Taking care of Mingmei

Xuan sat beside Mingmei and was caressing her head. From his face it seemed that he had guilt. He looked at the finger marks on her chin. "He must've touched her," murmured Xian and gently touched her face. Frowns appeared on her forehead as shudders of pain were going through her entire body. "M..mo..mom," whispered Mingmei. Xuan touched her forehead and saw the memory when she was a 12 years old kid. "You jinx, get out from my room. Because of you I failed the exam. I wish you would've died," yelled an adult boy at her. It was her older brother. Tears started flowing from Mingmei's eyes. "You didn't study. Why are you blaming me?," asked Mingmei in a low voice. Her brother got up from the bed and slapped her hard. "Get out of my sight." Mingmei started crying when her mother came there. "Mom, brother slapped me. He's calling me a jinx," murmured Mingmei and sobbed. "Mom, take her out from there. My mind will blow up if I'll see her here," muttered her brother in anger. Mingmei's mother told her to go from there. Mingmei went away from there and laid down on the bed. Hiding her face in the pillow she started crying. The door of her room opened up and her mother came inside. Mingmei got up, wiped the tears from the back of her palm when her mother sat beside her. "Mom, why do all people call me a jinx?," questioned Mingmei. Her mother caressed her head and said, "you aren't. You have to live and do something big for yourself." "Is it because I was born in a bad omen? That old aunty told me that I am the bride of a demon. Is it because of that?," asked Mingmei in a low voice. Her mother didn't say anything for awhile. After a pause she told Mingmei to take rest. Xuan came out of her memory. "I'll kill your brother," muttered Xuan under his breath. He then held her hands in his and said, "I wanted to kill you but last night I recalled how much you got angry. You must've faced harshness for being my bride but I won't let you face any difficulty. I won't kill you." He then leaned closer to her face and kissed her forehead. Looking at her face he said, "I don't know why I did that but I think you need this." Xuan then straightened himself up and kept seated there. In the late evening, Mingmei gradually opened her eyes. "Ahh," Mingmei passed a low scream and tried getting up but couldn't. She felt her back was badly damaged when she was thrown by that demon. "Everything is fine now," murmured Xuan and helped her in sitting up. "He was going to kill me," stuttered Mingmei and started trembling. Xuan then placed his hands over Mingmei's. "I'm with you. No one can kill you so easily. He even touched you because I couldn't come in time. I apologize for that," stated Xuan and rubbed her hands. "He threw me...and it feels like my back is badly hurt. I've to go to the doctor to check it. Did you call the doctor for me? My feet are already dressed?," asked Mingmei. "Um...hmm. I called one doctor. Well your feet are hurt badly so it will take time to heal- at least a week or two. I'll heal your back. I've learnt medicine from my master. I will heal that. For now rest, I will make some meals for you," muttered Xuan. "What? No I can't...I mean you can't heal me. Doctor will do it," said Mingmei. "We will talk about this later. What do you want to eat?," asked Xuan. "You don't have to make it. Where's Ning Li?," questioned Mingmei. Xuan walked out from there giving no answer to Mingmei. In the kitchen he looked for the things there and put the pot on the stove filled with water. "What should I do with this?," murmured Xuan looking at the veggies in his hands. "Mingmei used to cut them and put them. I should also do that and then I'll do the remaining things," murmured Xaun. As he started cutting the vegetables he felt how difficult it was. "Fighting is easier than this. Ahh...if my people will see me doing this work they will laugh at me," murmured Xuan. He then looked at the cut veggies which were of unequal shape and then put them in the boiling water. "What now? Will she eat this?," murmured Xian and scratched his forehead. "Xuan," called Mingmei and he raised his eyes and saw Mingmei was walking. "I told you that you need rest," muttered Xuan. "I thought to help you and…" But before Mingmei could speak further Xuan immediately appeared in front of her and with a blink of an eye he carried her in his arms. Mingmei's hands were around his shoulders and both stared at each other. "Isn't your back hurting? Aren't your feet hurting?," inquired Xuan in his deep voice to which she nodded. "Then why are you out? Should I tie you with roles?," asked Xuan. "Eh...no no," murmured Mingmei. "Then, why are you walking? I've my ways to punish you. My anger hasn't gone yet. Wait...how did that man come inside? I mean until you let anyone come inside no one could've come in," said Xuan confusingly. "Actually we met in the elevator and I thought he's my neighbour. He told me he needs water so I…," Mingmei stopped saying further. "Who told you to be kind to every random person? If you won't be hurt then" Saying this Xuan got close to her and said, "then I would've killed you in an interesting way. You don't know how angry I'm right now." Xuan said in his deep, cold tone. His warm breath hit against Mingmei's lips. Her cheeks flushed red. "Can you put me down? It's...it's uncomfortable," murmured Mingmei. Xuan took Mingmei inside the room and put her down. "Don't come out, else you know the consequences," whispered Xuan in her ear and disappeared from there. Mingmei touched her cheeks. "Agh...My heart," murmured Mingmei and touched her chest. Xuan looked at the pot and found that he wasn't able to make some food for her. He then called Ming Si there and asked him how to get food. "Ahh...I'm ordering for you two," stated Ming Si and from the food mobile app did the order for them. "I also want to learn that. I think I will need that later too," said Xuan looking at the phone. "I would love to but right now I've to go urgently to my agency. Ask Mingmei. She will teach you how to use a phone," muttered Ming Si and disappeared from there. Xuan waited for the delivery boy for 20 minutes as Ming Si told him. Taking food from him, he went to Mingmei's room and told her he wasn't able to cook anything so Ming Si ordered meals for them. Mingmei thanked him and after that Xuan emptied the food in the plates and bowls. He then carried Mingmei and made her sit on the couch. They both started eating when Mingmei again asked about Ning Li. "She won't be on earth anymore. She is being sent to the demon world. Let's not talk about her," muttered Xuan when he saw food beside Mingmei's lips. With his thumb he wiped that off which made Mingmei startled. Both again stared into each other's eyes when Xuan broke the ice and asked, "is there something in his eyes?" Mingmei shook her head in refusal and averted her gaze. ~~~~~~~~~ Hello Readers!! I don't know whether you're liking this story or not. Please do comments to let me know your thoughts. Do votes with Power Stones also. Thank you! Happy Reading!