Chapter 36: The first time with Ryuu (PORN!)




One gulp. One gulp of alcohol was all it took to transform the mighty hybrid into a complete mess. His usual cold and calm expression has been replaced by a beet red oblivious one in mere seconds after he had his first taste of alcohol in this lifetime. Both Rowan and Maia were blinking wide in disbelief while Ryuu hurried next to his master to support the wobbling hybrid.

「Wait a minute...」Rowan's eyebrows were twitching when he suddenly remembered the tiny detail that might explain the hybrid's extreme low tolerance of alcohol. 「... Wasn't master technically only 2 years old.」

「That's right!」Maia gasped. 「Does it mean he would only have the tolerance of a 2 years old kid?」

「No way… right?」

「Ahhh~~~」Kibadios' vision was swirling around, his face was wearing a silly smile that none of his slaves have seen before. 「Th--- Thanks, Ryuuuu tannnn! Man… Somehow I can't even stand still.」

「Yo, alchemist girl! Are you sure there's no poison in the alcohol?」Ryuu was worried.

「No, of course not! After all, we all drank some.」dismissed Maia.

「Ryuu kun… I think Master is just drunk.」Rowan walked to the hybrid and supported his other side.

「Ahh, Rowan-tannn!」The hybrid's face was brightened up the moment Rowan came to him. 「You're so cute, my Rowan tan!」His hand quickly grabbed onto the guy's ass.「Have I ever told you how cute you are? Hic…Wait, or do you prefer to be called handsome?」

Now, it was Rowan's face to blush beet red. After all, aside from being excited about his power's growth rate, his master rarely complimented or made any statements about his appearance before. Of course, the "Your asshole is so tight, Rowan! " comment that Kibadios would usually make while fucking him silly did not carry the same weight as "How cute you are." 「Either… Either is fine, master...」Rowan adorably muttered, completely forgetting the fact that his master's hand was now playing with his ass as if they were in their own private room.

「Master!」Maia walked hastily to the hybrid. 「Please watch your hand. We're still out...」

Before Maia could finish her sentence, the hybrid leapt forward, his hands placed on either side of the alchemist's face and gave the girl an unexpected deep french kiss. The girl quickly melted to the incubus' kiss, her mind only cleared up once the hybrid released her from his embrace.

「D-Dont worry, Maiaaa tann! You're cute … beautiful too! Hiccc. Did I ever tell.. guys how much I love you guys?」Kibadios wobbled for a few seconds before his hand reached out to Ryuu. Somehow, the dragonoid looked a bit annoyed. Before the hybrid could say something, his consciousness quickly left him.

「I'll take Master back to his tent.」volunteered Ryuu. Not caring for the other two human's replies, the dragonoid wrapped his master's arm around his shoulder and led him back to the tent to sleep.

「Thanks, Ryuu kun. Be careful」Maia nodded.

「He seems upset.」Rowan noted once both Ryuu and Kibadios had walked away.

「Of course he would.」smiled Maia. 「Imagine if Kibadios sama only pays intimate attention to Ryan chan and leaves you out, how would you feel? Especially for Ryuu kun, who has worshiped and devoted his life for Master for thousands of years, it'd be weird if he was fine with it.」

「You're telling me Ryuu kun wants to be in Master's harem? Now that you mentioned about it, he was a bit down when Master said there was no need for him to get the incubus crest too.」

「Yeah. Though if Ryuu wants to be part of Master's harem, now would be his best chance since Master's inhibition is completely gone. I wonder if he will join us and Ryan.」

「I don't mind sharing Master with him but I don't feel like he would take the initiative though.」Rowan wondered. 「Anyways, speaking of Ryan, is he still with the Princess?」

「Yeah, last I talked to him, he was still looking after Kyles. I don't think there's any progress on his recovery, even after he was taken care of by the royal doctors.」

「... You know that when Kyles suffered his injury, I was thinking of running over there to cast my on him.」Rowan's face turned grim. 「Though, seeing how Master was dealing with the creature and knowing that I could only cast once every day, I hesitated. I couldn't risk performing the skill on Kyles and left Master vulnerable. It turned out my judgement was right and that my skill was needed to save our Master. Still, I feel ashamed every time I face Ryan chan afterward… If only I was stronger.」

「Dont worry, Rowan」Maia gave the conflicting boy a comforting hug. 「I'm sure Ryan understands and he would do the same if he was in your position.」


The tent erected for the hybrid located next to the palace ground. It was large and decorated with a few royal emblems, befitting a place for a guest of honor of Maeg. Though, just like many other temporary tents constructed throughout the capital, there was not much inside but a simple bed.

「Easy… easy there, Kibadios sama!」Ryuu carefully placed his master down onto the bed. Once he was peacefully snoring in his sleep, the dragonoid slowly ran his hands along his beloved master's face, up to his flowing hair. 「I wonder if you don't see me as your descendants, would you judge me to be good enough, just like the humans, to be part of your harem, Kibadios sama...」The dragonoid let out a faint smile, thinking of the "what if" scenario where he got to serve his master intimately in his head, before bowing down, letting his soft, full lips slightly touch the hybrid's. Knowing he did not have the courage to embrace his master, Ryuu slowly stood up and turned around, intending to walk out of the tent and letting his master sleep through the night. Yet, his movement was restricted as he felt a hand grabbed onto his wrist.

