road: the warm bath water, the hot meal, and top of all, a soft, comfortable bed. For now though, sleeping would elude him most of the night since he needed to give out his reward, especially to Maia who was able to synthesize such a unique aphrodisiac. 「If that's what master wants!」was her response before she devoted all her time into making it. It had taken her more than three days and nights, with countless trips to the market to gather different ingredients. At some points, Kibadios has thought about telling her to stop, since the aphrodisiac was not really that crucial to the plan. However, he did not, for he loved seeing her devotion to him. After all, he was a selfish bastard.

「Mmmhhhh」Maia's beautiful face was now happily leaning against the hybrid's cock. As usual, she was fully naked, kneeling at the end of their bed, with both of her light pink nipples fully erected. On one corner of the large bed they all shared were Ryan and Rowan in their birthday suits. The mischievous and trusting Ryan's sleeping posture has always been the worst among his three slaves as he slept spreading his legs, revealing his bare, flaccid cock. One of his legs rested on top of the much more matured Rowan, who slept neatly in the fetal position, facing the hero. The hybrid still could vividly recall what had happened less than five minutes before.

「Ever since we left the Capital, because we were afraid Corey would attack, we weren't able to "do it"」said Ryan, his arms had wrapped around the hybrid's neck while his firm, clothless body leaned against his master. 「Now that Corey was dealt with, we can relax and have all the sex we want and make up for our "dry spell", Kibadios sama!」

「You tell me!」replied Kibadios, once he took a break from french kissing Ryan. 「I had to take the heat suppression pill every day to repress my lust. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go crazy had Corey delayed his ambush, even if it's just for another day.」

「... Master!!!」Maia, who was sitting in the middle of the bed, called out to the hybrid in a whining tone, she was pouting. 「Didn't you say you'll reward me for making the aphrodisiac?」

「Right, come here!」smiled Kibadios. It did not matter if it was the first time or the thousandth time Maia saw the hybrid smiled, her face still turned beet red at the sight. After devoting herself to the hybrid, in her mind, her master was the most handsome creature she had ever seen. 「I did promise to give you a special reward right? After all, you spent days and nights developed your solution, we barely had any sex even back at the capital.」

「... Yeah… 」Maia blushed. 「Thanks, master!」

「Huh? But does it mean you'll be monopolizing master tonight? I dont think we can just watch you guys on the side.」Protested Ryan.

「Haaa… Haaaaa」Rowan was moaning as his master's hand wrapped around his cum leaking cock. 「He's right…」

「Well, you guys dont have to watch. Rowan and you can just go to sleep」Maia was pouting again. 「After all, you did have way more sex with master back when I was synthesizing the solution.」

「HAAAA!!!」Rowan almost climaxed, but the hybrid swiftly wrapped his hand tightly around the healer's shaft, causing him to be unable to shoot his cum. Once his pleasure subsided, he suggested. 「We're already in this state… There's no way we can just sleep… Let's share master again, Maia chan.」

「Remember what master always says」Ryan's mouth briefly sucked on one of the hybrid's nipples. 「Sharing is caring!」

「Maia, just come here. I'll make sure to satisf...」The moment the hybrid paid his attention to Maia, he could feel the murderous aura emanating from the usual well-behaved girl.

「I told you guys to go to sleep! I will have master tonight!」The fuming alchemist girl leapt toward the two men. Since they were both in heat, with their backs facing the girl, both Ryan and Rowan were unable to comprehend Maia's fury until it was too late. Just in seconds, her hand softly wrapped the two men's faces from behind, darkness emitting from her own while her lusting eyes glowed red. The moment the future Poison Queen's hands were placed over their mouths and noses, it was over for the two poor men as they fell down onto the bed, unconscious. It did not take more than 10 seconds for Kibadios to hear Ryan's soft snoring sound escaping his mouth. By now, Maia has reverted back to her usual innocent look, before addressing the hybrid. 「Sorry master! Sometimes I need to be rough with them to get my point across. Just for tonight, I'll make sure to please you in their steads.」

「... Okay?」The hybrid gulped, then nodded. Note to self, do not piss off Maia . He thought to himself. The girl finally got to lean her face against his cock as she inhaled in her master's musky scent…


「Tell it to release me, Kibadios!」 yelled out Ruek, who was blindfolded and hung in the air. Next to him was a humanoid creature with an angel-like flaming wing, his face was devoid of any human features such as nose, eyes, or mouth though.

「Why strung him and and covered his eyes like this?」asked Kibadios.

「He was trying to take a peek at your naked slave so I figured you would want me to take are of that」The figure answered Kibadios telepathically since it possessed no mouth. 「I could have incinerated his soul, like I did with the pathetic hero and his lackeys that you devoured… but you specifically told me to spare his soul.」The figure poked Ruek.

