Humble Servant

Fang Han worked as a slave in the Fang Clan. His duty was horse rearing. The Fang Clan's Second Miss's famous horse to be exact, "Thousand Miles Snow".

Horse rearing was a difficult job. One would have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed them, especially for these high-quality horses. At this time, Fang Han should've given the "Thousand Miles Snow" some boiled soy milk, mixed it with eggs, soybeans, and all kinds of exquisite feed, and then take it for a walk to help digest the food while waiting for Fang Clan's Second Miss to arrive.

But because of him peeping on today's early morning practice, and the "Giant Spirit Hand" Fang Tong appearing to explain the secrets of the Mortal Body Realm and the Divine Mysteries Realm, it made him forget and delay the most important matters.

Sure enough, when Fang Han arrived hurriedly at the horse field, he saw that the "Thousand Miles Snow" which he was responsible for, was being ridden by a woman with a cool and noble temperament.

Beside this woman stood a maid and a lofty guard, as well as several young men and women who also rode on horses. They showed radiating complexions, showing their great accomplishments in cultivation.

"Fang Han, you have caused a terrible disaster! Quickly kneel down and beg the Second Miss for forgiveness!" Seeing Fang Han appear, an old man hurried over and hollered at Fang Han.

"Chief Manager, I had trouble with my stomach this morning..." said Fang Han hesitantly.

This old man was the Chief Manager of the Fang Clan's stable.

"I don't care about your reasons, delaying the Second Miss's affairs is a great sin! Don't you know how a slave should behave? Your father has taught you since childhood, do you still not understand that the master's affairs are greater than the heavens?" the old man scolded.

"You are Fang Han, the one who takes care of the Thousand Miles Snow? The Second Miss ordered you to come over, she has some questions to ask!"

At this moment, a maid with a lofty expression and arrogance came from the distance, seeing Fang Han, she snorted and raised her five fingers. Then, like an eagle-catching a rabbit, she directly grabbed Fang Han by his shoulder.

Fang Han suddenly felt that his whole body turned listless, and was actually lifted by such a petite maid.

This technique is called the Crane Claw Seal Art, she's two or three times more powerful than me. Fang Han looked at the maid's movement and strength, and suddenly remembered his experience of secretly studying martial arts.

However, he couldn't avoid it at all. Although he has been peeping for a whole month, and his heart was enlightened. But he still needed a lot of practice. How could he compare with the personal maid of the Second Miss?

What was more, even if he could avoid it, he didn't dare to. Otherwise, a disaster will be imminent.


Fang Han was thrown to the ground, and his whole body felt sore.

"Kneel and answer!" The maid said before kicking Fang Han's leg.

"You are Fang Han?" Atop the pure white horse "Thousand Miles Snow", her voice was conveyed from high above.

"This lowly slave is Fang Han." Fang Han lowered his head and replied painfully.

He knew that this Second Miss was called Fang Qingwei, and was very powerful. He was only a servant, so if he did anything that made her dissatisfied, he would be doomed.

"My Thousand Miles Snow is well raised by you, and it shows the effort you put into raising it. However, this morning, you've neglected your duties." Fang Qingwei said coldly, "I don't care what your reason is, as a slave, your everything is for the sake of your master. This is the rule of my Fang Clan and the rule of every slave. This horse is your life, you must take care of it as if your life is on the line. Understood?"

"I understand, from now on, I will put his life on the line, and raise a great horse for the Second Miss. Wherever the horse is, I will be there, and if the horse dies, I'll die too. Second Miss, please spare me for my misdemeanor today." Fang Han smashed his head against the ground over and over again. At this moment, he naturally knew what to do.

Amidst his kowtowing in fear and panic, Fang Han's eyes quietly fell on Fang Qingwei's boots on the stirrups.

Fang Qingwei's boots were pure white in color and inlaid with jade, causing them to look exquisite and gorgeous. Looking at these boots, Fang Han thought, one day, he would let others look up at his shoes.

"Whip him ten times, let him remember today's lesson."

