You've to work under officer Mingmei!

Zhan Yao was disheartened when Mingmei told everyone that she never saw him with those eyes as he expected. Taking heavy signs, he laid down on the bed when Yuan came there. Instantly he got up and acquired a sitting pose.

"Don't be sad," said Yuan and sat on the bed. 


"She doesn't know what love is. I mean you have to start showing her that way she will understand and reciprocate. Sitting here and thinking about that won't do any good. 

After 3 years you're transferred here so what do you expect? You have to make an effort and most importantly you both are in the same department so it won't be any problem," stated Yuan.

"You're saying right. I shouldn't lose hope when I didn't even start. It's like I never even told her about my feelings for her because I'm scared what she will think," said Zhan Yao.

"Don't be afraid. Be like a man. Why to scare? If you want to be with her then you've to be like her. Strong and bold," suggested Yuan.