「Just let him down.」

Once the humanoid figure released Ruek, the elf shot it an 'I thought we were friends, why did you just casually blindfolded and strung me up' look before complaining directly to the hybrid.

「I was not trying to look at Maia-chan's perfect body… her round, perky breasts… ahhh」Although Reuk was trying to deny his sin, his facial expression was outing his lie since he was nose-bleeding like a faucet.

「Maybe I should let HaoS destroy you...」Kibadios was pissed.

「I can do it right now!」HaoS, the humanoid spirit, was excited at the prospect. After all, it has been stuck with Reuk ever since it came back to Kibadios' body a few days ago after its mission to explore the world. For some strange reason, the elf-turned-otaku annoyed him to the extremity. Since it was only Reuk and Haos living inside Kibadios' consciousness, Ruek continued to bother the spirit, even it tried its best to avoid the elf.

「Let's stop joking like that! HaoS and I are best buds!」Reuk dismissed Kibadios' threat, his arm placed onto the spirit's shoulder, much to his annoyance. 「Not that I have any other person to talk to while living within you...」

「Seriously, I don't see why you want to keep him around. You let me destroy the other souls...」HaoS tried to escape Reuk's embrace.

「Well, he's Ryan's friend… I guess Ryan would not like to have his friend's soul destroyed.」

「Talking about having souls destroyed.」Reuk finally let go of HaoS. 「That was gruesome, Kibadios!」

「What was?」

「What else? What you did to Corey, of course!」said Ruek. 「I cant believe Ryan would let you… Though since he's under your mind control, I guess it makes sense why he did not protest...」

「What's there to protest? Since I absorbed him, you and I could both see his past, right? With all his unspeakable sins, we both know he deserve it.」

「Still… ARGHH!」Ruek pulled his hair. 「Seriously, ever since I got devoured by you, your actions started to make sense and it's hard to argue against! Are you sure it's not a side effect of having to live within you? Cuz for sure if it was the old me, I would fucking kick your ass to prevent you from all of your questionable actions.」

「Hmm, I dont think so… This reincarnation is the first time I have the skill but I doubt that's the side effect.」answered Kibadios honestly. 「Though I doubt you can even fight against me.」


…Chirp…Chirp... Chirp...

The hybrid slowly opened his eyes as the morning ray shined down where he slept. The sex was wild, even with his standard. He fucked his Maia throughout the night, without any break until his slave finally gave out in the early morning. Then they slept, with his cock still rested deep inside his slave's constricting pussy, plugging up all his cums inside. His arm wrapped around her smooth, hickey-filled body as his hand now lazily played with her perky breasts.

「You're awake, Kibadios sama?」Rowan asked. The heal was still butt naked since long ago, Kibadios had already decreed that none of his slaves should wear clothes when they were inside the room.

「Uhmm」The hybrid yawned, then slowly sat up while making sure Maia's sleep was undisturbed. After all, he knew his slave must be exhausted after last night. He did not know what time it was but judging from the sun, he doubted they had slept for more than 3 hours. It was fine for him, since both of his demi-human races required less sleep than normal humans: Orges were a fighting race so they have enough stamina to power through the whole week with less than five hours of sleep, while incubus… well, incubus substituted sex for sleep anyways.

「We have already drawn a hot bath for you…」

「Hot bath in the morning sounds good.」nodded the hybrid. 「But you know what sounds better? A tongue bath from my adorable Rowan and Ryan chan!」The hybrid grinned, then effortlessly carried Rowan bridal style to the bathroom.

「Huh? You still want to have sex with us even after the night you had with Maia chan? Ryan and I were sleeping like dead thanks to Maia, but judging from all the cum stains and fluids, I thought you would all be spent by now.」

「Is anything wrong? You don't want to be fucked by your master?」asked Kibadios.

「Of course I want to… 」Rowan pulled himself up toward the hybrid's cheek and gave him a kiss. 「I'm just worried you might be too tired...」

「Nonsense! Have I ever been too tired for sex?」By now, Kibadios has already got to the bathroom.

「You want to do it with us?」Ryan, who was busy checking the temperature for the bath, excitedly asked when he overheard his master was talking to Rowan.

「... Let's make up for last night...」

Ryan's trembling legs were now supported by Kibadios' strong arms as the hybrid aligned the hero's twitching asshole on top of his raging hard cock. After having his two slaves thoroughly cleaned his body using their tongues, the half incubus sex drive has now shot up through the root. Kibadios kissed the hero's nape, making sure to leave a visible hickey before he abruptly lowered the hero down. His cock thrusted deep inside Ryan's sensitive asshole. Having been fucked by the hybrid for some time, his asshole has now been completely molded into the shape of the very cock that was now pounding it. His master's cock ground against the hero's inner walls, sending unspeakable pleasure sparks that almost fried his brain with each thrust. Ryan would have come right then had it not been for Rowan, who deviously wrapped his finger around his fellow slave's twitching cock.

