
I woke up hours later surrounded by fur.

'Spirit, who brought me to my bed? I thought I was out in the tundra.'

'Listen closer Ingen, you will find out how wrong you are.'

I heard snoring. I sat up straight to find a giant white fox curled up around me. This one was different from the one I rescued, it looks bigger and more muscular.

"Holy crap! This thing's fur is soft!"

My yell woke the great fox from its peaceful slumber.

"The Nature-Born has awakened, Menthi!" The fox exclaimed, suddenly shrinking in size.

"Good, we must speak, bring him to me."

The white fox picked me up from the ground with ease and compelled me to follow it. Needless to say, I complied. After a few moments we arrived in a new clearing where "Menthi" was tending to a group of her cubs, she addressed me, and I knew she was the one I healed.

'Oh... it was a girl'

"Thank you small-one, for saving my life, because you not only saved my life but also the lives of my cubs."

None of the fox cubs were bigger than around twice the size of a normal fox.

"For that selfless act of kindness, you must be rewarded. My eldest, Orin must leave the den soon, and I would like him to go with you, both as my thanks, and so he may learn."

"Aren't you worried he might get hurt?" I asked, stunned

"He will be in the company of a superior spirit and its user, he would be more in peril in my den."

"Who's Orin?"

"Me!" a little white fox at my side said

"Now, now Orin, calm down, he hasn't access-"

"I accept."

'This is perfect, I have absolutely no ranged potential as of now, but with this fox, maybe it has some sort of magical attack like its mother. Plus it's adorable.'

"Then it's settled, place your hand on his forehead Ingen."

"How did you know my name?!"

"That's simple, it's engraved on your soul."

Remembering my encounter with the gods, I shrugged and put my hand on Orin's forehead. Menthi stood next to us and started speaking.

"Oh Great and powerful King of Beasts, please bless this bond of companionship!"

After a moment, a grey runic-diamond tattoo formed on both my hand and on Orin's forehead, and I felt another presence in my head.

'Hey, Ingen! It's Orin!'

'How can you scream in my head?! Spirit can't even be this loud!'

'Sorry, I got excited.' Orin thought meekly

'This fox is the most adorable little cinnamon roll to ever grace my presence.' I mind-screeched

'I am NOT adorable! I'm fierce!'

Spirit chimed in 'Adorable.'

"Come, Orin, my parents are waiting."

And just like that, Orin stepped into my shadow and disappeared.

"Huh? Who are you?" said Orin out loud in my shadow

"I'm Ingen's Spirit. Welcome to the spirit core." my Spirit replied

A conversation ensued with Orin and Spirit learning more about each other, but I tuned it out and started the walk home.

By the time I reached the gates, I was freezing cold. I didn't bring warm clothes because of the lack of time, this made it clear to me that I would have died of frostbite had that fox not kept me warm.

The guards at the gates were curious about my new "Beast-mark" but ultimately left me alone after a few questions. When I arrived at my house, it was already dark, I signaled for Orin to leave my spirit core.

"What's up partner?" Orin plodded along next to me.

"We're gonna meet my parents, and a figure coming out of my shadow will spook them.

"Alright, if you say so!"

When we got to the door Father opened it looking stressed "Ingen?! Where have you been?!"

"That's a... long story." I showed him my beast mark and Orin

"That looks like a lot of paperwork. Come inside and tell me everything."

It took me about an hour to explain everything. Mother joined the conversation as soon as she had heard I was home.

"Didn't I say you were grounded?! Why did you run off like that!"

"Mrs. Ingen's mom, if he hadn't gone my mother would be dead."

"While that is true, if he had at least asked for help she wouldn't have had any pain, and call me Jordan, little pup."

I ended up with three lashes on my forehead, but that was it. I went back to my room and finished packing. By the time I finished, it was well past midnight, so Orin and I laid down and finally slept. The next day was filled with Orin and me playing in the yard with John. The last night came around and I was nervous, I stayed awake most of the night but when I woke up, I heard the words:

"Ingen! They're here for you! Time for school!"