Chapter 129: The floating fortress


Amber: The hero who appeared in the previous volumes.

Floria: Her "traveling companion." Used to be in Haden's party before Corey incident. She was turned into a sex slave but then she was saved by Amber.

Wei Ying is one of the 12 heavenly generals of the Yin Empire. She's trying to force Ryuu to be her mate.

Hou Yi is a general leading the attack on Alsen

「Floria… I'm sorry… Because I was weak, I was unable to protect you and the others.」Haden tenderly caressed the girl's face.

「Haden, you know it's not your fault!」Floria inched forward and pulled the stoic former slave into a warm hug.「After hopelessly witnessing Estel slowly dying from all the abuse, I'm just glad to learn that you're alive! What… happened to… Ariel chan…?」The question hung in the air, heavy with apprehension, though Floria already sensed the answer that loomed before them.

「She passed away…」Haden murmured, his voice filled with sorrow as he fought to contain the tempest of emotions raging within. His fist clenched with such force that a single droplet of blood trickled down from his palm, a sign of the anguish that gripped his heart.「I was there right, watching her wither away, yet I could do nothing… I could do nothing…」

「Don't blame yourself, Haden. It will do you no good.」consoled the girl.「At least it would quench your thirst for revenge knowing that Corey was killed, dying like a pathetic animal inside Maeg's forest.!!」

「I know.」The former adventurer couldn't hide his grin whenever he got reminded of the fate befallen onto the twisted hero. 

「How do you know? Wait, more importantly, what are you doing here? Are you with Kibadios' group.」Floria suddenly remembered to ask the obvious question.

「You see…」Haden began to recount the moment the hybrid had saved him from his suffering and selectively disclosed what had happened. He carefully hid the stories about the hybrid's past lives and his motives, but freely admitted to the fact that the hybrid had personally slain both Corey and his sworn brother. In the end, all Floria could ascertain was that Kibadios had killed Corey and his band of mischieves when they ambushed Kibadios and his group. After the civil war in Vernys, Kibadios had also tracked down and killed Desmond. That was when he saved Haden and took him in as his loyal attendant. 

「So you're serving Kibadios now?」Floria asked

「Yes.」Haden nodded.「For everything he had done for me, I had pledged my complete loyalty to him… so I really hope you're not here to cause him any trouble, Floria.」

「How could I… If anything, I owe him a debt.」Floria shook her head.




「... So, why are you here, Ambe dono? I heard you're an acquaintance of my son?」Kailos asked the hero. After the misunderstanding resulted in a brief clash, Teran had quickly apologized for his men's brash action and invited the two women to come with him into the city. Of course, from his men's point of view, it was well within their reasons for attacking the hero, given how technically, aside from those belonging to Kibadios group, given the wartime mentality, any suspicious human would warrant a fiery response from them, let alone a human such as Amber. 

「You're Kibadios' father? I can see the resemblance.」Amber studied the ogre.「Anyways, I understand that the Grasslanders are not that friendly with us human, yet, I can't help but come here to warn Kibadios.」

「Warn Master? About what?」Rowan asked.

「About the decision made by the Oracle to declare you enemy of the Faith.」 Amber revealed. 「You see, during our time at the Vernys forest, the Oracle had dispatched inquisitors to examine the fate of Corey and his death. I don't know what evidence they have gathered, but after an investigation, they claimed Kibadios had killed him and his group. Because of that, The Divine One had issued a warrant for Kibadios' head… such a warrant was designated… as an SS rank. That means every heroes and adventurers will now set out to hunt for him.」

「An SS rank warrant?」Since Rowan was from a remote village, the teenager was ignorant of the implication. However, it was Ryan who turned visibly upset.

「That is the second highest warrant you can get.」explained Ryan.「To put it in perspective, there are only 4 higher warrants with higher rank of SSS, each targeted one of the Yonko. Obviously, those 4 warrants are merely symbolic since it is almost impossible to expect some adventurers or heroes to fight against a Yonko and survive. In fact, the SSS rank warrants issued by the Oracle for the Yonko are so out of touch that most just ignored them. That's why Gilga was able to walk around the Kingdom of Maeg's capital without even a single person dared to confront her. But the SS rank… those create an impression that fulfilling the warrant may be feasible…」

「Exactly, that means trouble for Kibadios since a lot of powerful individuals would aim for him.」Amber nodded.「 order to collect the 3,000,000,000 gold coins.」

「Haa, they will be walking into their death.」Ryuu dismissed.

「... Even if it means some of The Six would now come for him?」Amber glared at the dragonoid.「If he deals with one, two more would come. If he deals with two, three more would come… and so on. That, is the weight of having been wanted by an SS rank warrant.」

「It's as if the Oracle specifically assigned him the SS rank, knowing how much trouble it would bring Master.」Ryan noted. 

