
I walk out of the school, New Jean High, letting kids push by me. Another day filled with scolding from the teachers. Another day I managed to avoid detentions. Another day of hearing Skylar hissing her words about you.

I decide not to take the bus. But walk in the town, wanting to take as much as time as possible. I don't want your stuff to be packed up. I want it to be there, so that I remember you. So I can sometimes pretend that you're still here.

Mr. Murphy's getting more and more let down day by day. I got a D in English and when he handed it to me he looked so disappointed. Like he finally gave up on me. I feel a bit guilty about it. I used to be his favorite. He's the only one in all of the town who didn't think that you killed those girls.

He told me once, when you were here, that you were so ambitious when it came to writing even when you weren't good at grammar. You had the most interesting fantasies. You used to think out of the box and your stories used to be originals.

He showed me some of your work and I laughed and laughed because they were so ridiculous. I teased you for the rest of the month.

I smile to myself, my bag feeling heavy with your memories. I smell your scented perfume in the beanie sometimes. That times, I feel more closer to you than ever. I take a left turn towards the main road but stop in my tracks when I see him. Always him. Ander stinking' Marsh.

Grinning at me with his hands in his pockets, he walks towards me. His group of three added by another. I can recognize that red hair anywhere. Josh. So, he's finally joined his group.

I grasp the strap of my bag tightly, defensively. Because I don't want Ander touching it. If he finds out about the camera...

"You gotta stop stalking us, killerboy," He grins at me, standing in front. "It's creepy."

"Clearly you guys were waiting for me," I say, pretending to act innocent, "Doesn't that make you the creep, Ander?"

His eyes darkens, his smile disappearing, "You know who the real creep was, Wells? The person who killed those girls. Am I right, boys?"

"Definitely," Says his friend, Marcus.

I look at Josh, who's staring at his feet, avoiding my eyes. He's got the same guilty look that appears when I see Mr. Murphy.

And I know he's blaming you, Jesse. I'm trying to control myself so hard but then Ander and his idiot friends show up and ruin everything.

A boy, Aaron, laughs, "Hey, Luke, wasn't that your sister?"

"Shut up," I clench my fists, wishing that you were here so you could beat them up yourself.

Ander sniggers, "Of course, she was his sister, guys. Who else would it be? Lukas Wells himself?"

And they all laugh. Laugh so much that my ears hurt. I just want to run away from them. But you'd hate me to do that. They're surrounding me, anyway, so I don't have much of an option.

"Still wearing that stupid cap-thing of yours?" Ander asks, disgustedly when the laughter died down. "You know, you shouldn't wear that. It reminds me Jessica. And no one wants to remember a shit like her."

I glare at him, my skin hot, blood chasing with adrenaline and rage, "You say that again and I'm gonna punch that smile right off of your stinking face."

He smirks, "I'd like to see you try."

He moves forward and I can smell his disgusting hot breath.

Marcus is grinning ear to ear, asking, "What's in that bag of yours, huh?"

I quickly step back, a hand on my bag, "None of your concern." I use Sophie's words which she had said earlier to me in the bus.

"Give us the bag, Luke," Aaron smirks, "We wanna see what you hide in it."

"I bet there're knives in it." Marcus snarls, "The same one Jessica used to kill those girls."

I don't say anything, finding Josh so annoying to just stand there and do nothing.

Ander smiles smugly, "I've got an idea. If you show me what's in your bag, Luke, then I promise I won't ever talk about your sister that way." He's trying hard to keep a straight face but I can see the mischief in his eyes.

I step away. I'm sorry, Jesse but I don't want Ander Marsh and his friends to be the first to go through the pictures. I don't actually have any proper proof yet. I don't want anyone to see yet. And I feel so guilty for this. But I'll just have to bear him. I'll just have to bare his words. And I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.

Ander smirks at me, "So is that a no?"

I hiss, "Just get the hell out of my way."

"You didn't answer my question." His face saddens all fake.

I walk past him and his doofus friends, looking at the pathetic Josh before I start pacing.

"You know I can only wonder the look on Jessica's face when Skylar stabbed her to death."

I stop breathing at what he said. I turn at him and I'm burning with my fists clenched. But he doesn't stop talking. He keeps on moving his mouth, spitting meaningless words.

"I really wish that I watched her blood spill out till there'd be no more. Skylar's lucky when it comes to that. She did everyone a huge favor by killing her, you know."

