Chapter 86: The porn chapter_ft. The elven twins.

「... I'm … sorry Yue…」Holding his sister's warm hand, the brother softly whispered. The two shaman twins were now sitting side by side on the edge of a large bed in the middle of a dark room, with only fickle candle light illuminated part of the bed they were on. As per tradition dictated, both of the twins were fully naked without a single piece of clothes on their body, except for the red veil that covered their heads.

「What's there to be sorry about, Nii sama?」Yue smiled.「We both fought Kibadios dono to our fullest potential and we both lost… It's just simple as that」

「But, if only I was being more cautious…」

「... Maybe it's fate that we lost to him, Nii sama.」

「What do you mean?」

「Right when he stopped me from trying to unseal The First…」Yue hesitated for a moment as if she was trying to ascertain her own memory. 「... he did use The First's name.」

「Use The First's name?」Ren was surprised. 「You mean…」

「Yes. He called her "Faye." The name that was purposefully erased by The First herself through her runecraft spell. The name that supposedly only us Royalty would know.」Yue continued.「... You remember the vow that we took when we were first told of The First's name at the altar?」

「It can't be him.」

「 "We, the descendants of Faye the First Runecrafter, the members of the Kingdom of Yue's royal family, do solemnly swear, to offer our unconditional assistance to the one individual who can utter The First's real name. We will be that person's swords and shields, eyes and ears. We will stand by that person through any obstacles and trials. For we will fulfill the oath that was made, even in the face of death and destruction." 」Yue recited

「But… Why him? Who is he? Why is The First expecting him?」

「Those are not something we can answer… Maybe Kibadios dono can tell us himself.」

「Tell you guys what?」Kibadios walked in and interrupted the twins' conversation. Even though the hybrid knew that the twins were expected to be spending the night with him since they were now considered part of his harem, he did not expect to see them already fully naked, waiting on the edge of the bed. His gaze moved up and down the two elves' bodies, admiring their snow white, silky smooth skins without any traces of defects. Given the cold winter night in the forest, the two pairs of pink nipples were almost fully erected. Kibadios' cock twitched slightly as he leered down at their smooth, hairless private parts.

「Tell us how did you know The First's name!」Ren turned to the door where the hybrid stood.

「Faye? What about her name?」surprised Kibadios.

「Her name is supposed to be erased from existence by The First's special runecraft spell. No one but us, the royalties of Yue, would know of her name. No one but us can speak her name.」Explained Ren.

「Why would she do that?」confused Kibadios.

「... Because she expected that in the far future, long after her death, a special someone would appear and the royal members of the Kingdom of Yue are supposed to rally behind that person.」Yue calmly explained.「There's a myth surrounding our Kingdom's founding that is only passed down along the descendants of The First's lineage. We personally did not want it to be true, but it stated that the only purpose for our kingdom's existence is to await that special someone's arrival and to help that special someone achieve their goal…」

「There's no way that's him!」Ren angrily denied.

「What's your relation with The First? How did you know her name?」Unlike her brother, Yue was much more rational.

「...」Kibadios thought for a few seconds before approached both of them.「I'm not obligated to tell you two anything.」

「You!!」growled Ren.

「... One last chance though.」Kibadios warned. 「Since you're descendants of Faye, I'll give you two one last chance to back out of this. I've had a talk with Yllaner and she explained to me that in your tradition, as the winner of the duel, I have the right to claim you two, and I also have the right to expel you two from my harem if I deem you're not good enough after the first night we spend together… If you want to, I can pretend to have fuck you two tonight and I'll expel you first thing tomorrow morning.」

「You… Stop fucking kidding me!」Ren angrily stood up. 「On top of seeing us naked and forcing us into this situation, you now want us to live in shame as someone who have been rejected?」

「I see. So, I take it as you guys willingly decide to become mine. I'm a man, on top of being an incubus, I will not turn down any beauties like you two who practically beg to be fucked by me.」Kibadios smirked.

「Shut up with the vulgar talk and just get this over with!」demanded Ren.

「... Fine.」Kibadios reached out to the two red veils and swiftly pulled them down, revealing both of the twin's blushing faces.「Now that the veil is off, I have finally seen every part of your naked body. You two officially belong to me and only me! Now, is it time you offer me your first kiss?」

「In your dream!」Ren refuted with his distinct scowling face, though he still could not hide his embarrassment.

「Huh? That's weird. You're willing to let me fuck you, yet draw a line at kissing?」

「... That's not it, Kibadios sama.」Yue shook her head.「Now that our veils have been taken off, we officially belong to you… You can do anything to us since we're yours, but the moment we initiate a kiss with you, that's when we acknowledge our love to you. Such gesture cannot be forced onto us, even if you command us to.」

「I see.」Kibadios smiled and leaned toward Yue, his hand grabbed onto her face before he pressed his lips against hers. Soon enough, his wet tongue was able to find its way inside her warm mouth.

