
The doctor asked me many questions and cast many diagnostic runes. He decided that I needed three more days of rest before I could move again. As it turned out, I was constantly under the effects of a painkiller spell and I was very damaged internally, one of my lungs was punctured, a rib was inches from my heart, and my one kidney was on the verge of collapse. If Devin hadn't reached me on Orin to slow my deteriorating condition, I would have died.

Laura only had minor injuries in comparison but managed to break both arms and legs. She was thrown from my grip when I lost my arm and landed in a thicket of vines instead of hard ground.

I waited my mandated three days of confinement and went outside.

'Spirit, are you there?'

I got no response, I could still use Eneru, but Spirit was still silent.

'Orin, how are you doing?'

I heard the pitter-patter of paws running up to me.

"Ingen!" The little fox jumped into my arm.

"Careful buddy, remember that I'm missing an arm."

"You would think that the only one of our group who can fly would be the least injured." Devin rounded the corner, he was probably chasing Orin.

"I can't fly without wings, and mine seem to like the forest floor more than they like me." I chuckled

I got a nose exhale from Devin before he remembered something.

"You need to come to your workshop, your dad beat up the Headmaster and got you something."

Devin didn't wait for me to follow, he simply pushed me in the direction of the dorms.

"I didn't lose my legs! I can walk there myself dammit!"

Devin and I went to the dorm and retrieved my miniaturized workshop, it was much heavier than before so Devin had to carry it.

"I'm not ever going back into the forest so we are going to put it down right here," I said as soon as we got under the cedar tree.

Devin set down the workshop and I enlarged it. We stepped inside and my eye grew wide.

"This is all mine right?"


My face contorted into a devilish smile "Get out of my workshop, I've got work to do."

Devin complied and turned around.

'Wait for a second, I need my other arm'

"Grab me a branch real quick?"

Orin came back with a branch bigger than his current size and gave it to me. I used the same principle I used for Skeleton Armor for my temporary arm.

I left my workshop only to eat, sleep, and use the chamber pot for the next two days. No one complained about me skipping class for obvious reasons and at the end of the two days, I came out of my slightly lighter workshop with a new arm and a folded glider on my back.

My arm was now made of a light and strong wood that conducts: Wrought Wood. Wrought wood's one flaw was that it was extremely flammable.

The joints are made of the same crystal that measured my Eneru in the first place, Selnatite. Selnatite was so extremely sensitive to Eneru that the entire arm was controlled using an inlay of it, I could put small amounts of Eneru into the arm for great effect.

My new glider was framed with a light metal called Mithitite reinforced by Iron, Mithitite is a light and strong metal but is too flexible to use without reinforcements.

The actual wings were made of the wing leather of a bat that evolved to become a Spirit Beast, the leather was lighter, tougher, and had a strange property to empower pressure spells close to it.

"Are you done yet?" A bored feminine voice called out from the cedar.

I saw Laura in the tree playing with her knife. No one could stop the students from having weapons because they would just make them. I quickly conjured some defensive barriers.

"Don't worry" She climbed down the tree "I'm not here to throw knives, I'm here to negotiate peace." She pulled my wrist-mounted grappling hook from her pouch and handed it to me.

"No more fighting and I get back my hook? I'll take it."

"Just a moment, Devin said he needs to speak to you." She grabbed a stone out of her hand and pressed a button on it.

A portal opened and Devin and Vincent stepped out.

"I am not a group carriage! Stop calling me!" Vincent was yelling at Laura

"You still make the portals do you not?"

Vincent looked away.

"Ingen, I need us to go into your workshop where no one can hear us." Devin said

'Oh god, my workshop is trashed right now.'

"Haha, I'll go tidy up." I had a suspicious smile on.

I rushed to enter my workshop but I found an arm holding the door open.

"It's important."

I sighed "Fine, but don't blame me if you're mentally scarred."

Devin and I entered the workshop and Devin's jaw dropped.

"How did you manage to get scorch marks on the ceiling?!"

The interior of my workshop had the dishes from my previous lunches, scrap metal, scrap wood, and my tools strewn around the place. I imitated pressure manipulation to clear a big enough space for Devin and me to stand.

"Sometimes things go wrong. Now, what did you want to talk about."

"Were you reborn into this world?"