Mingmei took out the Bluetooth from her ear and then pressed the accelerator of the car to increase the speed to catch up with Xuan. The long highway wasn't ending any sooner when he found that he took the turn to the forested area of Beijing. "Why is he heading to this forest area?" Mingmei thought.
She continued chasing the car until Xuan stopped the car in front of a graveyard. Mingmei too stopped the car just a few meters away from him so that Xuan would not be able to see him. "What is he doing in a graveyard?" Mingmei thought and stepped down the car.
Xuan had white flowers and red roses in his hand which Mingmei saw. "He is taking roses to graveyard?" Mingmei mumbled and then followed him. Xuan entered in the graveyard and kept walking till he found the graveyard of Mingmei. "How are you?" Xuan asked and sat there. On the other Mingmei kept watching from afar.