Count thousand stars

Gongzhu came there and saw Ying Zao was quite emotional so she thought to cheer up his mood. "Mom- dad," she called and came at the front. Ying Zao looked at her and gave her a smile. "Why are you crying? You are the groom. Usually the bride cries but reverse is happening here," said Gongzhu.

"I am not crying," Ying Zao said.

"Do you know how to dance?" Gongzhu asked him as she sat on the couch beside her father. 

"What?" Ying Zao exclaimed.

"We will have a couple dance too. Forgot?!" Gongzhu queried him. "So, do you know how to dance?" she asked again.

"I will learn," Ying Zao replied and gave a faint smile.

"When? After two days we are going to marry," stated Gongzhu and then turned to her father. "Dad, you are the best dancer in this world for me. Will you teach us? Because even I do not know," said Gongzhu and giggled.

"I will call for a choreographer from a dance studio for you two to teach you," Hong Li Han suggested.