Sister Ariella

In a place where clouds fill the sky, clean breeze swept by, as life filled the air.

Nymphs, spirits of nature. Forms of beautiful maidens. Aerial nymphs lives within the sky. Their homes made out of clouds. Using the trick of the light they hide themselves within the sky.

Rei woke up on a fluffy cloud bed. Comfortable and clean bed. Light directed in his eyes, he blinks a few times to adjust to the light for him to see.

"Oh my! You're awake." a sweet cheerful voice entered his ears. He sits up and tilted his head to the source of the voice.

A beautiful maiden, no, gorgeous would be the word i think. More than that. Silky smooth long green hair with a golden crown leaves. Her fair white skin and gleaming emerald eyes highlights her beauty. Silk white gradient green cloth floats around her shoulders, over her chest and spreads out as a flare skirt wrapping her hips and below. Her hair and dress sways as she floats around Rei.

Rei was to stunned to speak that words got stuck in his throat. He remained silent but his mind roam around. Who is this person? Where and how did I get here? A dream maybe. Wait... Am I supposed to... His mind came to a realization. Rei remembered what happened just recently.

Yuna! He got up and looked around. Clouds and the blue sky can only be seen as the sun shines. He was about to move around but the maiden blocked his way.

"Woah! Hold it right there.", she said with her hands waving between them. "Seriously, not a plan on speaking when you just woke up in an unknown place? Well your eyes speaks loud though." She has been making an eye contact when Rei woke up so she was able to tell what's in his mind.

"Who is this person? Where, and how did I get here? A dream maybe. Wait... Am I supposed to... Oohh Yuna~" she repeated with acting like a damsel in distress.

Rei unconsciously sat down on the cloud bed he slept on. He cleared his mind since the maiden in front of him can read minds. Then Rei speak calmly.

"Since you can read my mind then what is there to speak." as he look directly into her eyes.

The maiden smiled and said making an eye contact, "We don't read minds. We listen to the eyes for our eyes speak thruthfully than the words that comes out of your mouth".

With her gleaming intimidating emerald eyes, Rei wanted to look away but he can't. All he could do is to clear and calm himself. Unnoticed his eyes slowly and gradually turn green.

A few moments of making an eye contact. The maiden observe his actions. When she saw that he calmed himself, she noticed his eyes gradually turned green. 'My, my. So I really am not mistaken' she thought as her mouth curled up, smiling widely.

When Rei noticed the maiden's smile, he felt a different sensation behind that smile. Little did he know, the time he diverted his eyes he was already laying down the cloud bed while the maiden is floating diagonally.

Diverting his eyes they returned to its original color, clear brown. Then he asked sitting up , "Who are you?"

The maiden fly down beside Rei and stand up facing him floating. Holding her dress up, crossing her legs as she slightly bow her head and speaks in gracefulness.

"Ariella, Mistress of Aerial nymphs, spirits of the sky and wind, at your presence," she raise her head and look directly in Rei's eyes continued, "Rei Nymphia Acacia, son of Roland Acacia and Nymphia, daughter of Nympha the goddess of all nymphs, and also our mother."

Seeing that Rei did not react at all, she smiled and excitedly explained. "It means you, Rei, our only brother, is the son of Nymphia. And our mother Nymphia is the daughter of the goddess of all nymphs, Nympha. Which makes Nympha is kinda of our grandma but better not address 'Her' that, she is still a goddess no matter what.

"As I said 'only brother' because all nymphs are maiden but you my brother is a half-human and a half-nymph.

"Oh, if your confused how are we born since nymphs are spirits. We use a part of our spirit, our soul and leave it to the nature to give life to it..."

While Ariella is speaking, Rei's mind wandered around. All he knew is that his mother died when Rei was born. Every time Rei asked his father about his mother since there was no pictures of her mother anywhere, Roland his father only answer "She is a gorgeous maiden that no one in the world can be compared to her" but when Rei asked about some of their moments, his father would avoid the question.

Then eventually Rei stopped asking about her mother. He felt that every time he asks his father, it only saddens him.

Now that Ariella tells Rei that her mother is a nymph and she is her sister, not only her but most of the Nymph Mistresses.

Rei being reserved and an observant person. He let the informations enter his mind freely and accepted it. At first, he doubted Ariella's words but knowing Ariella my full name even though only me and my father knew about it and did never tell it to anyone. And talking with their eyes making a contact, he believed her words.

"Hey, you still listening?" Ariella asked. She noticed that his eyes were not attentive even though they are both having a eye contact, meaning he is thinking about other things.

"Yes, I am. It's just that... I wonder why did my father did not tell me anything about Mom, especially being her as a nymph. All I know is that the name Nymphia in my name is I got it from my mother but I did not know that it was my mother's name." Rei softly said.

Feeling sympathy, Ariella asked casually. "Did you not asked mother's name to your father?".

Thinking about it, Rei felt nostalgic. "No. When I learned about my full name before, somehow I felt mother in me and did not bother to ask father." he smiled after he finished speaking.

A moment of silence, Rei curiously asked. "By the way, How did I get here?".

Ariella inwardly facepalm. They have been talking about the big part but not the present situation. She put the thought in the back of her mind and explained what happened.

"Since your soul is mixed with a nymph spirit as you grow, it will also develop. What just happened is that your nymph spirit has reached a certain growth that it affected your body. That causes the changing color of your eyes".

"Wait, my eye color changed?"

"Only a bit, it will only change when your emotions are overwhelming you. Okay, back to your question. As I said because of your soul has reached a certain growth I was able to pull your soul body here in my palace.

"Why? If you ask, well I wanted to meet and talk to you, dear brother. I just want to know who you really are." she said and end it with a smile.

More questions formed in Rei's mind. But there was one question that bothered him. "Ariella. You mentioned that the growth of my soul affects my body, does controlling the wind counts?".

"Oh that? Nope, it doesn't. I just lend you a hand since you were that desperate. Hehe. How could I ignore a little brother of mine who needs a helping hand." Ariella cheerfully stated.

Then wind passed by with aerial nymphs going with it. Like Ariella, they have light green or white hair. Their forms are almost transparent but their beauty cannot be hidden. They wave at Ariella and called her as they passed by. She waved back then face Rei.

"Well that's my cue. You also need to go back. Be careful out there alright. I mean it. There are more creatures out there that you have not known. You will eventually see them, since you're still growing. Be safe, okay? Just call me when you need something. Bye-bye." Ariella waved.

She was about to fly and catch up with the others but then she remembered something, "Oh almost forgot. Don't worry they don't remember what exactly happened to so yeah. Beware about a green light or a stone-like-gem. Just avoid it and don't go near it. It's dangerous. So yeah. Be careful dear brother."

Ariella wave her hand as Rei's soul body vanished then she flew out with the others.