Xuan's Interrogation!

As soon as Chan told that Xuan's lawyer was waiting outside for him, Xuan got up from the chair. Throwing the cotton bud in the dustbin, he put his sleeve down and walked out of the interrogation room. Qiu Wang and Mingmei too followed him. 

Xuan's manager, Yan Dei Li was talking with the other police officer when he saw Xuan. He quickly walked to Xuan and grabbed his arms gently. "Are you okay? Were they harsh on you? Forgive me for making you wait so much. The lawyer is here and he will handle the matter," muttered Dei Li.

"Is the media outside?" Asked Xuan. 

Ming Si was with the lawyer talking with Qiu Wang when Mingmei said, "Everyone is inquired before releasing. Your client wasn't conscious last night so we couldn't interrogate him. Please cooperate with us."