Not to show your face!

Xuan was sleeping when Ming Si came inside the room and saw Manager of Xuan there. Seeing Ming Si, Dei Li went near him and hugged him.

"I was so scared when I heard the news that our Xuan was stabbed," said Dei Li. Ming Si patted at his back and consoled him. "He is fine now. Let him sleep now," he further said and saw Mingmei who was doing something on her phone.

"Manager Li, let's go to the couch and sit there," said Ming Si and took him towards the couch. Dei Li sat there. Ming Si looked at Ming Si and told her that she should go home.

"Ahh, I will stay here. He was being injured in the station so it is kind of my duty as a police towards him," stated Mingmei.

Ming Si nodded and said, "the media is flooded with the news. His fans are angry. The situation has got quite complicated." 

"The CEO and police chief will handle that. Why did that woman attack him? Xuan doesn't even know her," Dei Li confusedly opined.