Chapter 126: The bathroom sex (R18)

「Kibadios sama?」Gyo lightly knocked on Kibadios's residence, awaiting his Young Lord's answer.「I'm here as you've instructed.」

「Chii?」Instead of the hybrid or his harem, the mutant Yves noticed that it was Kibadios' pet slime who opened the door. The gelatinous creature stretched its body upward, deftly gripping the door handle. 

「Ah, Nu chan?」The Yves gracefully leaned down to greet the slime.「Where's your Master and others?」


「Gyo's finally here? Let him in, Nu.」Kibadios's authoritative voice directed the slime, prompting it to slowly open the door further, inviting Yves into the abode.「Chii!」

The door revealed an unfolding scene that caught Yves off guard. Intoxicating aromas wafted through the air, accompanied by suggestive moans echoing from the living room. As Yves took it all in, a vivid blush crept across his face, realizing he had stumbled upon a rather intimate moment between Kibadios and his harem. The hybrid, in his fully naked form, sat leisurely on the large sofa. His hands grabbed tightly against Yue's soft thighs from behind, lifting her legs up, pressing them against her tender breasts. His cock was now penetrating Yue's watering pussy, making loud sloshing noises mixed together with her soft voice muttering such things as 「Master… No more… Not thereee…」. Of course, such pleading did not slow down Kibadios one bit as the hybrid continued to fuck his elven princess like a wild beast. Sitting on either of his side were Maia and Rowan, the two original harem members who he first collected half a year ago. The two were acting as if they were in trance, with black tentacles conjured by Kibadios wrapping around their cum soaked bodies and teasing their nipples. With her breasts being stimulated and played by her master's shadow, the alchemist was lactating uncontrollably, squirting her thick milk all over the hybrid. After finishing kissing her, the hybrid directed his tentacles to lift the exhausted alchemist girl up, aligning her breasts to his mouth level. Wasting no time, Kibadios finally sunk his teeth into the girl's bosoms, biting and sucking out the delicious milk his girl produced. On the other side, despite his cock being pumped by a suction cup created from the shadow, Rowan dutifully kissed and licked his Master's slender neck, before moving his salivating mouth toward the hybrid's pink, erect nipples.

Kneeling on the floor were the tsundere elven prince, Ren himself, Ryuu, and Ryan. All were equally naked as his Master, with the shadow tentacles thrusting in and out of their cum dripping assholes. Ryuu and Ryan were on either side of his Master's crotch, sniffing and licking his heavy balls while Ren was kneeling in the middle, directly licking and slurping up his sister and Master's fluid that dripped down from the hybrid's thick shaft. Kibadios had always wanted the members of his harem to be as intimate with one another's bodies as possible, as long as their holes remained exclusively his; still, he had some reservation when it came to Ren and Yue, given how they were twins. Yet, to his surprise, the twins seemed to not mind touching and getting close to each other's bodies. Kibadios was curious why they were comfortable with it so he had asked them directly and evidently, based on their explanation, the twins viewed their bodies not as individual entities but rather as an extension of each other due to their unique bond. This perspective explained their comfort in openly sharing and bathing together on the night Kibadios first encountered them. 

Not far from the group were the half conscious Uri and Yuusei, who had turned back to his beastman form. Naturally, both were also naked, with the shota laying on top of the Vice Captain, their semi-hard cock pressing against one another. The shota's fur was completely covered in his Master's thick cum, though such amount was nothing compared to the amount of cum that were now gushing out from the mutant hybrid and Vice Captain's twitching assholes. From what Gyo could surmised, Kibadios must have started the fun with those two and drained them before moving on to the remaining harem members he was currently with right now. 

「Welcome, my …adorable…haa… Gyo chan.」Kibadios pulled away from Maia's perky breast to greet the mutant Yves. With one final thrust, the hybrid finally released his cum deep inside Yue's constricting pussy, before pulling his cock out. He slowly placed the half-conscious, panting princess onto the soft sofa before giving the Yves his full attention.「I'm sorry, is this sight too unseemly to you?」

「... Of… of course not, Young Lord.」The Yves finally regained his composure.「You're an incubus, an Overlord Incubus, no less. I understand this is just your natural instinct. The moment I've decided to accept the gracious offer to join your harem, I fully understood what I signed up for.」

「Is that so?」Kibadios smiled.「Then, would you mind helping me taking a bath?」

「If… if you permit me, Young Lord.」Gyo hurriedly nodded. 

