Chapter 93: The next step

「Yo boss! You're home?」Uri, the red head vice captain, barged in the guest house in the early hours of the morning, all excited since he learned that Kibadios had found the one he was looking for, which meant they could finally set out for Monas Kye. Although he was expecting some response, greeting him was complete silence as he screened the guest room before him.「Don't tell me you're still sleeping. It's already 9 am. How lazy are you, danchou?」The vice captain aggressively made his way through the inner hallway toward the master bedroom, though a strange scent began to slow him down. The more the scent penetrated his nose, the more dizzy he became, his cock started to twitch slightly under his pants. 「... This is… Don't tell me…」

「What's up, Uri?」The door to the master bedroom swung open as the half naked Kibadios slowly walked out from the room. Wearing only his pants, his bare upper body was fully exposed, filled with tons of hickies and scratch marks on his back. Since he has yet taken shower, his dried cum, mixed with fluids from his harem, seemingly coated his whole body.「... Are you okay?」The hybrid asked since the vice captain was now weakly leaning against the wall, sweats covered his red beet face.「What's with the blushing face? You're a hybrid human-incubus right? So you should be getting used to seeing people half naked people…」

「Stay there, Danchou! Don't come near me!」Uri cried out, before biting down his own arm to the point of bleeding in order for him to break out of the trance state he was in.「... Why… does it have to be you! What a hassle!」Uri hurriedly stepped back away from the hybrid before rushing out of the house without an explanation.

「... What's with him?」asked Ryuu as he emerged from the room, along with the others.

「Who knows.」shrugged Kibadios.「Anyways, let's take a bath together.」Kibadios grinned before pulling Maia toward him and effortlessly lifted her up and carried her to the adjacent bathroom like a bride.

「... We will take one later.」Ren scowled.

「Nonsense. We have enough room for everyone. Are you disobeying my order, Ren chan?」


「... Of course not, Kibadios sama.」Yue smiled lightly.「If that's what you wish for, we will both oblige.」

The morning bath, although would take no more than 5 minutes individually, ended up lasting for more than an hour since Kibadios' cock has again become "energetic."




「Hmm, okay. I have erected a barrier detecting any human movements in a 30 meter radius. This should give us some privacy.」said Kibadios.

「Master, why are we here?」Maia was the first to ask the hybrid after her and the others obediently followed him into the forest after the late breakfast. They all had a hunch that he wanted to discuss his future plan regarding the Astrals, since he specifically commanded both the elven siblings to stay back, but none dared to ask, seeing how serious Kibadios looked.

「Is it about the Astrals?」Reuk asked once both he and Haden (I think I have misspelled his name as "hayden" a few times haha) finally arrived separately to the secluded area deep in the thick wood.

「... Yes.」Kibadios nodded.「Before we set out to Monas Kye, I want to share with you all my intentions regarding the future conflict and the secret history that I learned a while back… I made a mistake of hiding my plans from all of you, forcing Ryan to shoulder all the responsibility and such secrecy almost killed Rowan… I'm sorry for my thoughtlessness.」Kibadios turned to the two teenagers who were both shocked at the vulnerability their Master displayed. For the first time since meeting him, this was the first time they have ever seen their master discarded his confidence and indifference attitude.

「... Kibadios」Reuk muttered. You have really changed .

「Stop blaming yourself, master!」Rowan was the first to speak up. 「This whole ordeal was all my fault. I was simply an idiot that almost foiled your plan.」The healer shot Ryan a sorrowful look. 「and my rash action even forced Ryan chan to attack me, making himself feel miserable for more than a month… I'm sorry, Master… I'm sorry, Ryan chan!」

「No, don't say that, Rowan chan!」Ryan's eyes were filled with tears.「You were only trying to fulfill your promise to me back in the Ryuujin cave.」

「Haa」Maia sighed「... Master, have you not realized it?」Maia spoke up with a smile.「Even if all of us here were to lose our lives for you and your cause, we would all gladly accept it.」


「Maia senpai is right, Master.」It was now Ryuu's turn to speak up.「Without you… without meeting you, none of us would be standing here right now. Rowan senpai and Maia senpai would probably be dead and their village, destroyed. Ryan senpai would be turned into Desmond's plaything, just like Haden, experiencing a fate worse than death. With my mind infected with the , I myself would be mindlessly rampaging across this world even if I was somehow released from my seal. My little kouhai here, Yuusei chan, would most likely be killed by the slavers or angry mobs」Ryuu wrapped his arms around the mutant's shoulder and pulled him in.

「Yuusei die for Master!」The mutant nodded in agreement.

「Is that so?」Kibadios gave the mutant a warm smile while tenderly ruffled his hair.「If that's how you really feel, then don't die, live for me instead, Yuusei chan.」

「Master.」Even the expressionless mutant seemed shocked witnessing his master's gentleness.