「Huh? Mas...」Ryuu was planning to turn to his master to ask whether he needed any assistance, but the hand quickly pulled the dragonoid backward, causing him to fall down. Though, it did not hurt at all… Rather, Ryuu found himself landed onto the hybrid's soft embrace, his back fitted neatly against his master's stomach while his master's arms have already crossed around his body, hugging him tightly. In that intoxicated moment, having sat neatly on the hybrid's laps, he could feel something rising from the hybrid's crotch area and it's not the Shield hero. Ryuu's whole body was burning up and turning red as he realized his buttocks were now feeling his master's raging boner. Despite him struggling to sit up for Ryuu believed he was unworthy of receiving his master's "love", his reptilian tails were betraying himself for it was wagging excitedly as a dog, then instinctively wrapped around Kibadios' firm body.

「Ryuuuu tannn!!!」Kibadios affectionately called out the dragon's name as he slightly nipped his nape from behind. 「Stayyy hereeee with meeee! Why are you trying… hic… trying to get way from me? Do… Do you hateee me or what?」

「Of course not, Kibadios sama!」Ryuu quickly denied the hybrid's suggestion. 「I just dont think I'm good enough to… you know...」

「What?」Kibadios hands had now pulled the top part of Ryuu's traditional Japanese clothes down. Besides small batches of crystal-like scales on both sides of his curvy hip, Ryuu's skin was as white and smooth as a young maiden. Even Maia might have been jealous of the smooth and softness of his body. 「What do you… you mean not good enough?? You're...hic… You're adorable, Ryuu tannn! Just like a little puppy! I could just eat you up~~!!!!」The drunk hybrid sniffed the back of Ryuu's burning hot ears while playing rough with the dragonoid's now exposed nipples, pushing, pulling, and twitching them, causing the young man to writhe in pleasure. 「Ahhh… Your breasts are so cuteeee! This is the… what's it called… punishment! Yes, punishment for waking me up with a kiss and just left without doing what naturally comes next.」

「Haaa!!」Ryuu moaned out. 「I'm… I'm sorry, Master!... Hiiiii!!!!」Ryuu tried to suppress an unfamiliar high pitch voice that came out from his mouth.

「Huh?」Kibadios hands quickly moved down along Ryuu's stomach, then slid inside his pants. 「Did you cum just from my touch, Ryuu tan??」asked the hybrid, though he did not need any confirmation as his hand was now wrapping around Ryuu's erected, cum coated cock.

「I'm sorry, Kibadios sama! Let me clean your hands.」

「What? Hicc.. I can clean them myself.」Kibadios dismissed Ryuu then licked the dragonoid's cum right off his own hands. 「... Mmmm.. Delicioussss… Wanna try?」Again, not waiting for Ryuu's response, the hybrid pulled his head closer then kissed the young man, dashing his wet tongue around his mouth and shared what was left of the dragonoid's cum with him. The kiss went on for more than five minutes. By the end, Ryuu was reduced to nothing but a moaning mess. Kibadios creepily smiled, then pushed Ryuu down onto his bed while skillfully removing what was left of the young man's disheveled clothes. His own clothes were next to be discarded. Soon enough, both men were equally naked. 「Now, let's get started!」Kibadios declared, then rubbed his own throbbing cock onto Ryuu's. Despite having cummed once, Ryuu's 10 inches cock was now standing erected, pleasure coursing through his whole body as the cock of the being who he has been idolized since his childhood was now caressing his own.

「Haa… Kibadios sama...」was all he could whisper before the hybrid swooped down for another kiss. With both his mouth and cock being toyed with by his master, it was not long until he came the second time, shooting much of his cum onto his torso, which the hybrid was, again, eager to lick away. While cleaning cum off Ryuu's chest, Kibadios made sure to bite down at his breast, causing him to convulse several times as he felt the hybrid's teeth sank down into his sensitive skin. By the time Kibadios finished, dozens of hickies and teeth marks were left throughout his once smooth skin. 「Ryuuu tannnn!!!」Kibadios stupidly smiled at the half conscious dragonoid lying beneath him. 「Let's move onto the real thing!」

「Real… thing?」

「Yesshhh」Kibadios leaned down, sliding his body against Ryuu's, then whispered into his ear.「You'll love it, Ryuu tannn」

「Haa… I...」

With his two fingers, the hybrid inched closer to the dragonoid's twitching hole. After slowly swirling around the entrance, causing his submissive follower to moan and squirm around, the hybrid finally inserted his fingers inside and spread his asshole wide open, letting a bit of his own cum to drip down along his crotch into the hole to act as lubricant.


