Found the demon behind all this!!

Xuan's hand was still on his heart and was in deep thoughts when Fei Ming Si said, "falling for her?" Xuan immediately turned back and looked at him, putting his hand down. "What do you mean?," grumbled Xuan. "Don't you know? Why are you choosing this fate? Now you're started having feelings for her," murmured Ming Si. "Is it because of this bracelet?," asked Xuan looking at his wrist. "I don't know that's why I'm asking. I never felt this way. Tell me so that I can understand," said Xuan looking at Ming Si. "Xuan, you have started caring for Mingmei. There are many instances. Even if she had shown kindness towards you it doesn't mean you've to shower kindness again and again. At the end of the day one of you'll suffer because of your unrequited love. You clearly know the prophecy, still you decided to go along with it." Ming Si explained the points to Xuan. "This can't happen. I mean…" Ming Si cut Xuan's words. "Don't deny. That girl affects you a lot. You're more worried for her than for yourself. I'm afraid that in future too you'll save her life instead of yours. That's why I was against you since the start," muttered Fei Ming Si. The frowns on his forehead were clearly showing that he was worried for Xuan. "I won't. You're saying rubbish," said Xuan and disappeared from there. "I wish this could be rubbish," murmured Ming Si and was going to snap his fingers when Bingbing appeared there. "Worried for your friend? It's normal," said Bingbing with a smile. "I can expect this reaction only from you. Look what is happening. Xuan is now falling for that girl. I'm scared that in the near future he won't let her die once he will get rid of that bracelet," muttered Ming Si. "They are lovers from the past. Don't you want to see them together?," inquired Bingbing. "For me, my friend's life is of utmost importance," replied Ming Si. Bingbing smiled hearing him. "Angels are protecting the girl so don't you think even heaven wants them to meet. Let them go along with this flow. Who knows they both will be saved in the future," saying that Bingbing disappeared from there. "This Angel always tells half things," murmured Ming Si and left from there. ~~~~~~~~ Mimgmei and Mingmei checked her phone and saw the email from SJ entertainment. "Oh my God!! Ning Li I'm selected….I'm selected," shouted Mingmei in happiness and hugged tightly Ning Li. Ning Li was happy for her. Mingmei was jumping on the couch happily. "Yayyy...Lord Haya I love you. You made my wish true. I thought only angels make your wishes true but demons do as well. I'm really happy," stated Mingmei and then started dancing. Yangzi and Gongzhu seeing Mingmei felt happy. "Now I can see Wei Wangxu daily. Yayyy," murmured Yangzi and giggled. Gongzhu smiled seeing Yangzi happy. "If I were a human then I would've become Wei Wangxu's manager by cracking every interview. As a human you can enjoy so many things," murmured Yangzi. "I hate humans," muttered Gongzhu in a cold tone. Yangzi looked at her Gongzhu with confusion. The expression on Gongzhu's face changed. "I don't know why am I an Angel? I don't feel an urge to help humans but I can't help it as I'm an angel." Gongzhu stated in her damped voice. Yangzi felt something was going on with Gongzhu. "Is something bothering you?," asked Yangzi with a concerned look. "I don't know but sometimes I feel a void inside my heart. It feels like something happened with me when I was on this earth. I don't know why I became an Angel," murmured Gongzhu. Yangzi caressed Gongzhu's back gently and told her not to think too much. "We did something good in our past life, that's why we are angels," stated Yangzi. Gongzhu looked into her eyes and felt the warmness. "I'm happy that you understand me. I want to go out," said Gongzhu. "Hmm. You should," suggested Yangzi. Gongzhu smiled and left from there. She was roaming in the air when she thought to go down and take a walk. She was in the black dress: a white shirt, with black pants with a long black coat. She reached the market by foot. As she was walking, she hit a man passing across her. "Honey, are you okay?," asked the woman with the man. Gongzhu's eyes fell on the man and unknowingly a tear fell from her eye. She turned her gaze from him and walked ahead, wanting to know what just happened. The man turned back to look back but she disappeared from his sight already. "What are you looking at?," asked his wife. The man didn't say anything and left with her. Gongzhu touched her cheek and felt the teardrop on her cheek. "Why? What just happened?," murmured Gongzhu but she had no answers for those questions. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jiong was seated on a large cushioned chair along with many other demons on the couches, on the right and left side of him. "Jiong, we have already attacked two times and failed both times. Young master is protecting that human; not only that angels are with them," muttered Tai Leezhan. Jiong slightly smiled and said, "I found the weakness of Xuan. We have to kill one of them and it won't be that girl. We will now threaten her to surrender herself. Just a few drops of her blood sufficient to achieve immortality and immense power. The demons from hell will wake up and be our puppets." "Why do you think the girl will listen to us?," asked, Kei Long. "She loves Xuan but he doesn't. He will kill her once the bracelet is out of his hand but poor him he won't be able to remove that bracelet. So, if we threaten the girl that we will harm the young master she will immediately turn herself in," muttered Jiong and started laughing evilly. The other demons too laughed along with him. When they stopped, Daoxi asked, "who will threaten her? Should I?" "No. I'll do it myself. Young master is always around her and you won't be able to do anything if you'll be caught. You are my one of the most trusted allies. I'll handle the girl. You all just prepare for the other things," stated Jiong. All the demons agreed with him. Fu Shanyao heard their entire conversation. "You are forgetting that heavenly angels are more powerful than the demons. Sorry but you'll get a good defeat this time," thought Shan Yao, looking at Jiong and then she disappeared from there. Yang Dao and Feng Lui were laughing seeing one of the dramas of Fei Ming Si, when Shanyao appeared there. Seeing the emanating shine from Shanyao, they both got up from the couch. "White fairy!" Exclaimed Feng Lui. With a serious tone she asked about Xuan. Ming Si came out of his room with a towel around his neck. "Fu Shanyao, it's good to see you," said Ming Si with a warm smile and told her to take a seat. Shanyao rested herself on the couch and then again asked about Xuan. "We don't know. He is gone for some work, will come in a while," stated Feng Lui. He then gazed at her and asked her why she is looking for him. "I found the demon who's behind all this," said Shanyao with a serious tone.