Fang Qingwei responded immediately while waving her hand slightly on the horse.

"Yes!" The maid beside him immediately picked up the horsewhip and lashed it against Fang Han's body.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Fang Han's body shivered and his heart ached from the pain. The maid's hands were extremely strong. Every whip that flew through the air had a cracking sound coming from its tip. He felt as if all his bones were breaking apart. But he clenched his teeth while cold sweat dripped down his body.

After ten lashes, he fell limply to the ground, as of paralyzed!

"Thank you Second Miss, for giving me the punishment I deserve." 

After the whipping, Fang Han uses his remaining breath to speak gratefully, following the rules of the Family. This was the fundamental concept of being a slave, if he dared to do otherwise, it would be seen as him being defiant. His next punishment wouldn't be something as lenient as a whipping.

"Good!"  Fang Qingwei happily nodded with satisfaction. "When acting, I always discern between rewards and punishments clearly. You neglected your duties today, so I had to whip you, but you nurtured this horse with all your heart, it's quite energetic and strong, and you didn't steal any of its fodder. Thus, I will reward you, take it!"

A twinkling silver ingot was thrown from atop the horse and fell in front of Fang Han.

This silver Ingot, with exquisite flame patterns cast on it, and printed with the words "Five taels", was obviously the official silver currency of the Great Desolate Dynasty.

Five taels was equivalent to one year of Fang Han's income, which was a generous reward.

The Fang Clan's horses ate better meals than even people. Every day, they were supplied with a large serving of eggs, soy milk, and much other fodder. A lot of servants secretly stole some of the horses' food to eat for themselves. However, Fang Han did not act like this.

This reward truly showed that Fang Qingwei was a woman of careful observation.

"Remember, you will be punished if you commit a mistake, and you will be rewarded if you do a good job. As long as you are loyal and dedicated to your master wholeheartedly, there will always be benefits." After giving the reward, Fang Qingwei turned to the other youths and said, "Let's go before we miss the most opportune hunting time."

"The Second Miss indeed manages the family well," A young man exclaimed after watching the way Fang Qingwei had handled Fang Han.

"The Clan is big and the population is large. It's a matter of course to manage these servants." coldly replied Fang Qingwei, before she continued to speak in her cool and noble tone, "Nevertheless, these four words must be remembered, kindness, power, unity, and grace. You've got to know when to have mercy and when to use force. It's good enough if you understand these concepts."

While these few men and women talked with Fang Qingwei, they rode away like raging dragons.

"Oh! Fang Han! You have benefited greatly this time. Although you received ten whips, the Second Miss also rewarded you with five taels of silver. Which is a really good bargain."

"Indeed, if ten whips can be exchanged for five taels of silver, then I'm really willing."

"Who wouldn't? Even fools welcome it."

"Fang Han, you're made a killing this time, treat us to a meal tonight."

After Fang Qingwei's team left, only the breeders remained, and they all gathered around Fang Han, looking enviously at the silver in his hands.

"This time I was whipped but rewarded with silver. Next time, I might be killed, without even a burial." Looking at these people, Fang Han laughed coldly in his heart.

"I'll definitely treat you, but I am now wounded and my body aches all over. After my injuries are healed, I'll make sure to invite you to dinner." He let out a groan of pain, his face was distorted and he limped away.

If I cultivated into the Divine Mysteries Realm mentioned by Fang Tong, I wonder if the Second Miss would still whip me then distribute rewards? Or will our positions be reversed? Will I hold the whip to lash at the Second Miss, and then bestow her silver?

After Fang Han returned to where he lived, the pain from the whip marks was slightly relieved. He held the five taels of silver in his hand, knowing that this was the usual means of managing the Clan. Firstly, he was used as an example to warn the other servants. Secondly, it showed that Feng Qingwei had a clear understanding of what was happening between them. Finally, the reward would prevent her subordinates from being resentful, making them more loyal.

However, Fang Han was tired of this life of servitude since being a child.

This was is what his father secretly taught him, "I would rather be a beggar than a slave."