"These days Ying Zao seems off. Is something going on with him?" Mingmei asked, looking at Qiu Wang. They were standing outside a departmental store, holding cola cans in their respective hands.
"After break up he is off. It hits him hard, I guess," stated Qiu Wang and then sipped the cola. They both started walking towards the police station.
"After his mother died, Wangxi was with him. So, it is like he is not able to let her go. Should we talk with him?" Mingmei suggested.
"He will get angry. I tried hard to talk with him regarding that. He told me that he had let her go. Ahh, yes, Kenny was telling me that a woman had come to the police station asking for his number. After that he left with her. I forgot to ask about that from him," pronounced Qiu Wang.