Trees? Again?

A treant was a type of spirit beast, but it wasn't the same as Orin or his mother, it was artificial, plants never have the ability to control the world energy, spirits will never bind themselves to something that can't even move. You get a treant when someone puts a plant Eneru user's core into a tree and infuses the tree to high hell. The treant is controlled only by a spirit, so it can't think while it moves, spirits have almost no ability to multitask, so all a treant does is follow the emotions of the core. If the core of a treant was feeling anger at its removal, the tree will go on a rampage, like now.


I got outside of the wall, but my stomach was not happy about it, ever since I fell during the practical, I had a fear of heights.

'You, of all people, being afraid of heights, how ironic.'

I was too busy trying to keep my lunch in to retort, and on several occasions, Spirit had to keep me in the air by taking over the pressure management.

'This cannot continue! I need to get over it!'

I stopped looking away from the ground and stared at it as if it owed me money.

'I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid' I repeated internally.

I looked forward for a half-second and saw the Treant, and suddenly my fear of heights was insignificant.

'It's... huge.' My eyes widened in disbelief as I gazed at its terrible figure. The treant was surrounded by men in armor who were shooting flaming projectiles at it to little effect. The Treant itself looked just like a massive tree, other than the branches that flailed like a hundred great clubs and the grasping roots that shook the ground with a rhythm of an army. I landed near the backline with a puff of my boots.

"What's the situation." My voice was authoritative, my fear of the treant forced me to adapt, and so when I spoke to the man who was giving orders, I felt no fear.

"Who are you?" The man sounded annoyed at my presence.

"I'm a local prospective healer and engineer." I was unfazed.

"Go help those people build the catapult."

"I'll do you one better."

I walked into the forest and used Eneru to construct a catapult in moments.

"How many times can you do that?!" The officer had an expression of surprise.

"I think I can make at least ten, but then I need to do something else with my Eneru."

The officer walked up to me and put both hands on my shoulders.

"Do it. We need as many as you can make."


Thwip Thwip Thwip

The catapults were finished and it was time for me to help the front. The officer gave me a pin that let me get there. Four of the trees near me became many arrows, I reached the front.

"I need to see your bows, I have a plan."

"Sure thing, did the captain take a liking to you?"

'So that guy was the guard captain? I thought he was higher ranked than that.'

'It would explain his unprofessionalism."


We arrived at the armory tent and I started taking the bowstrings from all the bows.

"Wait! What are you doing?!"

"You'll see."

When I finished, I took the bowstrings to a nearby tree and used the wood to make living wood bows.

"I can control them now. Do you have oilskins that you can expend?"

"On the other side of the camp, go ask for Hendet."

Orin, who had jumped into my shadow at the last moment, came out and I got onto his back.

"Let's go!"

We ran to the other side of the camp and came across the lady known as Hendet.

"I heard you had oilskins?"

"We have oil barrels, not skins." She pointed at a set of many barrels

"Works the same either way."

I had recently discovered something, the common oil of this world is Eneru conductive.

The oil flowed out of the barrels and started to weave itself into the wood, filling every pocket of the arrow with fluid, I went outside and gathered more arrows.

"I'M GOING TO NEED FIRE MAGES!" I shouted, three naturals came to my call, I recognized one. "Laura? You live in Gond?"

"Giant tree monster! Priorities!"

"Right. I'm going to need you, people, to light these on fire after they hit the Treant."

"Got it!" The two other mages recognized the authority of the badge the captain gave me, Laura trusted my judgment.

The oil-filled arrows loaded themselves into the bows and drew them back with no issue, no one held either object, all eight bows were floating.


All the arrows were loosed simultaneously, and another arrow was loaded in an instant.


Another volley flew at the target.





All of the arrows, two barrels worth of oil, exploded, they were just under the tough bark of the treant so they were more effective than a surface detonation and left a deep scar on the Treant, a 'soft spot' if you will.


Thwip Thwip Thwip

The catapults loosed their payloads on the Treant to great effect.

The Treant stumbled and it's giant glowing purple eyes locked onto mine.

I spat blood, the defending mages got distracted by the explosions and sudden progress and a root from the tree slipped through and struck me, and it was looking to follow it up.

"Not this time!" Laura grabbed my hand and my badge, crushing the badge in her fingers.

A blinding flash of light ensued and I found myself on a skin rug.

"Where am I?"

A bottle flew at Laura from somewhere else in the room, and she deflected it like she had done it a thousand times.

"Why did you bring your boyfriend here?!" A woman said

"Why are you here? Half-Breed!" Another, more indignant voice shouted.

She ignored them "He needs medical attention! Dad!"

"Where am I?" I felt almost no pain, more like I was groggy.

"You're at my house, don't worry, my dad's upstairs he's a..."

My eyelids felt heavy and I stopped being able to listen to her.

'I need to take a nap.'