No one can touch my Bride!

The huge blast in the festive grounds made many humans injured but Xuan made them unconscious. There were the six demons and all were masked. One of them was Jiong who previously attacked the shooting place. Behind then there were hundreds of demons too.

"You think you can stand before me?," mumbled Xuan and glared at them with a smile. "Young master, don't underestimate us because we six are the only demons with whom you've not had any fight. I think Lord Haya didn't tell his son about the defeat of him a long time ago. He was lucky that angels saved him."

Xuan smiled hearing this and said, "it's good you six appeared today because now it will be the last day of your life." With a light's speed he reached before a demon in black clothes with slight red stripes around the arms. Xuan punched at his chest. The demon flew away because of the impact. Nuwa, Haixu Wa, Yang Dao and Feng Lui also appeared there.

Some other bad demons also appeared there and three of them went towards Mingmei and Fei Ming Si.

Xuan stomped his one of the feet on the ground and they all exited the human realm and entered the battlefield of the demon world.

A fight broke out between them. Mingmei looked around when Ming Si said, "it's the demon world. Don't worry." Suddenly the three demons attacked simultaneously at Ming Si. He wasn't as powerful as Xuan but was strong enough to beat them. After killing them Ming Si held Mingmei's hand and he tried disappearing but couldn't because Xuan has used the spell that neither can leave that area nor can anyone enter there.

The five demons again appeared there and attacked Ming Si. Mingmei who was behind him got terrified and ran from there. Fei Ming Si tried stopping her but she didn't listen to him and thought to run away.

Xuan injured five of the strong demons there and found the sixth wasn't there. He got the scent of Mingmei and ran there. The sixth demon who was Jiong grabbed Mingmei from her arm when she was running and smirked. "I was looking for you for a long time," whispered Jiong in her ear.

Xuan appeared there when Jiong told him to stop, else he will kill the girl. Fei Ming Si appeared there too and saw Mingmei in the masked demon hand.

"Step ahead and lose her life," muttered Jiong with a smirk.

"Go kill her," stated Fei Ming Si. Jiong looked at Xuan and then put his hand on Mingmei's neck. "Young master, will you be able to see her dying?," asked Jiong. Mingmei mumbled," it's all because of me so end this." She was ready to sacrifice herself and was telling from her eyes to Xuan that it's fine.

"Why are you waiting? Just kill her and end this. We are tired of playing this chaser and runner game with you," muttered Fei Ming Si. Jiong smiled and looked at Xuan for his answer. Xuan shook his head in support of Ming Si.

"Looks like you don't worry about your life," murmured Jiong, looking at Xuan and then with his power cut Mingmei's wrists slightly. The blood started pouring down from her wrists and all the demons got a trigger because of this. Xuan looked at Mingmei and his heart started aching. He held his chest and fell on the ground on his knees. He then made cuts on her arms and then shoulders. Mingmei winced in pain because of this. Xuan's heart started crushing and the layer surrounding the battlefield disappeared.

The demons started appearing there as her blood scent was unstoppable for them. Ming Si looked at Xuan when his eyes fell on the bracelet which was circling Xuan's wrist.

"Stop," ordered Ming Si glaring at Jiong. He laughed and murmured,"look like the young master's weakness is in my hands. Well her blood is the thing which I needed the most." Hearing this Xuan with a lightning speed appeared before Jiong and grabbed his neck with his right hand and with his left hand he pulled Mingmei behind him.

Fei Ming Si was going to punch Jiong when he disappeared from there. Xuan got startled by this and looked at Ming Si. "Let's think about this later," mumbled Ming Si. Seeing the young master there, the demons started disappearing from there. Nuwa and her fellows were able

to kill some demons but they were also injured and came before Xuan.

Xuan turned to look at Mingmei who was holding her wrists. He touched at her wounds and in a few minutes they were healed. Xuan coughed and blood came out of his mouth. Seeing this Mingmei got concerned and immediately wiped the blood.

