Walking through the streets all is dark and grey. The snow pelted in my eyes as if it wishes for me to cry. The reality that the world is harsh has been into by body and soul.

There are only two ways to view this world. The first is to live peacefully and ignorantly, canoeing in an ocean only living with the fishes. The second is gathering knowledge in this dangerous world; it is for those who crave for power by diving in an ocean full of monsters and treasures. I, the one who knows the truth and have power, tried to escape the second view of this world but there is nowhere for me to run. No matter how far I go, the fate would definitely catch up to me in no time.

When I was a kid I fell down the ocean along with my family, my parent and my dear twin brother. I got lost for a few months and was found by the villagers of certain countryside at the sea coasts. All my memories were hazy but all I know is I should not be separated from an old black book. I do not know what it is and no one really cared about it until I the second semester of my seventh grade or more specifically when I turned thirteen. I started to uncover the mysteries of the black book.

The book contains secret arts or should I call it magic. There are many fundamentals written on it but I can only comprehend a small part of it, it is strange that even if I could not recognize the language use to write it I could read it but I get used to it. I became able to use magic and practice it as I got curious, I did not tell anybody in our orphanage about it and kept it secret.

A few days after, strange people arrived at the orphanage. They are wearing black robes and strange masks. They gathered all of us into the auditorium and asked us for a magic book that is called a grimoire. Every ten minutes that we could not comply they would kill a person. We are all terrified and could not move, the sister that retaliated against them has been beheaded on the spot. Every time someone was killed I could not bear to watch it and after a few hours there is only twelve people left including me and it is my turn to be killed.

I braced myself so I would not cry, would all of us die? My friends, the sisters, they are the only family left on me. Without them I would have nothing. I want them to survive. I want to survive. That is why I conjured.

"To the darkness where I beseech power and to the shadows that lurk in this world, punish these sinners and devour their souls. I offer my blood so mote it be!"

A few words conjured in a few seconds. The people have been possessed by darkness and their body has started to rot and dry until they only skin and bones. This is the power that I practice, the nature of magic is evil, and so do I.

After that I removed the memory of the people that are still alive and left the orphanage for good. This may be the only way so they would not be caught up along my burdens anymore.

My life has completely changed. I am being followed by strange organizations wherever I went. I go back in studying but due to my connection with magic I am always being tracked and I have no other choice but move to another prefecture again and again.

"My name is Art Vincent Fierre, I just got in this city and am new to this society, please take care of me from now on."

How many times have I said this line? I do not remember. A month after I enrolled in William Silver Academy and I haven't been tracked yet, this is the longest time so far. I hope they would not come after me again but this is no more than a wishful thinking.

"Art, I got a perfect score in the pop quiz in math, how about you?"

Her deep black eyes glimmered as she rushed into me and smacked my desk. Her long jet-black hair extends to her hips and her skin is porcelain white. Her name is Keith Reina Anglus, one of the friends I got after transferring in this school. She is smart, beautiful, good in sports, and she came from a wealthy family. If not for her rowdy behavior she might be the embodiment of a princess.

"Not bad but I got a hundred and one. I got the bonus question right as I still have much time, lucky right?"

Reina pouted and sulked as she lost again. It has been habitual that we would compare our scores after tests but she got nothing but draws and losses.

"300-meter sprint! Let us go to the field and settle this!"

"You won't stop asking until I agree right?"

"You got it!"

"Then fine, I will go along your scheme."

On the other side, after her losses she would challenge me in a physical battle and I would lose considerably and she would laugh at how weak I am. Contrary to my mental strength and knowledge my physical body has always been in a bad shape, I tried to work out before but it is still ineffective.

"Laugh all you want, this is really not my forte, sigh."

It has been a normal conversation in the beginning but soon it has been evident that they started to talk about magic unintentionally that drove Art to remember his pursuers. Keith Reina Anglus gives off mana as she realized that Art might belong to en enemy faction. She doesn't knew that this will be the start of her worst nightmares.