「... Given that Monas Kye may soon fall to the Yin Empire, he won't be safe here. Back in Maeg, given how Kibadios is considered a hero there, King Lance disputed the findings and issued a decree to invalidate the warrant, but I wouldn't want to test his luck there. That means, the Vernys Forest is the only safe place for him.」Amber looked around.「Now, where is Kibadios? He should make his way back to Vernys Forest now!」

「... Forgive me for questioning this, Amber dono.」Kailos' eyes glowed sharply.「But, if all the heroes and adventurers are after him, what makes you any different? Why are you so interested in my son's whereabouts?」

「...」All the others remained silent, as if they, too, would like to know the answer.

「It's because if it's really true that Kibadios had killed Corey…」Amber paused.「Then he had earned my eternal gratitude.」

「Amber is right!」Floria walked into the meeting with Haden by her side.「I have always wanted to kill that trash, but the opportunity never arises. Even when I saw him standing in front of me, I had to swallow my hatred and let him walk away since he was needed by the Kingdom to prevent the complete revival of the mythical Second Generation Dragon that threatened the whole region.」Rowan and Ryan discreetly looked at Ryuu.「In the end, it was Kibadios kun who helped me exact vengeance on Corey. If there's one thing I'm upset about, that'd be how Kibadios kun should have brought Corey's head to me so I can smash it into pieces.」

「Corey's depravity was undeniable. Though I couldn't reconcile the idea of taking his life myself, given our shared roles as heroes, I understand why Kibadios kun felt compelled to kill him. If Kibadios kun hadn't intervened, it was only a matter of time before others sought to bring justice upon Corey.」explained Amber.「I could never blame Kibadios kun for what he did. That's why I'm here to warn him about the warrant. So, where is he? He's not here?」

「... He's off working on a mission to end this war.」Kailos answered. 

「If you can send a word to him, make sure to let him know that he's in grave danger. Rumor has it that one of The Six had indicated to the Oracle that he would now take on the warrant and hunt Kibadios down.」

「One of The Six? Who?」Ryan pressed for more information.

「Akaban the Blood-soaked Surgeon.」answered Amber.

「... That maniac…」Even Kailos had heard of the name.

「Tsk.」Ryan clicked his tongue.「Unless Master releases all his restrictions… fighting that man would prove a difficult task. 」




The Celestial Phoenix, a personal airship belonging to Wei Shimin that had earlier picked up his esteemed guest and her guards, slowly cruised through the cloudless night sky. Crafted with exquisite precision, its sleek hull bore intricate oriental designs that danced in harmony with the winds as it glided through the dark sky. Enchanted crystals embedded within its framework shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, their ethereal glow casting a gentle radiance upon the surrounding clouds. Descending into the heart of the vessel, one would find themselves in the opulent interior, where the melding of magic and craftsmanship reached its zenith. Crimson silk tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and ancient battles between the Kingdom of Yin and 6 other former states that were now absorbed into the Yin Empire itself, while lanterns of softly glowing glass illuminated the passageways with a warm, inviting glow.

Nestled in a secluded section of the airship, away from the hustle and bustle of the main deck, lay the five rooms, each a sanctuary unto itself. Rich wooden panels adorned with intricate carvings framed the doorways, while delicate silk curtains whispered softly in the breeze. Within, the rooms exuded an aura of tranquility and refinement, furnished with plush cushions and intricately woven rugs. Each room bore its own unique charm, from the serene simplicity of a meditation chamber to the lavish indulgence of a private study, offering respite and solace amidst the boundless skies. Among the five rooms, Yue and Maia were to sleep in the largest quarter, with Uri, Gyo, Falkor, and Kuron each occupying the remaining 4. As per Yue's request, Mu and others from the Yin Empire were to leave them alone for the duration of the trip. To make sure they were not wiretapped or surveyed by any hidden spells, equipment, or runecraft, Yue herself erected a total isolation barrier that blocked off any signals that could be transmitted to the outside. A physical knock on the door was the only means Mu can make contact with the group. 

「Everything seems to be going well since it does not appear that they have detected my presence.」 Kibadios spoke, his slender form, now in his incubus shota guise, reclined against Yue's supple, bare chest. Both the hybrid and his princess luxuriated in the opulent depths of a grand bathtub, enveloped in the caress of steaming water. Outside the tub, upon an intricately carved wooden stool, Maia meticulously tended to her lustrous silver hair, which flowed like liquid silk down her back, each strand adorned with glistening droplets of water. Meanwhile, stationed just beyond the bathroom's threshold, stood Ayer, a reluctant sentinel, transported against his will into the ship via Kibadios' shadow pocket dimension. He begrudgingly maintained vigilance, scouring for any signs of intrusion that might breach Yue's protective barrier. 「Our strategy appears to be proceeding as planned. Once we confront Wei Shimin, do you intend to neutralize him immediately?」Yue asked

「Well, that's going to be hard.」admitted Kibadios.「I didn't want to alarm Ryuu and the others, but currently, I am far weaker than I was prior to my clash with Ayer.」

「Huh? What do you mean, Master?」Maia interjected, her attention now fully engaged. 

