Chapter 119: The plan

「HAHHH?? What do you mean we will agree to their proposal?」Ren scowled.

「That's right, Master! I don't know what the Yin Empire is looking for, asking for a meeting with Yue chan, but there's nothing good that can come out of it.」Maia nodded while wrapping her arm around Yue. 「We should only entertain this offer if their Commander is to come to us, unarmed.」

「Master, what are you planning?」Unlike the rest, Rowan fully expected his Master to already have a plan in mind.

「Well, we want to take out Wei Shimin, right?」The group nodded. 

「But currently, we don't know where he is, right?」The group also nodded.

「And on top of that, we don't know where his supposed base of operation, the 'laboratory' is, correct?」

The group also nodded, though it was Rowan who suddenly realized what his Master was thinking about. 「Wait, so you meant to use the meeting between Yue chan and him as a way to determine the his location and location of the laboratory?」

「Yes.」Kibadios nodded. 「Technically speaking, as of right now, it's really easy to get to him. We're at war, so if anything, the moment he marches his army over here and joins up with Hou Yi's army, he should be the one who leads the next assault on this city. If we wait until then, we can easily locate and assassinate him. But even if we do succeed, I fear we will forever be unable to locate the laboratory. Furthermore, the scenario of Alsen having to fend off a combined army is one of the least desirable, since it would result in a large casualty. However, if we agree to his proposal, it would be more likely that he would retreat toward his base of operation and carry out the meeting there.」

「But he would also equally likely stay at Ka'shinu, the city he had just conquered.」Ren asked.

「You're right, but if I were him, I would not want to stay at a place where I had just decimated, where my army is still actively suppressing the gruella insurrections.」


「Because I cannot hold a good reception ceremony to welcome the princess that I want to meet with.」Kibadios answered.「Despite everything else, he's still a Prince of a proud and ancient Yin Empire that has existed in one form or another for 1000 years, an empire full of traditions and ceremonies, if what you two have told me is correct.」The hybrid looked at Ren.「If we just judge the tone of the proposal, he did not command Yue chan to come to meet him. He merely suggests that she does. He could just intimidate her into meeting him by threatening to destroy Alsen. But on the contrary, he offered to enter a ceasefire with us in exchange for the meeting, indicating he wants us to think he's treating Yue chan as an equal… Whether he would keep his promise regarding the ceasefire, that's another question. Regardless, if they were to converse with one another as equals, I'm sure such a meeting between the prince and princess from another state would require a few preparations and elaborate ceremonies. Of course, maybe I'm wrong and he will only meet with Yue chan at Ka'shinu like Ren chan said. Even if that's the case, comparing with killing him in the midst of a massive battle between his force and ours, this agreement would still allow us to kill him with minimal casualties being inflicted on the populace.」

「So… does it mean you will come with Yue?」Ren asked. After listening to his Master's explanation, the former prince had calmed down a bit.

「Of course!」Kibadios cocked his head.「Did you really think I'd let my precious princess go  to the enemies alone?」

「Ha, I guess not.」A brief smile of relief appeared on Ren's face. The former prince had slightly doubted the integrity of his Master when the hybrid easily agreed to the proposal that might put his sister in danger, but seeing how much Kibadios cared for his sister, Ren already felt a bit shameful. 

「You've worried too much, Nii sama.」Yue smiled.「Regardless of what Kibadios sama decides, it's our job to carry out his will.」

  Did you have that much faith in Kibadios… sama, Yue…  Ren suddenly gave his twin sister a sorrowful look.  Or rather, you just don't care whatever's going to happen to you anymore. Unlike me, your frozen heart has not been swayed by his charisma, hasn't it, Yue…. 

「Using Yue dono to get to Wei Shimin and his base of operation?」Kailos thought for a moment.「You may be correct that this is the only chance, but there are so much risks involve, Kibadios.」

「Yeah, my King. If you're only allowing this meeting because you're worried about our safety, then don't.」Ectharen spoke up.「Each and every inhabitant in Monas Kye is ready to fight and die for our freedom. Even if we are facing against the endless waves of Yin Empire soldiers, none of us would be backing down.」

「Ectharen dono is right, Your Majesty.」Wylan chimed in.「You don't have to risk Yue dono's safety just to protect us.」

「No, that's not it. I do want to protect innocent lives here in Alsen…」Kibadios shook his head.「But did you not hear what I just said? I do have ulterior motives for trying to find Wei Shimin's base since that's most likely where my mother is being kept. I want to save my mother too.」Kibadios looked at Yue.「And Yue chan will never be in any danger, for I will be by her side.」

「That settles it!! Then we're all going with Yue as her entourage?」Ryuu wagged his tail, as if he was a loyal dog waiting for his master's command.