「I'd be lying if I deny ever thinking of you all as simply my tools to use and discard, much like the God Emperor and his Primarchs.」Kibadios looked around.「But now, after having you by my side all this time, I'd be lying if I claim I care not for your lives and well being. You are too important to me.」

「「Kibadios sama!」」The group called out to their shared master in tears.

「I used to think that my reincarnation this time is for the sole purpose of destroying the Astrals no matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice…Ha, and don't get me wrong here 」Kibadios chuckled for a second. 「I'm not trying to defy the Astral because of some noble ideal or because I want to protect this world. After all, I'm no protagonist of a shounen manga. I wanted to destroy them, simply to quench my thirst for vengeance… for my own selfish desire. I was willing to eradicate the majority of lives on Esthar just to achieve my goal, just to mess with the Astral and bring them down once and for all… and I know you may hate me for saying this, but there were times in the past, when I would not hesitate to sacrifice any of you for that. But after having almost lost you three during the fight against the Chaos infected Prime Minister…」Kibadios turned to Rowan, Ryan, and Maia before walking in front of the healer, gently pinching his soft cheek. 「the brief shock and fear when I learned from Matelus that Aspen almost killed Ryuu… then experiencing the time when I thought I had lost Rowan forever… the regret, the frustration, the feeling of hopelessness… It reminded me of the emotions I felt when I was still Zaeryn 10k years ago, when I was hopelessly watching my family and friends being cut down by the Astral… That was when I realized you all meant more to me than what I convinced myself to believe… I don't want to lose any of you. I want you all to stay close by my side until the end… or at least, until my end.」

「Kibadios sama! We all possess this mark right?」Ryuu grinned while touching his lower stomach, where the incubus mark located.「This means that we all belong to you… our bodies, our souls, our everything, they all belong you to, Kibadios sama, so of course we will stay with you until the end.」

「Don't say "the end", Ryuu chan!」Maia frowned.「It sounds too ominous. It should be "forever," shouldn't it?」

「Ah, Maia senpai is right!」Ryuu blinked, realizing his mistake.

As Reuk kept on observing the conversation between Kibadios and his harem in amusement, the former elf could not help but let out a faint chuckle. She could still remember the first few days when she was absorbed into the hybrid, how cold and hateful the hybrid had appeared to her, declaring how Ryan would be forever his slave, how the hero would remain his tool to be used and discard. Granted, Kibadios was correct in declaring that Ryan would remain his, but Reuk bet not in a million years would the hybrid have guessed that he would genuinely care for the hero and others like he did now.

「So, what's your plan now, Kibadios?」Reuk was the one who asked, since he was looking forward to Kibadios' answer more than anyone around.

「...First, let me tell you what Matelus told me a month ago.」Kibadios turned grim before he recounted the meeting with his disciple in the temple at the bottom of the lake. As Kibadios continued to speak, the group could not hide their shock and horror at learning the hidden history of the cursed world they lived in. The history that sounded so ridiculous that had they heard it from someone else other than Kibadios, they would dismiss it as a fantasy story written by a rather unimaginative author with too much time on their hands. The group remained silent, motionless for a while after Kibadios finished speaking, seemingly trying to process what they have just learned: their world is doomed, regardless of whether Kibadios could destroy the Astral or not.

「Originally, I planned to use HaoS to burn this world to ashes once I gain enough power to maintain him in the physical world for the whole duration of the ritual. By doing so, I will be able to kill off the majority of lives living in Esthar, depriving the Astral the ability to harvest their souls. I even got Lance to agree to shelter and protect me during the ritual.」Kibadios explained.「I figure most of those who are living now will be killed off by the Astral anyways once the Harvest starts, so whether dying by my hand or the Astrals, they would all end up with the same fate… If they were killed by me, then, at least, their death would lead to the destruction of the Yggdrasil and Astral's immortality in the process, allowing me to gain a chance to fight them in a fair battle, killing as many of those self-proclaimed gods as I can before I perish…」Kibadios paused, knowing what he was going to say next would upset his harem.「... and even if I fail and I'm killed in the midst of battle against them, at least, I know they will not be able to regain their immortality ever again and eventually, those Astrals who survive will surely die sooner or later. Then, from the ashes of the old world, those who survive the ritual will continue to live on and rebuild the world, free from the shackles of the Astrals… Sort of like what happens at the end of Ragnarok in Norse Mythology…」

「... But now, if Master carries out the plan successfully…」Rowan spoke up. 「then it would also means the end of the world, since the destruction of Yggdrasil would result in Kaernas' reawakening.」

「Yes. And according to Matelus, who yearns for the destruction of this world and this cycle of hatred, Kaernas will destroy this very reality we're in.」Kibadios nodded.