「You see, after I exhausted all my Nen summoning my triumph card to fight against Ayer… or rather, his homunculus avatar, I will be unable to call upon my summons for at least ten days… so technically speaking, currently, I'm not a individual. Rather, I will have to rely solely on my magic. That means I should now be classified as a ... and my is weaker than my

「Why didn't you tell us any sooner?」Maia concernedly asked.

「Cuz I knew you all would be making a fuss over that and probably would have convinced me to stay back. We can't afford that. Not only do we have to deal with Wei Shimin in order to tip this war with the Yin Empire to our advantage, I really want to look for my "Mother" too… 」Kibadios admitted. 「I only spent a few fleeting days with her as a newborn, but she's still my mother and I don't want her to suffer.」

「I understand your sentiment, Master, but you should have told us. Maybe we could have taken Ryuu with us.」

「Indeed, which was why I brought Ayer with us.」Kibadios revealed.「Well, it's true that only I can control him, but another reason I brought him is that I can use him as another of my triumph card, like sending out a legendary pokemon to take on the first gym leader. Though, using him would be our last resort.」

「Why is that, Master?」Yue asked. 

「Because he's now currently bound by Faye's Runecraft.」Kibadios paused.「In this world, there is no such thing as absolute… at least, not to my knowledge. So, if Ayer can be controlled by Runecraft, that means his restraint can also somehow be broken by Runecraft or other means. Given how Ren and Yue have been telling me that Wei Shimin, much like his brother, is a genius practitioner of Runecraft, there's a chance he may figure out a way to break the restraint, much like how Frieren was able to analyze Macht's magic and neutralize it. Granted, the chance is extremely small, but if that ever happens, it will be the end of us.」

「I see… Was this Frieren your comrade?」nodded Maia

「Nah, she's totally fictional, unlike us, but that scenario still counts.」Kibadios turned his gaze to Yue.「That's why if possible, we need to prolong this meeting for days until I get back to my full power. That way, I can deal with Wei Shimin myself. Is that alright with you, Yue chan?」

「Of course, Master. Your wish is my command.」Yue affirmed with a gentle smile, prompting Kibadios to turn fully towards her, his expression softened by her unwavering loyalty. The hybrid pressed his small hand against the girl's bare chest, before tracing it down her slender body and stopped right above her most private part.

「Yue chan, I appreciate the loyalty you've shown me.」Kibadios tenderly patted the girl's head.「But my wish is simply my wish. You have to also take your safety into consideration. After all, I did promise Ren I'll protect you.」

「Does it bother you that I have yet formed the incubus crest, Master?」Yue softly asked. The conversation now fully intrigued Maia, who had finally finished washing her hair.

「No, not really.」Kibadios shook his head.「On the contrary, I appreciate how much you have forced yourself to obey me and my words. Unlike others who have willingly given their bodies and hearts to me, even your adorable tsundere onii chan included, you have yet accepted me in your heart, still you have always been dutifully serving me.」Kibadios leaned in and gave Yue a soft kiss on her cheek, causing the girl to start blushing red.「Sometimes, I feel like I'm unworthy of your devotion.」

… Ara ara, Master's like a completely different person now compared to his old self who took me and Rowan chan that night. Maia discreetly smiled.

「You're wrong, Master.」Yue denied.「Much like Onii sama, I've always been admiring you and wishing to be of use to you since I was a child. It's not your fault that I cannot give you my heart… It's just…」

「I know.」Kibadios finally stepped out of the tub, before presenting his small hand out to assist Yue.「That man who had monopolized your love and your heart… he must have been an incredible man. I'd be lying if I said I'm not jealous of him.」

「Ren nii sama told you?」Yue hesitantly gazed at the shota, her faded iris cloaked with a guilty look. After all, although she had promised herself to her Master, deep within herself, her feelings still yearned for the man whom she truly loved. 

「And Yllaner too.」Kibadios nodded.「So, what was his name? They have never told me, and I always felt like it wasn't my place to ask.」

「... It's Zaen.」Yue couldn't help but smile as she spoke his name.「He was actually named after your first reincarnation, Kibadios sama.」

「I see… What kind of a person was he? 」Kibadios paused. 「Actually, you don't have to answer that question if you don't want to. It's just that I figured you might have wanted to speak of him to someone else to keep your memories of him alive. And given how Yllaner and Ren kept avoiding speaking about him, I doubt you ever had a chance to do so with them… But then, maybe that's just me. Maybe, for you, it would be too painful to do so.」

「...」The elven girl was taken aback for a brief moment, but she quickly regained her composure. After rinsing herself, Yue was now slowly drying her slender body with the prepared towel. 「If you permit, I can tell you more about Zaen, Master.」

「... Of course.」Kibadios nodded as Maia sat behind him and dried his hair. 