Ming Si and others looked at Xuan but weren't able to understand what was happening. "You're hurt," murmured Mingmei with teary eyes. "We aren't going to earth today. I want to rest," mumbled Xuan and disappeared from there. Mishi wiped off her tears when Ming Si grabbed her arm and then with her he vanished in a thin air.

Yang Dao told Nuwa and her fellow demons that they are going to their home, will meet her on the earth and disappeared with Feng Lui.


Jia Xin was reading a book when her eldest son came there. "Wang, what happened? Why are you so tense?," asked Jia Xin and got up from the wooden chair.

"Mother, Xuan is here. He's injured. This is the first time he's injured this bad," muttered Wang with a worried look. Jia Xin got worried hearing this and left for Xuan's private chamber.

Xuan was unconsciously lying on his bed and an old demon who had magical charm knowledge was checking him. Giyu told the attendants to blow the fans slowly. Jia Xin and Wang reached there. Giyu bowed and greeted them. Jia ran towards Xuan's bed and asked the old man what had happened.

"Young Master's heart is bound by this bracelet which has used a love charm. This spell was banned a long time ago in our world but the enemy has used this against him," explained the old man. Jia held her son's hand in hers.

"Why will someone use a love spell?," asked Wang confusingly.

"Brother Wang, I'll explain," muttered Ming Si and stepped forward from the door. He greeted them and started speaking. "Xuan has a human bride. No one knows about this until he went to earth and found his bride. It was actually a prophecy but expect Lord Haya no one knew about this. The girl's blood is very precious and if it is used by a bad demon then he can use it with Immortal drink and revive the dead demons. So Xuan has been protecting her since then. It's like a fate that they are bound to be together. Now even if we want to kill her we can't because Xuan will die because of that bracelet. The masked demon who has the immortal drink has done this."

Jia got angry hearing this. "How can Lord Haya send my son to such a place where my son's life is in danger? Where's the human girl?," muttered Jia.

"She's in the western palace," mumbled Ming Si. She got up from the bedside and told Ming Si to take her there. Fei Ming Si nodded and they left from there. Wang looked at the old man and told him to find the cure of the bracelet. The old man got up from the wooden chair and mumbled, "There's no cure. He has to agree to the girl's terms even if he doesn't want to."

Wang got concerned after hearing this and told the old man to go as he will talk to him later about this. "Giyu, please drop Dao Wa to his house," said Wang and walked towards Xuan's bed.

He touched Xuan's forehead. "Little Hao, this isn't good. You hurt yourself for a mere girl," murmured Wang and sat beside the bed on the bed.


Mingmei was pacing in the room and was thinking about Xuan when the door fell open. Mingmei turned to look and found a woman in front of her who looked like her mother's age. She greeted her and then looked at Ming Si.

"Who are you?," asked Jia Xin.

"I'm Mingmei," she mumbled and lowered her eyes.

"How dare you to hurt my son?," yelled Jia Xin and then slapped Mingmei hard. Fei Ming Si stepped forward when Jia Xin shouted, "Don't take a step. It's between two women. Make sure no one comes inside."

"Lady Jia but Xuan will…" Ming Si wasn't able to complete his words when Jia Xin muttered, "I'm Xuan's mother so don't dare to interfere." Ming Si walked out from the room closing the doors behind him.

"You've to kill yourself. This is the only way we can protect my son. Here take this dagger." She with her magic created a dagger and handed that dagger to Mingmei. Mingmei looked at her.

"My son's life is more important than a mere human's life. I've the ability to hear through everyone but I can't hear my son's emotions and thoughts. Kill yourself because this is the only way we can stop the things from turning to worst," muttered Jia Xin.

Mingmei wiped her tears and was going to stab herself when Xian held Mingmei's hand. Jia and Mingmei were surprised to see Xuan in front of them. "Son," murmured Jia.

"No one will touch her without my permission, not even you mother," mumbled Xuan.