「... What the hell is this…」Reuk was shaken. 「Are we doomed, unable to do anything but to continue this endless cycle of destruction and rebirth?」

「I didn't know anything about this…」Ryuu muttered.「... Are you telling me the Astrals and their endless cruelty are actually in the right? They're actually the protectors that this world needs?」

「... "Right"?」Kibadios raised his eyebrows.「There's no such thing as right or wrong, Ryuu chan. Everything is subjective. They are only "right" because they have always been the victors in these endless battles between them and those who challenged them.」

「... Kibadios sama.」This time, it was Haden who joined the conversation. 「... Then, have you yet arrived at the answer for this dilemma?」

「Matelus asked the same question. At the time, I did not have it ready for him. But now I have some time to think of what I will do next.」Kibadios paused and looked at Ryuu. 「It may not be the "right" answer, but in truth, I really don't care. I will do what I want, whether it is "right" or not.」

「What have you decided?」Reuk stared at Kibadios.

「I've decided to pull an uno reverse card.」The hybrid grinned ear to ear, though just as usual, none would understand what he meant.

「You don't mean…」gasped Reuk.

「Yes, since the beginning of time, the Astrals have turned the inhabitants of Esthar into the Yggdrasil's fertilizers, preventing Kaernas awakening while prolonging their lifespan indefinitely. It may be true that what they do is necessary for the preservation of this world, but it doesn't mean it's the only option.」Kibadios raised his hand up, sparking a small ember that morphed into the shape of Modun Realm before crushing it.「If fertilizers, as in souls, are always needed to nourish Yggdrasil, then why can't it be paid by those arrogant Astrals? Why can't we turn the table on them and harvest their lives instead? That, is my answer!」Kibadios declared.「I will crush those Enneads and turn their realm into nothing but a farm!」The hybrid's anger seemed to rise as he continued.「I want to see the despair in their eyes as they experience the same fate that they have inflicted upon Esthar… and to this end, I know I can't do it alone, no matter how strong I think I am. Hence, much like Bojji, I will create my own nation from scratch, building my own base of power before waging the last war against them. A war that will decide, whether Esthar will continue to live as livestock, or will Modun now be finally dragged down from their golden thrones.」

「... But that would only continue the cycle of hatred… even if you achieved your goal, ages from now, maybe some Astrals from the Realm of Modun that resents living under the yolk of Esthar's oppression, would wage another war and flip the roles between the two realms again… an endless cycle… of war and death, much like the worlds existed during the time of the True Gods.」Reuk logically pointed out the flaw in Kibadios' plan.

「That… is not my problem.」Kibadios nonchalantly dismissed the concern.「If I succeed in my plan of subjugating the Astrals and eons from now, some Astrals decide to rebel and wage another war to reverse their fortune, then so be it. They have the right to do so, much like how I, now, have the right to challenge the Astrals. After all, "might makes right." My hatred is directed toward the Enneads and the Astrals who were present 10k years ago, not toward their descendants.You're probably tired of hearing this, but I'm not some all-powerful shounen protagonists that can resolve all the problems plaguing their stories. There is no "right answer"… only "answer" that prevails in the end. Maybe Matelus' answer will be it and that in the end, we will be destroyed by the God Killer Kaernas. Maybe the Astral's answer will continue to be the correct choice, in which Esthar will continue to be enslaved to serve their needs. Maybe my answer will be realized. We will not know until we reach that final moment, won't we? 」

「...」Haden knelt down. Among all of those surrounding Kibadios, his hatred toward the Astrals was second only to Kibadios.「I will serve you until my end, Kibadios sama.」

「And no matter what you do, Master, you will find all of us standing by your side.」Every single member of his harem also knelt down in front of the hybrid.

「Wow wow wow, peer pressure.」Reuk gave Kibadios a defeated smile before patting her chest.「Fine, count me in as a citizen of your so-called nation, Kibadios. Of all the options we have, I guess yours is the most sensible.」

「Yeah, act like you have a choice.」teased the hybrid.「You do know that you're standing there in the homunculus body is all thanks to my binding ritual?」

「Can you not ruin my moment!?」complained Reuk.

「Now, Rowan, there's something else I have to tell you.」Kibadios turned to the "healer." 「It's regarding your true power.」

「My power?」Rowan blinked blankly.

Far off in the distance, a butterfly fluttered its wings before shattering into thousands pieces of paper and floating away along the small breeze.




「... Zaeryn…」Yue softly spoke up moments after catching a small piece of paper on her hand.

「...Then it all makes sense now.」Ren sighed.「So… this is why the First built "it" within our Royal Chamber and why all of us with royal blood had to take that vow.」

「Us meeting Kibadios sama… is really fated to happen.」Yue concluded.

「Yeah… since we're the last of the royal blood…」Ren nodded.





The hybrid beastman crashed down into the mountain, shattering half of it into rubble as the lone Astral descended down, examining the lifeless body covered in blood.

「If you want to blame someone for your misfortune, blame that so-called sworn brother of yours, Yonko.」The man cracked his neck. Although he had been in a battle that lasted more than half an hour, the man did not have a single scratch on his body.