
The goddess in front of them gave a serious expression. The statement was the keyword itself, a keyword that only a few knows and completely understand the deep meaning behind those words.

"O' Goddess, we ask for thy blessing, it means that Yuna has started to show signs of being a Herminium that has to be hidden, thus the Sakamaki pair is asking their patron, the goddess Hecate, for guidance to send Yuna to the world she really belongs to. The couple did their best to give her the love and care she needed. The normal life every Familia children hope to have but never be.

Now that she's having the obvious signs and her aura growing strong, it is dangerous to keep her in this "normal" yet dangerous reality. Thus, with the guidance of their patron, Yuna has to learn more about herself. Her communication with Hecate previously in their time in the Boundary were mostly about common information that a familia member or majicai knew, though except the Spirit World.

Yuna herself may have acted that she has fully understand and accepted all of this but in her head there are bits that has not sink in to her mind or a part in her consciousness denies a few. Which it takes time to completely accept all these majicai, familia things.

"Experience is the best teacher" is one of Yuna's motto. Therefore she was a bit thankful when her soul body was repeatedly called in the Boundary and even the events happened in the Aban Street. When she first left the Boundary at her first time, it bothered her much but then she has come and go from the Boundary with "events" happened in reality, Yuna started to believe in all these.

She might have wished for all this being involved in magical events with powers and things while watching anime and movies. Of course, before all those turn of events, she knew it was impossible since the magic in the series and movies were all from the great imagination or a world that a creator/author wanted to share with the world. But now it has happened in real life and Yuna herself experienced these, it was hard to believe its real.

Faith is undeniable and unpredictable.

The goddess expression has become serious with "Her" thoughts in mind then spoke before the couple could speak out their worries.

"You have my blessing." Giving the couple a response, "Worry not, I have blessed thy child." When these words left her mouth, it gave off warmth and radiance easing up the couple's mind.

Behind those words indicates that Yuna has interacted with the goddess. Interaction with a goddess is a sacred blessing but also indicates a major event coming up.

Cybele or Mrs. Sakamaki felt relieved but it did not last longer than a second. The worse is yet to come, she thought. As if reading her mind, Raito (Mr. Sakamaki) held her hand. He wanted to say to not worry but it is impossible to not worry when a child you raised has to go on her own way.

Breaking the silence, "She is strong, smart and calm in anything she encounters. You have fulfilled 'her' wish that 'she' was not able to do. I know... and you know, that 'she' is proud, grateful to what you have done." Hecate stated with an assuring expression.

The couple felt emotional from the goddess' words yet they stopped themselves to shed a tear. They gave off a proud look in their faces thinking about the life they created in this world. The struggles and accomplishments up to this day.

They bow to the goddess then continued to talk for their next move.


At school Yuna wearing her clothed hair tie, heads directly to the auditorium. She spotted Rei and Roanna talking with Coach Lee. Based on their faces it shows that it is a serious matter. Rei, for a moment, noticed Yuna's presence at the door and waved at her. Roanna and Coach followed Rei's action to whom then Coach Lee called her to come and talk with them.

"Frey backed out?!" Yuna exclaimed, is it because of what happened yesterday? she then asked, "Why? When did she said she's backing out?" 'And the competition is just in few days' she added inwardly.

"I received a letter in my desk earlier. Though, no one in the faculty saw who dropped it there. I read it and it was from Freya saying she's leaving and won't be able to attend or compete because of family matters." Coach explained.

"Attend?" Yuna asked.

"It means Freya's leaving the school." Roanna replied.

Leaving school? Family matters? Did she get in trouble because of what happened yesterday?

"I tried to call her or her guardian but no one answered. Even the Head Teacher recieved a letter from her guardian, saying Freya's transfering to an other school because of family matters but it did not state the name nor the address of the school." Coach continued.

Yuna and Rei made a silent communication. After a few moments, Coach Lee broke the silence telling them to not think about it for now and focus on practicing for the Meet.


After a whole day of practice, Yuna went home immediately trying to call Freya while Rei and Marlon head near to Freya's apartment. Rei using his power communicating with the nearby nymphs as Marlon scans for an aura inside her apartment making sure that nothing supernatural happened to her but to no avail.

Yuna arrived home saw her parents in the couch talking silently. Unable to noticed Yuna's arrival.

"Ma? Pa? I'm home." Yuna said walking towards them. Distance shorten in between...

"...don't know if she is ready to tackle such pathway." Cybele concerned.

"She has grown to be great young lady. We raised her properly and gave her everything she needed as a special child." Raito calmly said lightening Cybele's worries.

She nodded, "Like 'She' said, Yuna is strong, smart, and powerful. She will survive and lead them. Let experience lead her to her way."

"The goddess and El are always there with her no matter what. Especially her friends are there to support her for us." Raito finished.

Yuna stood frozen behind them. Hearing those things about her. As if, they are leaving her or other way round.

Wiping Cybele's tears, "We need to talk to her as soon as she arrives. I want her to make a decision, when she is ready to embark her journey—"

Yuna shook her mind and cut her Ma off. "I'm listening." she stated holding back her tears.

"Yu!" the couple stood. "When did you arrived?" Cybele stated.

"There is something we would like to talk to you." Raito added straightforwardly.

Hearing their words earlier made her mind jumbled up. Earlier she was just thinking about her friend who just left without any notice unable to contact her. Now her parents were talking something grave that even their voices and choice of words tells that we won't be seeing each other again. About me going on a journey with a gooddess with me... she stopped herself from overthinking or her tears might stream down.

Every time she overthinks, tears will surface uncontrollably for no reason. But she already feels her eyes watering. She hold herself back to wipe her eyes nor to blink and just pulled up some courage to speak.

"I've heard. But why were you speaking as if we'll—" her voice cracked and stopped herself from talking. A part of her wanted to run up to her room but it is better to face it now than later.

Cybele's eyes were also watering. Wiping her tears she hugged Yuna. She stood unfazed organizing her thoughts. She hugged back then let go.

She faced her parents, calming herself while walking to the sofa. Laying down her bag then sat down across the sofa her parents sat. Her parents followed. Yuna closed her eyes focusing her mind to the very present. She slowly opens her eyes and speak with a straight face.

"I'm listening."