
"So a certain gem has consciousness then controlled you to destroy Yuna? Why and why her?" Rei confirmed.

Afraid from not to be believed in, Marlon asked "You believe in what I have said?"

"Of course we do. Who would not believe of the things you're saying after witnessing such actions?" Yuna spoke with comfort.

Marlon continued, "It was saying such things I do not clearly understand. Something about auras. It once stated that your 'aura' is familiar to it that it even called it the Witch's aura." , as he glanced at Yuna.

Witch's aura? Me, Hecate have not told me about a witch. Before I could ask away, I realized that I should keep my mouth shut or I might get in trouble or suspicious about knowing about such supernatural. Yuna cautiously did not speak.

At the same time Rei thought. Yuna? Witch's aura? Ariella did not mention such as witch aura. And I don't clearly buy that. Using a bit power of the spirits there is no malicious aura in Yuna. I've been communicating with spirits and knew their ways since I have met Ariella and trained with her hence I am able to use their power.

'We listen to the eyes for our eyes speak thruthfully than the words that comes out of your mouth'. Ariella's words resurfaced in Rei's mind. He then look at Marlon's eyes unnotice. I have not done this before so there is no guarantee it will work.

Within a few milliseconds, the border of his irises glowed emerald green. As a second passed, information flows through his mind but not the specifics. The information that flowed only connects to statements Marlon has told that confirmed that he told no lies but there are some uncertainties like blur picture of the whole thing.

"What are you looking at? You are doubting me aren't you. Well I can't blame you for that—" Marlon felt a gaze from Rei.

Rei cut him off saying, "No, it's not that I am doubting you. i'm just starting to take it in that I might have black out for a second."

A moment of silence. Yuna was in deep thought but something caught her attention. Across the street she saw a woman wearing a beige coat, black shoes below a denim pants and a bonnet covers the top of her head.

Yuna noticed the woman was in a hurry but what was disturbing was there are two large men were walking weirdly as if they were following the woman. She suddenly noticed something is wrong when the woman started to run as the two men also started running chasing after the woman.

"Hey, Where are you going?!" Rei noticed Yuna a bit late, running across the street. Without hearing a reply they thought she ran because of what Marlon has said.Rei and Marlon look at each other then decided to chase after her.

Yuna then saw the two men after the woman turning around the corner. Somehow D-sense was triggered but not to an extent and out of her curiousity she decided to follow.

Turning around the corner, it was five-meter wide street with smaller street lights than in the main roads with mini stores but somehow even there are lights around it looks like it's dark. The people on the street don't seem to notice the dark contrast of their surroundings and also themselves. It is like their is a different world mixed in reality.

Even with the help of the lights in the main road, no lights passed through this corner as if there is a barrier in front of her that she could not see where light from outside this street can't pass.

Looking down, her feet was only a few inches away before it touches the boundary of the dark street. And it seems it is still spreading. She took a step back and noticed there are black figures within the street, three of them. One with a height near Yuna's and the two were tall about 6 feet of height.

Yuna felt their gaze fall on her as she felt tingling sensation. She was about to turn back following her instincts to go far away from them, when she bump into someone. Yuna staggered back but she did not feel her foot stepping on the ground as her body falls into the dark-contrast street where her left foot fell. She extended her hand reaching for something to grip as she felt a hand grabbing her. Looking at whose hand grab her, she could not identify since the person is against the street light on the main road. Yuna could only see the silhouette of the person as she continues to fall holding on to that person's hand.


Rei and Marlon chased after Yuna with concern and curiousity why she ran unannounced.

"Did I offended her? Is it because of the thing about a Witch's aura?" Marlon murmurs.

Rei heard Marlon but pretended to not hear him. He might say something unnecessary if he speaks. As they both continued to run. Seeing Yuna went in the alley street they hurriedly run or they might lose her in the other side of the street.

Before they fully enter the street, they stopped midway when they saw the street was nearly black. It was a lot to process but they saw Yuna standing still. They both step forward to call her back, just looking at this dark street made their stomach churn.

But then, Yuna turns around about to run as she bump into Rei. Falling back her foot touched the dark street but no. ground kept her footing as she falls into. the street. Rei reached for her hand and caught it but the motion did not stop. Marlon grab Rei's arm to prevent the two from falling in but was dragged and also ended up falling too.


On the main road, Freya started to run from the men who are secretly following her, but failed to conceal their intention.

Their shadows are not normal. They must be Frank's men. Waiting for me to gain possession of the gem then to seize it from me using his men. Silly, these subordinate of yours are too easy to take on. Well then, why don't we move to action.

Freya thought with confidence.

She then turns right around the corner towards another street. There are mini stores at the side of the street and people around. 'I should not let the innocents get involve.'

Freya spread a lighter shadow than her own covering the area making its contrast darker. This created a dimension called Aninu, it defines shadow. It is a dimension that imitates the area covered by the shadow that used to create the dimension. Inside Aninu is much darker than what it seems on the outside but anything you do inside cannot affect the real world.

Outside Aninu, humans cannot see the dimension itself they only see what it really is normally as if there is nothing wrong in the area. But unlike Yuna and the rest, they could see the contrast difference. If one focus on the Aninu they could only see the figures that looks the silhouettes of those who are inside the dimension. Aninu only disappears when the summoner deactivates it or he could no longer maintain the dimension itself since it consumes aura which is also the stamina.

Freya enters Aninu then waited for the men to arrive. She walked into the middle of the area as the two men casually enter Aninu.