I'll kill myself!!

Xuan was laughing seeing Mingmei on the floor. She got up and touched her waist as it was aching. "You should've held me," muttered Mingmei under her breath. Xian stopped laughing and said, "Why should I do that? You were speaking so loudly about that girl being my lover. Never ever in my dreams she can be my lover," mumbled Xuan and crossed his arms.

"Hehe. But she's a good girl. Well, I want to go out. I'm bored here," mumbled Mingmei and stepped out of the room when Xuan held her arm and pulled her. With a smile he said, "it's not earth, human. It's a demon world. Someone will suck your blood out because for us humans are delicious." He smirked while saying this.

Mingmei laughed and said, "then why aren't you sucking my blood. Leave you why aren't other demons doing anything to me? Don't tell such lies from now on." She released her arm from his grip.

"Don't call for me when you'll be attacked," mumbled Xuan. Mingmei didn't say anything and walked out from there. Xuan looked at his hand and tried opening the bracelet from his hand but was in vain. "If this bracelet won't be in my hand then I would've killed you a long time ago," murmured Xuan.

Mingmei was walking through the huge palace pavements when she encountered Giyu there. She waved at him. "I saw you after such a long time. It's good to see you," murmured Mingmei.

"Yes. Even I'm happy to see you. There were some tasks that I've completed in the earth realm so now I won't go back," mumbled Giyu. "Well, Miss you shouldn't go outside this eastern palace. Humans aren't common for demons or should I say you're the first human who is being brought here so don't risk your life as your life is associated with my master's life," muttered Giyu.

Mingmei nodded and walked away from there. She was wandering here and there when she saw some maids talking about Xuan. She hid behind the pillar and listened to their talks. "Young master is so good looking. I wish I could serve him. That way I could see him," mumbled one among them. Mishi giggled hearing this.

"Don't you know that he doesn't like women around him? That's why only one maid serves him, Ning Li." Said the other one among them.

Mingmei thought to do some prank with Xuan and walked towards the maid. Seeing Mingmei coming towards their direction the maids stopped talking. "Hello!! I'm Mingmei." Mingmei introduced herself and waved at them. The maids kept lowering their eyes.

"Ahh, you all are like my friends. I'm new here and I'll go in a few days so till then please give me company. I feel bored here," mumbled Mingmei and made a sad face. The maids looked at her.

"You are many levels up. We are just servants," said one among them. Mingmei hearing this said, "on earth everyone is equal. Even your young master used to wash clothes there. He used to sweep the floor. It's like he was my servant," mumbled Mingmei and smiled.

The maids looked at Mingmei. "Really? But the young master can't do such chores," said the other maid.

"I'm not lying. You can ask this from Yang Dao and Feng Lui. Wait, when they will be here next time I'll tell them to speak this truth in front of you. Your young master has done many many chores there. He just acted here as a regal person but in actuality on the earth his worth is nil," mumbled Mingmei and laughed. The maids too laughed along with her.

"Is earth really an interesting place?," asked one of them. Mingmei nodded and said, "It is a beautiful place. You can do whatever you want to do. You are a free bird there." Mingmei explained them.

"I want to tell you one more interesting thing," murmured Mingmei. The maids told her to speak. " Do you know Lim Jao Bin?," asked Mingmei with slight hesitation in her voice.

"Yes, she's close to the young master's family. The rumors say that Ms Lim Jao will marry the young master once he will be back from earth," said one of the maids among them. The others nodded with her.

"But I heard that the young master doesn't like her a bit," mumbled the other one.

Mingmei thought to spread a strange rumor about Xuan. "Oh really!! Then you must've heard wrong. Xuan is my friend and he told me that he really loves Lim Jao," murmured Mingmei and giggled. The maids got shocked hearing this.

"But the young master never showed this. He doesn't even like to talk to her. I've seen him many times avoiding Ms Lim," mumbled another maid.

"Aish! You all are so naive. Xuan really loves her. Men are like this. They keep on refusing that they don't love but the reality is something else. I'm saying the truth. He even painted a picture of Lim Jao," murmured Mingmei.

The maids got stunned hearing this and then started giggling with Mingmei. Lim Jao's maid was listening to their talks. She immediately rushed towards Lim Jao's chamber to tell her this thing.

After talking for some time the maids told her that they've to work. Mingmei nodded and left from there. "It's good. I don't want to tell that lie but then I want to see Xuan's face hearing this strange rumour about him," murmured Mingmei and ran towards the garden. She laid down there and looked at the sky. The night was going to fall soon.


Lim Jao was brushing her hair when her personal attendant told her every single thing Mingmei was telling to the maids there. Lim Jao stopped midway and put the brush on the table there.

"Are you saying the truth?," asked Lim again for confirmation.

"Yes, my young Miss. She was telling that the young master loves you and is afraid of expressing your feelings to you. He even made a painting of yours," said Lim Jao's attendant, Ying Qi. A broad smile appeared on Lim Jao's lips and she told her to accompany her.

They were walking through the pavement when they saw Mingmei in the garden, sleeping peacefully on the floor. "That human doesn't know where she should sleep and where she shouldn't," murmured Ying Qi.

Xuan was reading some books when Ning Li told him that Lim Jao wants to meet him. He nodded and told her to let them in and told her to be with Mingmei who was in the garden. Ning Li walked out hearing this and told Lim Jao that they could meet the young master.

Lim Jao entered the chamber and bowed her head lightly before him. Xuan was busy reading books so he told Lim Jao to speak quickly.

"Young master, you are a really shy type. I never knew you feel this way," mumbled Lim Jao. Xuan got confused and raised his head to look at Lim Jao.

"What are you trying to say?," asked Xuan with a raised brow.

Lim Jao sat in front of him on the cushion. "You don't have to be shy now. I know you love me a lot and you can't able to express those feelings," mumbled Lim Jao and smiled. Xuan felt disgusted hearing this so he immediately got up from his seat.

"Try saying this one more time and I'll kill you immediately," muttered Xuan and gritted his teeth. Lim Jao got scared hearing this. She got up and went near Xuan. "What are you saying? You even painted my picture," mumbled Lim Jao with teary eyes. Xuan glared at her. "Never ever show me this face of yours."

"Mingmei has told this. She was telling this to the maids that you love me a lot and because she is your friend you told her this," mumbled Lim Jao in anger.

Ying Qi who was at the door came running there and bowed before Xuan. "Young master, my miss is telling the truth. I heard this with my own ears. If you're doubting me then you can ask those maids and even Miss Mei," murmured Ying Qi.

"Ning Li," shouted Xuan. Hearing his voice, Ning Li told Mingmei that they have to go to the chamber. Mingmei nodded and held her hand. They both disappeared from the garden and appeared in the chamber. Ning Li then walked out from there.

Mingmei waved at Lim Jao when she saw her teary eyes. She thought something had gone wrong. Xian stepped towards Mingmei and asked her what rumors she was spreading about him and Lim Jao.

"How did he get to know about that? I never thought those maids would tell Lim Jao," thought Mingmei in her mind.

"I'm asking something," yelled Xuan at Mingmei. Mingmei got scared hearing his growl. "Xuan, I thought to prank you. I never thought that Lim Jao would get to know about this. I'm sorry," murmured Mingmei. Lim Jao stepped towards her and slapped her hard. "Human, before spreading such rumors you should know that it can hurt others," mumbled Lim Jao. She then turned to Xuan and bowed before him.

"Young master, if you won't punish her then I'll kill myself," stated Lim Jao.