As Kibadios strolled away, his shadowy tentacle leisurely retracted from the tender, hickey-laden skin of the rest of the harem, freeing them from the overwhelming deluge of pleasures in which they were immersed. 

「Ahh… Do you think Gyo san will really join us?」Ryan, seated on the floor with his head gently resting on Rowan's lap, asked

「I wonder.」was all Rowan said. 「 If Amaira's speculation proves accurate, it seems likely that Master would permit Gyo to find happiness with his significant other instead.」

「I know right!」Rowan nodded, before leaning down to kiss Ren, dashing his tongue around the elven prince's mouth wantonly.

「What was that for?」Ren asked after he finally broke the kiss.

「I just think you're cute.」Rowan teased.

「Don't lie. You want to taste Kibadios' cum, don't you?」Ren easily saw through Rowan's action.

「Yeaaa… I didn't get to gulp any of his cum this time.」Rowan whined.「I remember back in the good old days, Master would violently pump his loads inside my mouth. He didn't even care whether it was choking or not. It felt terrible, but on the other hand, I got to savor every last drop of his cum.」

「Haha, you sound like an old man, Rowan.」Maia gently smiled as she caressed the exhausted elven princess' hair, whose warm, naked body was pressing against her own.「But you're right, that was when we were still living in the cave right and even before Ryan joined us… Now that I think about it, Master's really getting soft.」

「Well, that's like stating the obvious, Maia senpai. Because he knew Gyo would be coming over, he even started this whole hardcore mating session out of nowhere just to show him what he had signed up for when he agreed to join Master's harem.」pointed out Ryuu.

「Wow… Even our simple minded Ryuu chan noticed what Master's intention was.」Surprised Rowan.

「Hehehe, of course…」It took a while for Ryuu to process what Rowan had just implied. 「Wait a minute, are you saying I'm an idiot, Rowan senpai??」

「He's saying you're the adorable airhead mascot of our group, Ryuu, and that's a compliment.」smirked Ren.

「Mascot, huh? I like that!」grinned Ryuu as his tail started to wag.

Just as Ryuu had said, after bidding goodbye to Kuron and his young daughter, who was still fairly giddy since Kibadios had complimented on how good the flan she helped make, the hybrid promptly pulled his harem into a frenzy session of fucking for almost 2 hours nonstop as he waited for the mutant Yves, so of course, Gyo catching a glimpse of Kibadios' aggressive night time activity was no coincidence. Currently, the two found themselves secluded in the expansive bathroom after Kibadios has just relieved Ayer, who had been tasked with preparing a bath, of his presence in the room. Kibadios simply sat down on a small stool, before ordering Gyo to wash his hair and back.

「Do you usually take a bath with your clothes on, Gyo chan?」asked Kibadios since he noticed the mutant Yves had yet to discard his clothes. 

「Of course not, Young Lord.」The man shook his head as his face slowly turned red.「But… my body is not as slender or beautiful as the others in your harem so I thought maybe I should not expose myself to you… at least, not until we're in some dimly lit bedroom.」

「Strip!」Kibadios's stern order jolted the Yves. It was as if he was a sub and his Young Lord was a dom in a dom/sub universe BL, the mutant felt compelled to obey his Master as he awkwardly unbuckled his large belts before pulling down his pants. Since he did not usually wear a shirt, the moment his pants dropped onto the wet floor, the mutant Yves' body was now almost completely exposed, saved for a white loincloth that still covered his evidently erecting cock. 

「Would you still be conscious of your body if I were to tell you that I do enjoy the view of a handsome muscular man standing in front of me?」Kibadios smiled, his touch tender as he placed his hand against Gyo's blushing cheek, before skillfully tracing a path down his neck to his collarbones. The hybrid's hand lingered there briefly, savoring the moment, before continuing its journey southward. It caressed and pressed against Gyo's firm chest, exploring the contours, and then descended further to his well-defined eight-pack abs. With his other hand, the hybrid stealthily undid the seemingly frozen Yves' loincloth and dropped the piece down onto the floor. By the time the mesmerized Gyo regained his composure, he had found himself completely naked in front of his Young Lord, his sensitive skin can feel the young hybrid's warm hand lingering above his crotch. 