「No, not all of us.」Kibadios corrected the dragonoid.「In fact, it'd be just Yue chan and I. You all are to stay here and protect Alsen in my absent.」

「「「What??」」」The group shouted.

「What? You don't trust me and my strength?」Kibadios smirked. 

「No, that's not it… but it's just that we don't want to part from you, Master.」Ryan pouted. 

「Even to the point the point of disobeying my order?」Kibadios sternly asked.

「We… don't dare to…」The group resigned.

「No matter what you say, I'll come with Yue chan!」Maia stepped up. 「After all, she's a princess going to a rather semi-official meeting with another Prince. She needs her lady in waiting accompany her, right Yue chan?」

「But it'd be dangerous Maia chan. You shouldn't come with us.」

「Well, do you think you alone can satisfy our master's nightly need, Yue chan?」Maia leaned in and whispered in her ear.「For sure you'll need my help too.」

「...」Although Kibadios couldn't hear what his alchemist girl just told Yue, he could kind of guess, seeing how Yue was turning a bit red.「Fine, then you can come with us, Maia chan.」

「Yay!」The girl celebrated. 

「...」From the opposite where Kibadios sat, the Horns and Eyes Heads looked at their own attendants, then they all nodded in agreement. 

「「Your Majesty」」Both Ectharen and Wylan called out.「Please let us contribute our strength to this mission.」

「Huh?」Kibadios was surprised. After all, carrying out assassination on Wei Shimin was supposed to be his own task. 

「I, Kuron」「And I, Falkor」Both spoke in unison. 「shall accompany Your Majesty as representatives from our respective Houses.」

「If that's the case, then I, Gyo, shall come with Your Majesty as representative from the House of the Horns, too.」The swordsmith stepped up. His volunteer suddenly caused his younger brother to almost spring up in protest, though it seemed the Head of the Horns fully understood that in these desperate hours, everyone was risking their own lives and it was not his place to deny his brother such a chance to fight for the freedom of Monas Kye. 

「Wow, now it's getting crowded.」Kibadios noted.「But I won't stop you guys.」The hybrid fully realized how stubborn those who just volunteered were just by looking into their determined eyes, so denying them their chance of participating in such a mission that would define the history of their homeland would probably not work.「You all will act as Yue's guards in this meeting, understand?」

「Yes, Your Majesty!」

「... Then… what about you?」Kailos asked the obvious question.

「I won't be acting as guards. I will not even be part of the official entourage.」Kibadios grinned.「Although I will accompany Yue, as an element of surprise, I will stay hidden and sneak into the meeting place.」

「Element of surprise, huh?」Kailos mumbled.

「Not only that, but to completely blindside Wei Shimin to my activity, we will also need to create diversions to distract his attentions: The members of the 12th division of Hyakki Yagyo will set out and continue to harass the Yin Empire's supply lines, while you guys, the 3 Houses of Alsen, will have to act as if you were amassing your forces and about to strike out from Alsen, breaking the ceasefire at any time. Wylan will continue to act as the King of Alsen in my stead, trying to garner as much attention from Wei Shimin toward you as possible. That way, among these diversions, from the shadow, we can strike the decisive attack that would decapitate the head of this Yin Empire invasion forces.」

「We understood!!!」Three Heads bowed deeply, acknowledging their King's command.

「... Kibadios 」Kailos hesitantly called out to his son.「Now that we have figured out what how to deal with the Yin Empire, can you now tell us, what's an Astral, an Ennead, no less, doing here?」The ogre's attention now turned to the chained otokonoko, who had remained silent throughout the whole conversation despite the obvious bitter and annoyed look on his face, most likely due to Kibadios' command. 

「Haaa….」Kibadios took a long breath.「I was debating whether to reveal my story to you, Ectharen, and Wylan, but given how things are and how you all have discovered I'm Zaeryn's reincarnation, I feel like I have no other choice.」

「Your Majesty! If you feel like it's not our place to know, we're perfectly content to be ignorant, until when we're worthy enough for you to trust us.」Said Wylan.

「...No… regardless, I should let you know, since after we finish dealing with the Yin Empire, I want to ask for your help in dealing with the Astrals and their theocratic puppet state.」Said Kibadios grimly.




「Adela, you've found Zaeryn?!!!」Adeus barged into his precious daughter's bed chamber

「Father, how did you know?」Adela sprung upward from her bed, her hands held onto the sheet of blanket to cover her perky breasts. Laying motionlessly next to her was one of her toys, a former hero from 5000 years ago whom she had personally added into her collection after she had broken his mind by destroying his life back then, giving him no other options but to agree to become hers, a fate that almost fell onto the Prime Minister of Maeg himself.