「Not yet, Ryan chan! I need to get ready to collect your cum to share it with master.」Rowan smiled, then lowered his mouth onto the poor hero's cock. As how he normally did it for his master, Rowan's hot and wet mouth aggressively sucked on Ryan's, his tongue skillfully swirled around the shaft. By now, Kibadios had already let go of Ryan's legs, allowing the slave to move freely on his own rhythm. With his free hands, though, Kibadios traversed slowly along his slave's slender hip and finally settled at his breasts. The hybrid started off by lightly squeezing Ryan's firm breasts but soon, his fingers began aggressively tweaking and pulling on the hero's already highly sensitive nipples, causing his whole body to arch upward.

「Hmm… Dont be selfish, Ryan chan. I'm working hard to give you pleasure, the least you can do is give me a kiss.」teased the hybrid.

「HAAA… haaa… HAAA… AHHHH...」Ryan tried his best to contain his moans. 「Ye… Yes.. Mastaa..」The hero turned his head around to receive the hybrid's salivating mouth. As they kissed, his master's tongue swirled around the hero, while his hand continued playing with his nipples, his cocks rammed hard inside his asshole. And then there was Rowan's mouth, sucking and licking the hero's cock. Having experienced pleasure from all fronts, the hero quickly gave in. The moment Rowan loosened his grip on Ryan's cock, the hero shot his cum violently directly into Rowan's mouth. Due to the sheer volume of cum deposited, Rowan had to gulp down some of it. Still, in the end, his mouth was still swollen up, filled with his fellow slave's cum. Rowan tried his best to make sure none of Ryan's cum was leaking out as he swiftly sat up and offered the cum he held to Kibadios. In an obscene threeway kiss, Ryan was also forced to drink some of his own cum as he tried to slurp away any droplet of cums that leaked out, as previously instructed by his master.

「Delicious!」the hybrid commented while patting Ryan. 「Cum of a hero always has the high-quality taste to it. You too, Rowan. You did a good job delivering it to me.」

「Thanks, master!」Rowan grinned.

「I guess it's Rowan's turn now.」Kibadios pulled his cock out from the hero's asshole and gave him a devious smile.「Ryan, now is the time for you to payback for what Rowan did to you!」

「Yes master!」

「Huh? Waittt!」Rowan panicked. 「Let me prepare first… Waittttt!!!」

And so Rowan was pinned down by the hero, forced to experience the unspeakable pleasure that the hero himself experienced just a few moments ago. By the time their master finally released his cum, both of the slaves were exhausted. In the large bathtub, the two leaned exhaustedly onto their master while the now satisfied hybrid wrapped his arms around their shoulder.

(Updated on later date: click comment to see 2.5 pages of colored yaoi. I asked Hagane to redesign Rowan (wearing feather earring) and Ryan (wearing a circlet) so those will be their official appearance. :3 ) SOME HOW COMMENT DOESNT WORK. HERE'S THE LINK:

「Hmmm… You know what? Now think about it, I wonder if I have always been bisexual!」exclaimed the hybrid. After having enjoyed the company of two men after all these times, Kibadios suddenly realized an obvious fact.

「What's bisexual?」The tired Rowan asked.

「You know, gay, bisexual? Having sex with both men and women...」The hybrid was surprised that Rowan had just asked something simple.

「What do they mean?」Even Ryan did not know what the hybrid was talking about 「... Are those terms you used in your previous world?」

「Wait… you don't use them?」

「No?」Ryan was confused. 「In this world, when it comes to sexual preference, there are only two designations: "to do" or "to be done"」Now that his sex drive was satisfied, Ryan tried to clean up his speech, or else he would have said "'to fuck' or 'to be fucked'". 「Men can always do other men, women can always do other women. Such an arrangement is kinda normal, especially in big cities, master.」

「Is that so?」Kibadios thought about it for a moment. 「I guess such thinking was normal in ancient Rome too…」

「... Where's Rome?」asked Ryan.

「You know I'm a world traveller, right? Rome is a place back where I came from...」

「I have always been meaning to ask: Why did you never tell us you're a world traveller?」Ryan curiously asked.

「Ryan chan!」Rowan frowned. 「I'm sure Master has his reason.」

「... Cuz you dont need to know?」said Kibadios. 「Would it have make a difference?」

「Not really!」answered Ryan without any hesitation.

「Then there you have it!」smiled Kibadios.