
I see "Death" everyday ever since that day I rejected 'god's calling.

When I reached teen-age, I have discovered a skill myself. A different skill not like what we witnessed everyday: singing, dancing, acting and many more. A talent, a gift if you say but for me it was a curse gift. I call it "Death smell/sense", D-sense.

It is what the name says. I can smell death, more like an instinct. I can only tell that someone will die but not specifically who.

I can only sense it to someone who is related to me or they are within my circle of connection. That is many of them so I do not know whom if I sense "death".

The first time I felt it was in a random day, I was just playing music, singing with it, just feeling the vibe then I just felt fear all of a sudden without any particular reasons.

I wasn't watching horror movies or reading of same topic that recently, so there is no reason to scare myself.

Then, father just occurred in my mind. It felt like he's gonna leave forever which I fear the most. That thought overwhelm my mind so hurriedly and went to his side. He asked me what was wrong but I didn't tell him. I stayed by his side and prayed till we fell asleep.

'That' feeling stayed for two days and I acted the same. On the third day, 'that' feeling got strong then slowly faded. Then on the same day my uncle died. I was shocked when I heard the news.

The second time I felt it again was when my friend, co-dancer was in the hospital. She was born with sickness so she has to take check-ups.

I suddenly woke up around three in the morning and her name surfaced in my mind. And on the same day, her fate ended up like my uncle.

Thirdly, I felt it in me yet somehow it was not directly at me. Few days passed, someone in same age as me died.

From my fear of smelling death, I proposed a rule.

One, it applies on same role to whom I felt near me.

Two, it applies to someone who I have interact recently or someone I know.

Three, it applies to someone of same age to whom I smelt death.

If your asking what is the smell of death? Better not answer. And even if I have to tell, It is very hard to describe or it is more like an instinct, a very different one.

Furthermore, I have not felt nor smelled death since the last incident... or so I thought...