「You're too kind, Master.」Smiled Yue. The girl bent down to hug him, pressing his face against her naked breasts but of course, it was not a position that Kibadios would complain about.




「Hou Yi sama! One of our supply caravans was ambushed again. All the transported goods were burnt or destroyed.」The messenger urgently reported to the visibly upset General. 

「Ara ara, just like we have predicted, knowing that we cannot respond in kind to their harassment due to the oath sworn by our supreme commander, the Grasslanders are using this one-sided truce to actively sabotage our forces.」Wei Ying, the dragonkin and one of the 12 Heavenly Generals, sneeringly noted.「Though, according to Shimin chan's prediction, shouldn't Alsen already be crumbling from the inside due to the influx of refugees that we released onto them? It's been days and they still seem to be doing well. What's more, none of our spies were able to infiltrate the city so we're completely blind to what's going on beyond their wall.」

「... Since the enemies have people from the Yves race, it is understandable that our spies have trouble getting into the city…」Rationalized Hou Yi. Though… we were hoping that they cannot maintain their vigilance due to the pressure exerted by the sheer amount of those freed Grasslanders. What happened to the manufactured crisis? They cannot afford to feed all those people with their dwindling food stockpile, can they? 「How's our own food situation?」After a quick internal thought, Hou Yi turned to the messenger.

「We should still have plenty of rations…」The messenger paused.「But the worrisome matter is that constant news about enemies' attacks on our supplies have rattled our men. Given how we were pushed back during our initial assault, the morale of the men is already low to begin with. Some men are arguing for us to launch our attack against Alsen as a retaliation to raise morale.. 」

「... They are soldiers of the Great Wei Shimin's Army. They should simply shut up and follow order.」Hou Yi frowned.「Assigned a few of the chimera to escort our remaining incoming supplies. More importantly, raise the vigilance among the troops. We need to make sure those Alsen's demihuman cannot launch a surprise attack on our camp.」

「Yes, General!」

「So, how long do you think this would last?」Wei Ying, the dragonkin, smilingly asked.


「This stalemate, that is. We originally hoped that the city wouldn't be able to hold out for more than 3 days, but it seemed like they're doing fine as if they have a way to feed those people and keep order… Moreover, if that's the case, have you realized that Wei Shimin's clever trick has actually backfired and now those demihuman have even more manpower to launch a counterattack at us.」

「Doesn't matter. Once the meeting concludes and the princess is "returned" to Alsen, this whole charade will end anyways.」

「Let's hope so… But do you think our Wei Shimin can really convince her?」

「Most likely. After all, if the stories we heard about the princess are true, given how much she loved that person, she would most likely accept our Lord's offer.」

「But isn't she and her brother currently serving a mysterious hybrid, the very hybrid who was responsible for lifting the siege over Alsen. Even my soon-to-be mate is serving him.」Wei Ying licked her lip.

「It's true that he's an unknown factor in this case, but regardless, you think she would choose a mere hybrid whom she's just known for a few months over our offer? From what our spies in Vernys reported, the only reason why her brother and she are serving the hybrid was because of some old traditions from her vanquished kingdom. When presenting a choice, she will no doubt abandon him for her true love.」

「Let's hope so.」whistled Wei Ying.




「It's been 3 days since we left, huh?」The shota Kibadios leaned against the spotless window, his chin resting comfortably on his hand. Meanwhile, kneeling on the ground next to him, Maia obediently licked and sucked on his erected cock, eagerly slurping up her Master's precious precum.「We should be close to where Wei Shimin's place, yet this airship showed no sign of trying to descend down.」

「You mongrel!」Angrily called out Ayer, who stood just a few paces away.「Why are you making watching this?」

「Why? You're not happy with just watching? Do you want to come over and serve me, my Ayer "sama"?」smirked Kibadios.「Again, I'm making you watch to remind you that if you act out of lin

e, there are other "torturing methods" I can use to humiliate and make your suffer even more, Ayer "sama".」

「Serving you like this is a blessing, Master!」Corrected Maia with a tranced-like smile.「Ayer simply doesn't know what he's missing.」

「As if!!」the otokonoko growled in response.

Kibadios was about to say something when an incredible sight emerged from the cloudy sky, quickly capturing his attention. 「Ha... I guess I was wrong. Wei Shimin's place wasn't some secretive complex built on the ground or underneath the earth... but rather... It's 'Laputa'. 」

「Huh? What do you mean, Master?」 Maia stood up and joined Kibadios by the window. Like her Master, her eyes widened as the view of a floating oriental fortress became clearer, a breathtaking sight to behold. 「That's….」