And I couldn't take it. It hurts me so bad. When people say it was a good thing that you died. So I do it. I charge at Ander, punching him on the face so hard that he staggers back on the ground. He's shocked with the sudden attack and tries to get back up. But I'm on top of him and I'm punching him and punching him and he's trying to block them off with his arms.

I can see blood running from his nose and lips and I think I'm actually beating Ander Marsh, something I never liked to do. You've changed me by not being here anymore, Jesse.

I cry out loud when I'm hit on the side of my rib. Marcus and Aaron, trying to get me off of Ander. They grab my arms and lift me up. I'm kicking wildly, screaming at them to let go of me. Obviously I'm being ignored. And I didn't even realize that your beanie is laying on the ground.

Josh is staring at me wide-eyed like I'm a totally different person and not the one who used to joke around him. Ander gets up and he looks furious as if he wants to choke me. Wiping the blood trickling down his nose with his sleeve, he slams his fist in my gut and I gag and cough, Marcus and Aaron holding me without giving me a chance to pull free.

"Shouldn't have done that, Luke." He's grinning ugly punching me again on the same spot and I scream, gritting my teeth to control the pain.

"Ok, Ander, I think that's enough." Says a voice, forcing me to look at its owner.

Ander looks shock that Josh was supporting me. Frankly, I'm in shock as well.

"Don't worry, Josh," Marcus laughs, "Nobody really cares about this kid no more. We ain't getting in trouble."

Ander gives a shark grin before punching me on the face. My temples were blaring and my ear ringing. I could taste blood in my mouth because of my cut lips. And he strikes me with another blow. And it hurts. A lot. But I don't have tears in my eyes like I used to when you used to slap me. I've stopped crying about a lot of things after-

Another punch. I groan, staring down at the ground. And I could see from the corner of my eyes that Ander was readying another fist and I want it to stop. I want it to stop so bad. But my bag's on my shoulder, untouched. I'd prefer getting punched anytime than let him snoop in my bag.

And he raises his hand, smirking. I close my eyes tight, flinching away, hearing him snicker at this. He's about to punch me. I can feel it. When-

"What do you think you're doing fighting in my town?" said a raspy, grownup voice. We all turn our faces. I feel Aaron and Marcus trembling.

I look at the person who saved me from another blow. It's DS Rickson. Suddenly, I wish that he doesn't recognize me. I lower my head, trying to avoid his eyes at me.

"Care to explain what's happening here, Mr. Wells?" He raises his eyebrows.

He had been the one to help DI Williams to solve your murder case. He clearly wasn't good at it. No matter what people say about him. That he's the most kindest and friendliest. I laugh at that every time. I actually wished him to solve everything. But like everybody else he believed Skylar. So I don't like him. At all. Because he sees you as the killer as well.

I don't answer him, staring down at the beanie, still being held by Marcus and Aaron.

"Any reason why you've been punching him, Mr. Marsh?" The DS asks him instead. Apparently, he the type that knows the whole town.

"He started it." Ander mutters.

"You look quite alright than Lukas does to me." He says dryly.

Ander frowns at him then at me. He motions at his friends to let me go and they do. I fall on the ground, my stomach aching almost immediately.

"Run along now," Says DS Rickson, "Before I change my mind and make you spend the night in the cell."

They all run away, leaving me behind. I wish I had the strength to run right now.

"Are you ok, Lukas?" He asks me.

"Never been better." I groan, reaching out for our beanie.

DS offers me his hand. But I refuse it, getting up myself.

"And why were you involved with Ander Marsh, Lukas?" He demands, gently.

"No reason." I reply, placing a hand on my rib, feeling it bruised.

"You want me to take you home?" the DS offers. He never kept pushing on one question. If you don't want to answer, he'll ask another.

I shake my head.

I always thought him more serious than the DI. I expected more from him. But he didn't do anything. He believed every word of Skylar. I was so taken aback that day. And I started to think that nobody liked you. That they all just used you.

He sighs, then nods, knowingly, "I see."

I wear my beanie on my head, as he suggests,

"Want something for that wound of yours?" He points at my ribs which I'm stilling holding hard.

"I don't need any help from you." I snap.

He raises his hands in amends, "Of course. I'll be on my way, then."

"Yes," I say, "I think you should."

And he walks to his car, giving me one long look before getting inside the cop car and driving away.

Leaving me alone with my pain.

And that's exactly how I want it to be.