「Did I just find your prostate, Ryuu tan?」Smiled Kibadios as he licked off his servant's sweat on his face.

「Haaa… There!!!」Ryuu admitted.

「Good!」Wasting no time, Kibadios hurriedly thrusted his rod straight inside the dragonoid's dripping hole while Ryuu's arms were now wrapping around his beloved master's broad back. Thanks to having his reptilian tail, the dragonoid's hungry asshole was already elevated at the perfect angle to receive the hybrid's cock. One thrust was all it took for Ryuu to almost pass out from the unfamiliar intense pleasure that was coursing throughout his body. His toes curled up. His nails sank into the hybrid's back. Along with his saliba, a high pitched shrieking sound found itself escaping from Ryuu's mouth. His legs instinctively wrapped themselves around the hybrid's ass, helping his master to pound his asshole. The drunk hybrid continued to fuck Ryuu into oblivions, his cum filled balls slammed hard into the dragonoid's ass until he finally shoot his seed deep inside. Thinking it was almost over, the exhausted Ryuu was going to sit up, only to find the hybrid flipped his body around and continued to fuck him doggy style while his hands pulled and twitched his overstimulated nipples as if he was milking a cow. Fully giving in to the pain and pleasure his master was giving him, Ryuu's consciousness slowly drifted away while a pink incubus crest began to take shape above his crotch… (click on comment to see picture :3)


Both the master and the servant bowed down to each other as they woke up in the morning, fully aware of what they did during the night. For the hybrid, he had let his impulse take over his clouded mind and fucked someone who he considered his descendant while Ryuu was ashamed that he had given in to his lust and offered his unworthy body to his master, who he had always idolized as his god.

「Wait… Why are you apologizing?」asked Kibadios

「Last night… I knew you're not of a sound mind, yet, I was so happy that you wanted to fuck me to the point that I did not stop you… I should have known better!」

「What are you talking about...」Kibadios scratched his head, unable to look straight at the naked Ryuu.「Obviously I was in the wrong… I was so drunk that I pushed you down… Arghh!」

「... Am I really not good enough for you, Kibadios sama?」Ryuu timidly asked when seeing his master's frustration.

「Huh? No, that's not what I meant.」The hybrid quickly comforted the dragonoid once he noticed his naked servant was now on verge of crying.「 It's just I'm supposed to be your elder. What would Ryuujin say if he finds down I'm fucking his grandson...Ahhh...」

「It's my privilege to be of use to you, Master! And it's my privilege to be able to satisfy your sexual urge too...」Ryuu looked up at Kibadios with his puppy eyes. 「I'm sure Ryuujin would be proud I was able to serve you… in however way you like.」

「...」Kibadios was now hugging Ryuu since the dragonoid had leaned into his embrace. Thinking for a brief moment, the hybrid continued 「Are you sure you're fine with me doing you?」

「Of course master!」Ryuu nodded. 「As long as you need me, I'd do whatever you ask of me.」

「Then that settles it! Welcome to Master's harem, Ryuu chan!」A feminine voice excitedly declared.

「Maia?」Kibadios turned around, only to see Maia happily smile at him.

「Goodmorning, master!」greeted the alchemist. 「I have drawn a bath for you. It's in the tent next door. You should take a bath to wake you up from that hangover.」

Hangover? That's right… Kibadios' head was still heavy as fuck. 「Thanks, Ma...」Suddenly, just how he remembered what happened with Ryuu, he just remembered a faint memory relating to Rowan and Maia, about how he confessed to them how much he loved them. 「... Say, Maia… Did I say anything to you and Rowan last night?」

「Huh?」Maia pretended to look puzzling.「Like what? You were so drunk right after you took a sip of that alcohol that it almost knocked you out cold. We had Ryuu chan bring you here. When we came back, we realized you were having fun with Ryuu chan so we did not want to interfere.」Maia winked at the dragonoid.「After all, it's his first time with Master.」

「Is that so?」Kibadios shook his head. Weird, I remembered something different but then it was so fuzzy, I don't know if it happened or not…「Then forget it. Ryuu, wants to join me?」

「Not now, master...」Ryuu's face was bright red once he realized he was looking at Kibadios naked.「I think if I see you naked anymore, I'd die of happiness… I'll wash myself later. But, before you go, I just want to make sure… Is it really okay for me to be part of your harem?」

「... Yeah… If you're fine with it. After all that happened yesterday, I need to take responsibility right?」

「Thanks Master!」Ryuu eagerly nodded, unable to hide his own excitement. Waiting until Kibadios left the tent, Ryuu turned to the alchemist girl. 「Why did you lie to master?」


「About what he told you and Rowan when he was drunk.」

「Well, I think Master will feel really conflicted if he learns what he told us when he was drunk. After all, we are only his servants, his slaves who tried our best to serve him. He had only considered us as his tools, at least that's how he wants us to feel. Let's just pretend he did not say anything last night.」Maia gave Ryuu a smile.「Maybe, one day, when he's more true to his heart, we will tell him.」
