Is he really a Demon?

Seeing Mingmei Wao Xiu adjusted himself and walked towards her but the girl with whom he was in the room caught his hand and said, "where are you going love? We just started."

Mingmei pushed the door open and glared at Wao Xiu. "So this is your girlfriend?", asked Mingmei.

"Mingi, I can explain everything," said Wao Xiu and walked to her, releasing the girl's grip from his arm. "How can you cheat me?", mumbled Mingmei.

"Mingi I was going to tell you. Last night I was there to tell you that we should break up but then I wasn't able to," said Wao Xiu.

Mingmei smiled in disbelief and slapped him hard. The guy held his cheek and looked at Mingmei. "I'll poke your eyes out if you look at me," said Mingmei angrily to Wao Xiu. The girl came forward and pushed Mingmei and said, "How dare you to slap my boyfriend?

"Fei Ming Si I saw a drama of yours and you were kissing the girl without any shame. Don't you know that demons and angels shouldn't do such a thing," said Xuan looking at him.

"Xuan, that's just acting. Nothing more. An actor has to do such a thing when it's written on a script," said Fei Ming Si with a smile.

"Still you should be aware of that," said Xuan looking at him. "Young master that's Mingmei right?"said Giyu while looking in his right direction. Xuan and Fei Ming looked in that direction.

"Who's she?"asked Fei Ming looking at Mingmei.

"She's the human who helped us here, I mean she gave me shelter and food," said Xuan looking at Mingmei. They saw that she slapped the guy.

"Woah the human girl is fiesty one. She just slapped him….interesting," said Fei Ming looking at Xuan. "So she's the demon bride who's human," thought Fei Ming in his mind.

"Oh that guy. He's her lover…," said Xuan looking at them.

"Boyfriend??"asked Fei Ming Si.

"Yes…," replied Xuan, looking still towards the Mingmei direction. He walked towards her, so did Fei Ming and Giyu.

"He cheated me so he deserves this," said Mingmei glaring at the girl. "Aghhh….I'm feeling like beating him," mumbled Mingmei. The crowd started gathering there. The managers too came there and asked about the commotion.

"This guy cheated on me with his girlfriend," said Mingmei angrily.

"Enough Mingmei. How can you say that? Last night I came to your home to tell you that we should break up but you started kissing me. Is it my fault? What made you think that I'll propose to you. You were on part time jobs for the two years when I supported you. I gave you everything but you didn't even take time for me," snapped Wao Xiu at her.

"You said you love me and you'll marry me after two years," said Mingmei with teary eyes.

"That was two years ago Mingi. Now everything has changed. I'm a manager in a company and this girl is the HR manager who understands me. What about you? You can't even support yourself and can afford a day meal. Do you think I'll marry you? Truth is bitter Mingi but you've to accept this. Isn't this the reason even your family doesn't recognise you," said Wao Xiu. Tears started flowing from Mingmei's eyes. People started whispering about her.

She wiped her tears off her face and said, "You could've told me the same thing earlier. Why are you saying my personal things to everyone?"

"Because you started this. And why are you afraid? People should know your truth too that you're a jinx. How can you forget that two years ago because of you your parents died and that's why your brothers threw you out. When I was with you then I suffered only losses but then I found Bibi and everything got okay. It's clear you're a jinx," said Wao Xiu, looking at Mingmei and pushing her back by hitting at her shoulder.

He kept on hitting her when Xuan came forward and held his hand. His eyes turned Purple and he twisted Wao Xiu's hand so that he cried in pain. The managers tried to stop them but no one could actually go near him. Mingmei looked at him with her teary eyes. Fei Ming Si rushed to Xuan and touched his shoulder.

"Back off," shouted Xuan. Wao Xiu was still crying in pain. Everyone got afraid because of his growled voice. Fei Ming Si used his power to release Xuan's grip from Wao Xiu's hand. With a snap of finger he took out the memories of Xuan from them. All of the humans scattered away from there except Mingmei because she's a demon bride whose memories can't be taken away except Xuan Hao.

Xuan turned to his normal self. He turned back to Mingmei and asked her if she's fine. She kept on looking into his eyes. "Why don't we go inside the room which I've booked?"said Fei Ming looking at them.

Xuan nodded and told Mingmei to follow them. They get seated on the cushioned sofa there. "Thanks Xuan for helping me out there," said Mingmei.

"It's fine. What do you want to eat? Fei Ming will give us a good treat so we don't have to think about money," said Xuan happily. Mingmei smiled looking at him and turned to face Fei


"Do you know him? How is this possible? You're an actor," asked Mingmei looking at Fei Ming.

"Oh! He used to work for me then we became friends," lied Fei Ming.

"Hey what are you lying? She knows everything. I told her that I'm from demon world," said Xuan.

Mingmei started laughing when she heard him. "You again started that rubbish. Sir don't believe his words," said Mingmei looking at Fei Ming. He smiled looking at Xuan and did a telepathy to Xuan's mind.

'Well humans won't believe you. That's why your powers are taken. Don't tell her about this from now on. You're on a mission so just complete your mission and return back.'

Xuan looked at Fei Ming and nodded. Giyu was just looking at them, uttering no word. Their ordered meals came there and they started eating.

"Ahhh….this is the food I always wanted," said Xuan while chewing the rice in his mouth.

"Slow down else your throat can choke down," said Mingmei looking at Xuan. Xuan nodded and after having dinner they left for their homes. Giyu told Xuan that he will meet after some days as he has to complete a task in the other city.

Xuan and Mingmei were walking in the pavilion when Mingmei looked at Xuan and said, "Thanks there to help me."

Xuan looked at him and asked, "Why were you just hearing his words?"

"He called me a jinx, which is the truth in a way," said Mingmei, looking at him. The peach blossom flower petals are flowing down in the pavilion in which they're walking.

"You humans take other people's things to heart when you know those persons don't even worth to say that to you. You ain't a jinx. You are the only human who helped me so for me you're a lucky charm," said Xuan with a smile. Mingmei smiled and said, "you're also my saviour. You saved me twice."

"Haha I'm the invincible young master Hao. Of course I can save anyone," said Xuan with a smile. Mingmei smiled looking at him when she stumbled in steps but then Xuan caught her. She looked into his eyes which she noticed earlier were purple but not this time. She got lost in his eyes when Xuan snapped his fingers before her. "Are you okay?", asked Xuan looking at her.

"Ahh….yes I'm okay," said Mingmei and straightened herself. He told her to be careful to which she nodded.

"Xuan, if you know that actor then why did you lie that you don't know anyone here?"asked Mingmei.

"Well I really don't know all the people here. Fei Ming and I have known each other since childhood," said Xuan. Mingmei nodded at him.

"In the morning we will have a tight schedule so be ready to work hard," said Mingmei.

"Okay….I can do any kind of work," said Xuan with a smile and they kept on walking till they reached home.

"Goodnight then," said Mingmei.

"Hm….btw you should throw out that sofa in which you both were doing that...that kissing thing," said Xuan.

Mingmei looked at the sofa and said, "I'm also thinking of doing the same thing." Xuan went towards his room in the basement.

He looked at himself in the mirror. "I felt something different there. Only Fei Ming can answer my questions," mumbled Xuan looking at the mirror.

He laid down on his bed and after sometime the sleep engulfed him.

Mingmei in her room was thinking about Xuan. "Is he really a demon? At that time his eyes were turned purple and it felt like he was going to kill him," mumbled Mingmei looking at the mirror.