「Haaa」The girl moaned. She instinctively tried to push the hybrid out at first, but quickly stopped the moment she realized it was within his right to give her a kiss instead. The kiss continued for quite some time, allowing Kibadios to mix his saliva, which acted as aphrodisiac, with her own fluid. By the time he ended the kiss, a string of saliva could be seen arching downward, connecting her mouth with his.「Kiba…dios sama…」The girl muttered.

「That's just a warm up, Yue.」The hybrid said before placing his hand onto the elven girl's chest and slowly moved down onto her breast. The sensual touch, on top of the aphrodisiac fluid she just consumed, caused her hairless pussy to twitch before the girl finally squirted violently and wetted part of the bed where she stood.

「Stop torturing my sister!」Ren shouted, though this only caused the hybrid to switch his attention to the male elf.

「Don't be impatient, Ren. I won't neglect you.」Kibadios grinned, provoking the elf even more. Once he saw the stimulants were now working on the sister, the hybrid turned to the brother, reaching his hand out to grab Ren's jaw before squeezing it, forcing the elf to open his mouth. Once he did, Kibadios aligned his opened mouth on top of Ren, slowly allowing his saliva to drip down into the elf, a technique that he had used on his other harem members so many times. As his fluid built up inside the elf's mouth to the perfect amount, the hybrid finally stopped and forced Ren to close his mouth and gulped down the mixture between his own saliva and that of the hybrid's. The moment the mixture of fluid ran down passed his throat, Ren could feel the intense heat start to radiate from within his body.

「See? That's the feeling your sister is experiencing. It feels good, isn't it? How can that be torturous?」Kibadios licked his lip before he noticed Ren's ears, much like his sister, were twitching and blushing red, much like his hardening elven cock. 「Say, I was once told that Elves' ears are one of the most sensitive parts of their bodies. Is it true?」Without waiting for the answer that he knew would probably not come from Ren's mouth, Kibadios reached out to both of the former elven prince's ears before rubbing them hard, mixing in with light flicks that caused Ren to shriek in pleasure.

「Haaa… Hiiiiiii」The elf squirmed around the bed, trying his best to subside the orgasmic release he was able to unleash.「S…STTOOPPPPP」The elf begged, though it was too late since his cock violently convulsed from the intense pleasure he was experiencing and shot out a thick, white stream of semen that covered most of his smooth, slender chest.

「... I take that as a yes.」Kibadios lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and slowly licked away the cum covering the elf's nipple. Having his sensitive part stimulated even more, the elf could only moaned in ecstasy as Kibadios finally finished playing with them, pulling it with his teeth one last time before turning his attention back to the sister, who has regained some of her awareness.「Ren's cum tastes as good as Ryan and others… though it's a bit thick.」said Kibadios before wiping his mouth, then stood up and undressed himself before turning to Yue. The female elf, who was lying on the bed, had just regain awareness after being overcomed by waves of orgasm, opened her eyes to see Kibadios' fully naked body, precum leaking from his raging hard cock as he reached out to the girl and pulled her up into his embrace.

「I've tasted your brother, I guess it's time I try yours.」Just as he finished his sentence, the hybrid mouth reached out to the former princess' firm breast before sinking down his teeth, causing the concerned looking girl to react violently.

「Kibadios sama…」The girl tried her best to form a comprehensive speech. 「Please… don't… bite…. Haaa… It feels… haa… feels… ahhhh」Her drenched pussy inched upward as another wave of orgasm washed over her trembling body.

「It's not over yet, Yue. It's only just started.」declared Kibadios. His hand quickly grabbed onto the girl's thigh and raised it up, revealing her wide opened pussy.「If you've been cumming just from those slight touches, how will you fare when I thrust my cock inside you?」The hybrid teasingly aligned his cock right outside the girls' pussy before sliding it back and forth.「Until you beg me to fuck you, I will just keep my cock outside like this.」Kibadios smirked.

「Pl..」Yue tried her best to restrain her noble self, yet, to no avail for her pussy now experienced an intense itch that she knew nothing but the hybrid's enormous cock could scratch. 「Please… Kibadios sama… please… 」

「Fuck me with your cock.」Kibadios taught the girl.

「... please fuck me with your cock!」screamed Yue with a bright red face.

「Much obliged!」Kibadios nodded before violently pumping his cock deep inside the girl's virginal hole, causing her mind to shatter into pieces as the pleasure coursed through her body. As he continued to thrust back and forth, one of his hand, which temporarily rested on the girl's stomach, began to travel upward before it freely grabbed her breast and giving her a continously sensual squeezing.

「Haa… Ahhhh… Ki…badios… sama… I'mm… 」After a while, the girl's arms voluntarily grabbed around the hybrid, pulling him down closer to her. 「I'm cumming!!!! Please… stoppp thrusting!!!」The girl begged.