「I have my means.」

「You freaking have your network of spies keeping an eyes on me on Esthar??!!」Adela growled.

「Of course I do! It's only natural for a father to watch out for his only daughter.」Adeus reminded the girl. 「Did you force Otto to give you his executor privilege over the Vernys forest not only because you want to deal with Sylvia, but also because that's where Zaeryn would be heading?」

「Yes, father.」Adela now had gotten off her bed, though the thin sheets still wrapped around her curvy body.「Why are you so concerned? Who do you think I am? You think I don't have a plan to deal with both? Or do you not have any faith in me?」

「But it's Zaeryn we're talking about.」Adeus reminded his daughter.

「It's Zaeryn's reincarnation, actually. This is not really the powerful Zaeryn that could best even you 10000 years ago. His power now is only a fraction of what he used to possess. Besides, I'm holding all the initiative now. I even have someone planted by his side, ready to carry out my command. Father, just don't you worry!! I will lure him into my trap, and slowly, I will crush him. I will prove to you that your daughter is much more formidable than what you've given her credits for.」

「... Fine, but you will take Aspen with you.」Knowing there's nothing he could do to stop his overconfident daughter, the Ennead Candidate relented.

「Hah? Taking that useless man? For what?」

「No ifs or buts about it. At least with him protecting you, I'll be more at ease.」

「.... Fine… Maybe I'll use him to take care of that annoying dragonkin.」


「Yeah, Ryuujin's grandson, apparently.」

「Ahh… Zaeryn had already obtained such a powerful follower. And in addition to too, which I'm certain he still has control over… He must be stopped now.」

「Soon, father. I will bring his head back to you.」




「... Adela…」Adeus touched the soulless body of his daughter with the back of his hand. 「I should have stopped you… I'm sorry. Due to my incompetence, you're suffering under the hand of that wretched man. But soon enough, I'll free you.」

「Adeus sama, the Enneads have a summon for you.」

「Huh? What now?」

「... I heard it's an emergency meeting regarding Ayer sama.」

「Ayer? What did that brat do now?」




「Masterrrr~~~ You really wouldn't let us come with you?」Ryan walked behind his shota master, his arms wrapped around the incubus' neck to keep it warm in the winter night. Kibadios' hand, in turn, was holding onto the leash that connected to the defiant Ayer's collar.

「Yeah, did I not explain it? The entourage accompanying Yue chan is already getting big, if it gets too big, it'll draw attention from Wei Shimin. Besides, I need you guys to stay here to protect Alsen in my stead.」Kibadios explained again, for the 100 times. After having told the Heads the true history of the world and his plan to battle against the Astrals, seeing the horrified expression the leaders and their attendants had, he thought it was in everyone's best interest to adjourn the meeting in order for them to have some time processing all the information. 

「We will not let you down, Master!」Ryuu flexed his arm.

「And it's true that if we have Ryuu here, Wei Shimin would be more wary of Alsen and most of his attention will be fixating on this place instead of Yue and her entourage.」Ren agreed with Kibadios decision.

「Ahh… actually, Reuk has to come with me.」Kibadios suddenly remembered.

「Huh? Me? Why?」The former elven archer asked. 

「Because your soul is linked to me, and then I link it to the homunculus body. If I get too far away from you, the whole connection would be severed. The farthest we can stay is probably around 50 miles.」

「Wait, really? I have to always stay by your side? Why didn't you say that before?」Reuk complained.

「Well, you were already staying by my side, what was the point?」Kibadios shrugged.「But don't worry, after 120 days occupying the homunculus body, your soul will be able to permanently link to it without me acting as conduit.」

「Is that so? That's great! And here I thought I will have to stick with you forever」Reuk sighed in relief.

「What's wrong with sticking to Master forever?」Ryan pouted. 

「Well, nothing for you. But for me, I'd rather stick to some cute girls.」Reuk smirked. 

「... With a body like that, I think you're more likely to attract the guys, Reuk.」Haden pointed out.

「Ahh.. Don't remind me, Haden.」

「Yooohooo!!! Boss!」From afar, standing right in front of his home was his trusty second in command.「I've been waiting!」

「Huh? Isn't that Uri?」Maia squinted. 

「What is he doing here? Waiting for us?」Rowan asked

「Oh right, I forgot to tell you guys.」Kibadios hit his head with his hand.

「What, Master?」Ryuu asked

「I bonded with Uri during our time in the dungeon.」

「Oh, that's only natural….」It took a moment for the dragonkin to process what his Master had just said. 「WAIT…」




Another sneak peek, this will probably occur after Kibadios x Gyo:


Kibadios x Ayer (click on the comment) :