「...Kibadios… sama…」The Gyo muttered as he looked down, meeting his smiling Young Lord's gaze. 

「Now, that's better!」Kibadios suddenly withdrew his hand, then sat down on the small stool. 「Can you help washing my hair and back?」

「... Of course, Young Lord!」The grinning mutant Yves nodded in agreement, quickly maneuvering behind the hybrid's back. Gyo, with a sense of duty, wetted the hybrid's hair before skillfully applying shampoo and scratching his scalp. Then, just like how Kibadios's hand played with his body just now, the Yves' hand slowly moved down along Kibadios' back before spreading the soap along. 

「Ah, that's the spot.」Kibadios groaned as Gyo massaged his back.

「You sound like an old man, Young Lord.」The Yves smiled.

「I am. After all, this is my third reincarnation. Do you know how old I would be if I add up all the years that I have lived」

「Well, you're in a healthy young man's body now.」reminded Gyo with a smile.

「Hmm, then maybe I should be more like ~~ Gyaaaa~~ Ahhh~~ That's~the~spot~~」Moaned Kibadios teasingly. 

「No, that's not what I meant, Young Lord!!」Gyo shook his head.

「Haha, sorry, I just want to tease you.」Kibadios admitted. The hybrid paused for a moment as if he was hesitant to continue「Say, Gyo, as much as I just want to pin you down and make you mine, I gotta ask something: Do you have someone else that you hold dear?」

「Someone? Like my brother?」Gyo asked.

「No, like a significant other who you want to make your partner one day… As in a girlfriend? 」clarified Kibadios.

「Girlfriend? No, of course I…」

「You see, earlier in the day, I saw you shopping for some jewelry.」

「Ha? Kibadios sama saw that?」Gyo was embarrassed.

「Yeah. Who were you planning to buy the jewelry for?」

「That's… I….」The Yves hesitated.

「I see… So I guess Amaira's farfetch theory may be correct then.」

「Wait… Amaira dono from the Hyakki Yagyo? What's her theory?」

「She guessed that because you had decided to join my harem to be an Yves representative, you were there at the store to buy some jewelry for a girl you cared deeply for, as a parting gift. Pretty much she was implying I netorared you from someone else.」

「Netorared? I don't know what that meant but of course that's not true, Young Lord!!! I don't have any girlfriend, or boyfriend for that matter! In all my 25 years, I have never once thought I would end up with anyone, let alone having a girlfriend!! I've always devoted myself to smithing and I didn't even have single indecent thought, not until the time I caught glimpses of you and Uri dono back in the Dungeon!!!」The Yves uncharacteristically raised his voice as he argued back, until he realized he had just revealed a bit too much at the end.

「So, does that mean you've had indecent thoughts about me the last few days?」Kibadios stood up and turned around with a smirk. Since he was enjoying Gyo's sensual touch, the hybrid's cock was now completely erected. With Kibadios standing facing the Yves while the Yves himself was kneeling down to wash his Young Lord's back, Kibadios' throbbing cock inadvertently swung as he turned, hitting the muscular smith straight into his face. Interestingly, such an accident did not elicit any fiery response from the Yves. Instead, the mutant Yves seemed to be mesmerized by his Young Lord's powerful cock as all three of his eyes simply blinked while his gaze fixated onto the fleshy rod just inches away from his face. 

「... Yes, Kibadios sama…」Gyo shamedly admitted.

「Hm… But from what you said, you appeared so innocent previously. Maybe my incubus aura has been affecting your mind.」wondered Kibadios.

「No, Young Lord!!!」denied Gyo loudly.「Actually, I don't know if it did, but I know I was happy when I learned you had eyes on me! And I was ecstatic when I learned that you would accept a mutant like me into your harem, to be by your side and serve you! I'm so honored I just wish that I live up to your expectation… and that I can help you shoulder the immense burden you're carrying.」

「Is that so?」smiled Kibadios. His hand patted the Yves' head before grabbing onto his short hair, pushing his head against his precum leaking cock.「I'm glad that's how you felt, Gyo chan. Given the circumstances, I don't think I can even hold back the urge to fuck you senselessly.」confessed the hybrid.「Would you mind officially becoming mine tonight, my adorable swordsmith?」

「Y… Yessss」moaned Gyo. The musky scent emitting from Kibadios' cock was now invading the Yves' nostrils, intoxicated his mind.