「Can't do!」denied the hybrid.「I have yet cummed myself.」Kibadios leaned in for a kiss, which caused the girl's inner pussy walls to wrap around his cock even more. 「Just a bit more!」The hybrid fastened his pace before one final thrust that shot his thick hybrid's cum inside the girl's uterus. The pair finally calmed down after Kibadios slowly pulled his still erected cock out of Yue's pussy, allowing his own seeds to gush out from her crotch like a raging river.

「It's not over yet, Yue.」Kibadios lowered the exhausted elf down onto the bed, though she was barely responsive.「Hmm… your stamina is fairly low. Maia was able to keep up with me for a while during her first time. Oh well, It's not fun when you're not conscious, but there's nothing I can do.」Kibadios shook his head before aiming his cock at the girl's pussy again. Though before he could thrust in, he could feel someone grabbing him from behind.

「Stop doing it with my sister!」growled Ren. The former elven prince was shaking, his saliva drooling down from the effect of the hybrid's biological aphrodisiac.「She's exhausted! I will take her place!」

「... Fine!」Kibadios smiled, his eyes gazed down at the elf's beet red cock, which was in desperate need of release.「Though, I wonder how long you can keep up with me, angry elf kun.」The hybrid dragged the elf up to the middle of the bed, before slamming him down on his stomach, letting his round, ample ass facing up toward him..

「Is there something you want to beg? If not, I'll go back to Yue.」Kibadios teased the brother the same way he did with the sister.

「... Please… please fuck… fuck my asshole with your thick cock」Ren begrudingly said while spreading his asscheek apart.

「If you insist, angry elf kun!」Kibadios leapt forward, pushing his cock inside the elf's warm, tight hole in one smooth motion. The sudden thrust caused the elf to shriek loudly, not from pain but pleasure. As the hybrid continued to piston his cock harder and harder against Ren's asshole, hitting his prostate with every thrust and his hands stretched around to play with the elf's sensitive nipples, the unspeakable pleasure intensified. The elf's defiant, teary eyes look quickly was replaced with a dumb, euphoric expression as the hybrid continue to thrust his cock inside the elf' asshole even after he has cummed inside it several time, causing a small bulge to appear on the elf's otherwise flat, lean stomach.




「For it to be your first time ever… it was not great, not terrible」declared Kibadios after the fucking session while leaning back against the sturdy bedhead. By now, the two elven twins were practically unconscious, cums leaking from their asses and pussy, with their reasoning minds shattered by the continuous pleasure Kibadios gave them. With the sister lying on his left and the brother on his right, Kibadios slightly pressed their heads against his still raging hard cock and to his amusement, the twin dazedly moved their mouth up and down, kissing and licking the cock that had fucked them into submission.




「Ha!」Ren sprung up from the bed, breaking out in cold sweat. The elf slowly looked down at his naked body, only to find it to be coated in dried cum. 「... Last night was real…」

「Yes.」His sister, who had been awake for some time, confirmed. 「Kibadios sama had left for a bath a while ago. He said we should also take one once you're up.」

「That fucker!」Ren clenched his fist.

「... Please, don't be angry, Nii sama.」Yue smiled. 「I have thought about it and I think it's fate.」


「Yes. If Kibadios sama is truly the person who The First was waiting for, then it's only natural for us, the last royal member of the Kingdom of Yue to serve him. Maybe it's the reason why we were able to escape that massacre 20 years ago, when our kingdom fell. Maybe it's the reason why Kibadios sama saw us naked two days ago at that lake in the night. Maybe it's the reason we lost to him at the duel… Maybe, we are meant to serve him, to fulfill the oath of The First.」said Yue before stepping off the bed.

「But that pervert did all those things to you… and me.」

「Well, to be fair, he did offer to "free" us and we were the ones who refused.」Yue recalled. 「Like I said… maybe it's all fated. Besides, he's a half incubus. From everything we learn about what incubus race is capable of in bed, he's pretty tame by comparison. I wonder if he was worried about us.」

「Ha.. As if!」Ren followed his sister. 「... But… maybe you're right… Maybe, we are meant to be by his side. We need to make him spill the beans to us on why he knew The First's name… Though, don't try to make me addressing him obediently.」

「I never expect you to, Nii sama.」Yue chuckled.

Artist: mattai? Myyyy?


Pixiv ID: 3678533

Click on the comment on the link below. :)

I commissioned from the artist because I was hoping for a more primal/wild sex scene as a change of pace but it didn't turn out as I hope lol. I had to edit Yue's breast to make it look bigger lol.

Also: Looking for some stories to read, I welcome your recommendations :) Genre Im looking for: fantasy/seme Male lead/action/yaoi or bisexual is fine.