Bonus: Sexy time with Maia

Okay, I did not forget about the only girl (so far) in the harem. It's just the artist took a long time to finish this (2 months minus 2 days to be precised,) though it came out perfectly, much similar to my imagination on how the poses (I did specify them though lol)/expressions/atmosphere/character designs. This was the second most expensive request I made and one of my top 3 favorites so far :D

Artist: Flügel


Pixiv ID: 14016789

These are just general poses of sexy times between Kibadios and Maia, no specific time and chapter. I'd say it's after he left an incubus mark on her. Why her incubus mark is different from Rowan and Ryan? Cuz they were drawn by different artists and I didnt have the reference of the marks for them lol but canonically in the story, let's go with a simple reason: male and female get different crest. :D

Please click on the comment at the link to see the picture :3

PS: Somehow I think the comment did not work for the 2.5 pages yaoi manga I commissioned (my most satisfied commission to date) for "Bonus: Bathroom sex" so here's the link in case you miss it: