Chase and Meets

Gongzhu was checking around the city when she heard the voices of police sirens. She came a bit lower to the ground to see the commotion. There were four police cars, chasing a car. She unknowingly started chasing the car as she wanted to help the police too. Well, she is an Angel so it was her duty to help the humans but somewhere in her heart she always restricted herself that's why she's the princess of shadows. Today she felt the verge to help so she continued chasing the car. The first police car which was chasing the car ahead of it, has two police officers inside it. "Chief, you're thinking of increasing the speed?," asked his junior colleague, Ha Xin. Ying Zao increased the speed of the car and they came beside the criminal's car who was running away from them. Ying Zao took the pistol in his hand and told Ha Xin to lean back. Gongzhu was watching all this. Ying Zao shot at the tyre and the car stopped abruptly with a loud friction sound. The people on the sideroad were afraid of seeing this. Ying Zao immediately applied the brake and then got out of the car. Tucking the pistol behind his back he ran towards the criminal whose head was banged against the steerwheel. He took out the handcuffs from the other side of his waist. Opening the car door, he grabbed the criminal and put the handcuffs on his wrists. The other police cars arrived there. Ying Zao took the criminal out of the car and threw him towards the other police officer. "Yang Xu, take him away. This time be cautious," muttered Ying Zao. He nodded and took the criminal with him accompanied by two other officers. Ying Zao looked at the sky when his eyes fell on Gongzhu. But she thought he was a human so he wouldn't see her but it was the opposite. He's a demon who joined the police department a few years ago, as he found that job suitable for him in the human world. "An angel? Isn't she the princess of shadows? But what is she doing here on the earth?" Such questions revolved in Ying Zao mind when Ha Xin told him that he will bring the car back and he should return to the police station in his police car. "Hmm. Okay," said Ying Zao and averted his gaze from Gongzhu. Ha Xin and his other police fellow resumed the traffic and told people not to worry. Ying Zao left from there followed by Ha Xin and Yingxi. "That police officer should've shot the criminal down. He doesn't know how to handle such criminals. If I would be in his place then I would have shot his head down," murmured Gongzhu and kept wandering in the air. "I'm an Angel. I shouldn't think like this. My duty is to save the humans from bad luck not to punish them. Only demons can do that but I don't know why I have such feelings. I wish I could be a demon, that way it would be easier for me to punish such persons. Ahhh, if Angel Lord will get to know about my thoughts then he will punish me severely so stop thinking now." Murmuring this Gongzhu followed Ying Zao's car. Ying Zao noticed that Gongzhu was following her. He rubbed his forehead with his other hand. "Why is she following me? Did I do something wrong? Wait, I should ask her myself," thought Ying Zao in his mind and turned the car to a nearby restaurant. "Is he hungry? He should go and punish that criminal. Well I'm also hungry and this place is a good one to have lunch," muttered Gongzhu. Ying Zao stepped out of the car and then went inside the restaurant. Gongzhu landed on the earth making herself visible. She was wearing black jean, over which she has worn a black sweater and above that a long black coat. She chose that getup and went inside the restaurant. She ordered a lunch meal for her and sat around a table which was quite isolated from people's eyes. As she started eating, Ying Zao came there and put his car keys at the table. Gongzhu raised her head and then put the fork down. "Do you want something?," asked Gongzhu with a raised brow. "Yes, a seat." Replied Ying Zao. Gongzhu looked around and said, "There are many vacant tables. You can take the seat of one of them." Ying Zao got seated opposite her and spoke. "I always sit here." "Aye!! But today it's taken by me. Find yourself another one," suggested Gongzhu but Ying Zao refuted. "Why is this human irritating me? Well, let him be. I should eat and then I've to look after Mingmei too," thought Gongzhu and started eating while Ying Zao kept looking at her. By then his order also came and he started eating too. He wanted to break the ice but Gongzhu's coldness didn't let him. He continued eating when Gongzhu got up from the seat. "Are you done? Don't you wanna eat more?" Inquired Ying Zao. "It shouldn't matter to you," saying this Gongzhu turned to the counter and after paying left from there. Ying Zao put the chopsticks on the plate. "Why was I afraiding of her? She was chasing me and I was going to ask but then I wasn't able to. Huh….her coldness towards people is the reason I couldn't speak to her," murmured Ying Zao and then picked the chopsticks and started eating. ~~~~~~~~ Mei Li Yangzi inside the SJ entertainment was sitting beside her favourite actor, Wei Wangxu who was talking about his next drama. Mei Li was also reading the script along with him. "Ahh, this scene shouldn't be there. I don't like this actress at all. I can be an actress if I want to and then I'll act with you," said Yangzi and giggled holding his arm. But Wei Wangxu wasn't feeling her touch as she is invisible to the humans unless she wants to show herself. "Isn't next month too early to start the shooting? I mean I've other shoots too," stated Wei Wangxu with a worried look. "Then the director will sign another actor for this. I know it will be a tight schedule for you but this will give a hit to your career," the CEO explained his point to Wei Wangxu. Wei Wangxu was sad hearing this as he also wanted some time for himself. Mei Li Yangzi felt bad hearing this. "Don't worry Wei Wangxu. You know I'm an Angel so I can fulfill your wish. That director will himself shift the date. I know you also need rest but they can't understand you. I, Mei Li Yangzi, your top fan only can understand you. Don't you worry now see my magic," excitedly said Yangzi and then made a pattern in the air. After a minute, the director's call came and then he told the SJ entertainment CEO that he has shifted the shooting dates for Wei Wangxu. Wangxu was happy to hear that and seeing him happy, our Angel Yangzi also became happy.