「Ah, first, let's finish washing away these soap and get in the bath. Then, I'll ravage you as promise.」Kibadios grinned.「Oh, I almost forgot. If Amaira was wrong, then what were you doing at that jewelry shop?」

「I… I wanted to find good gems to add onto a vambrace I'm making for you, Young Lord.」confessed Gyo.

「.. Ha… haha…hahaha.」Kibadios laughed.「I felt kinda stupid now. Though it's good that I just asked you directly. Thank you, Gyo chan, I'm looking forward to my vambrace present.」The hybrid leaned down and kissed Gyo's cheek, causing him to blush even more.




「Haa….HAAAAAAA….KIBADIOS SAMA, PLEASE WAITTTTT!!!!」Gyo screamed out from the top of his lung as he collapsed down onto the floor on all four while Kibadios disregarded his plea and continued to thrust his raging hard cock deeper inside the Yves' once tight, virgin asshole. 

The Yves' body was now filled with red hickies, especially on his broad, muscular back since that was where the hybrid's mouth had been playing with the most. For the past half an hour, Kibadios had Gyo sat in front of him inside the bathtub while his hands wrapped around his newest harem member's body, roaming freely to explore every inch of the Yves' beefing muscles. Still, as usual, Kibadios spent most of his time playing with the smith's big, sensitive chest. His nails sometimes would sink into the man's bulky flesh as he groped his breast. Some other time, his skillful finger would swirl around Gyo's areolas before latching onto both his nipples, pulling and twisting it slightly, causing the mutant Yves to squirm in his Young Lord's embrace. As Gyo twitched and moved around, he could clearly feel Kibadios' cock grinding against his ass and lower back from underneath the water inside the bathtub, causing him to become more conscious of what was to come.

「I warned you earlier right, Gyo chan?」Holding tightly onto the Yves' hips as he thrust his cock forward deep inside the man, Kibadios leaned forward against Gyo's back and whispered into his ear.「Once I start, I cannot stop until the end.」

「But… This feelsss soooo goooddddddd!!!」Gyo bit his teeth, trying to suppress his loud moan as Kibadios continued to press his cock against the Yves' prostate. By now, Kibadios was almost lying on top of Gyo like a feral animal, aggressively pumping his cock in and out the tight hole, enjoying the feeling of Gyo's warm and wet inner flesh. With the intense pleasure that kept assaulting his head, it did not take long for Gyo to finally climax, shooting out loads of his cum all over the bathroom floor. Yet, such a climax was not the end of their mating session since Kibadios has yet to cum. The hybrid lifted the exhausted Yves up, then turned him around and placed him down onto the floor, before holding Gyo's muscular thighs up, pressing his knees against his big breasts. In this position, Gyo's private parts were completely exposed to his new Master, causing him to blush red as he noticed his own cock was still fully erected and bobbing up and down in rhythm with Kibadios' thrusts.

「Don't hide, Gyo chan!」ordered Kibadios when he noticed the Yves was trying to use his hands to cover his face.「I want to be able to look at your face, your neck, your breasts, your beefy muscles, your lusting cock and asshole… I want to see every parts of you as I release my load deep inside you for the first time ever!」

「Y… yes… Of course, Young Lord!」Gyo's heart beat fast as he gazed back at his Master. The mutant Yves raised his arms and wrapped it around Kibadios' neck, pulling him in to initiate a deep, long kiss.「Thank you for letting me serve you, Kibadios sama.」




Kibadios x Gyo Illustration in the comment at the links. If it got censored, then you just have to type the links yourself:

Artist: ITKZ (Titan's Bride author)

They forgot Kibadios' horns lol. I actually imagine Kibadios would fuck Gyo while he's in his shota form, but I gave ITKZ the option of drawing Kibadios in his adult form and they chose to do so, hence why Kibadios we have this.

Many would probably have seen this scene in the ITKZ compilation dj postedon myreadingmanga, but there's nothing I can do about that haha.