Locked Out

"A week without my workshop isn't a vacation! It's torture!" I lamented.

"Don't be dramatic, you'll make it, especially since I'm sending you a new spirit item for every day you're locked out" Dad said over my brand new Telespeak Pendent

"It's not about having things! it's about making things! The common room is boring and repetitive, I've spent every waking moment with Laura since you locked my shop, and I can only brush Orin's hair so much!"

"Sounds to me like you need to find something else to do, I'm sure Orin doesn't only need brushed and you could use the time you have to socialize."

'There's no way he will change his mind.'

'Yeah, let's figure something else out, I crave creation too.'

"Nevermind then." There was venom in my voice, and I ended the connection.

With the connection ended, I shouted at no one in particular "WHY!? UGH!"

"Why what?" A voice came from behind me.

"Vincent?!" I was getting angrier "aren't you going to prison?" I said through gritted teeth

"No, my dad is too powerful for that."

"Why do you want me to hate you more? They were ready to execute me for doing testing in the forest." My eyes gave off a faint white glow.

"Look, I'm not here to fight, I came to apologize."

"You what?"

Vincent got on his knees and planted his face in the dirt.

"I am very sincerely sorry for what I did, I did not take into account the risks and endangered your life as a result."

After a second of getting over myself and my urge to step on the back of Vincent's head, I said "Apology accepted, never talk to me again." I walked back to my dorm.

I hadn't been in my dorm, except the night before, for weeks. Ever since my workshop tree had been finished I had been sleeping in my study. My bed was taken over by my bunkmate and he was not happy about my return.

"You're back? Come to move my stuff again?" Ward said, his voice oozing hate

"I literally live here. Leave me alone." I returned his tone with glowy eyes.

He suddenly couldn't look me in the eye and was checking exits like a cornered rabbit.

"What are you doing?" I ended up sounding more intimidating than I thought I would.

"Just leaving!" and Ward left the room in a panic.

'This feels familiar, I remember doing this in Infusion to that one kid I forget the name of.'

[Justin] Appeared in my vision

'Handy, but not useful right now, glasses' The name disappeared

'You almost made him soil himself.' Spirit spoke up

'That was hilarious, but I don't want other people to feel like that, it's messed up.'

'I think you should use it, selectively, you don't want to intimidate someone who doesn't deserve it of course.'

'I don't know, I just wanna tinker. I'll think of the ethics of that later.'

I pulled up the spirit paper for my Spectacles of Insight and started to correct the errors I had made when I made Golem Glass. Since I could use entropy, it was easy to erase them, and using Matter Manipulation, I could write in new lines flawlessly. This resulted in a much more precise enchantment and enough space to add a line I desperately needed. After the many bugs I ate when zooming in or out mid-flight, I could finally control the zoom factor with my mind.

"I'd better test them out."

I walked to where I told Denny to idle and brought him to my dorm.


Apprentice Golem


{Musculature} Weaved Copper wire

[Tough] (Look, Ingen, you know what being tough means)


Armored: Weaved and Enchanted Tungsten

[Enchanted: Light] (increases speed but decreases stability)

[Flexible] (Improves range of motion in arms and legs)


Armored: Enchanted Cedar and Weaved Iron

[Clumsy] (Precision tasks are impossible.)

[Auto-Repair] (Repairs efficiently using Eneru over time, doesn't apply to armor.)

[Strong] (able to lift heavy things, obviously, you dumbass)


Armored: Alchemically-Enhanced Birch

[Flexible] (Has an increased range of motion)

[Shock-absorbent] (can fall from almost any height without damaging itself if it lands on its feet.)


Armor Integrity: 45%

Eneru Efficiency: 29% (Runtime: 7.9 hours before sleep mode)

Top Speed: 16 kilometers per hour

Coolant efficiency: 90%

Core Capacity: Superior

The statistics were marginally more accurate, the coolant efficiency was much higher than expected though.

"Ok, now it's time for the real test. Inspect."

The light that the enchantment used to signify structural flaws nearly blinded me, more so than usual.

"Turn off the sun!" Ward shouted as my eyes adjusted.

"Wow, this needs fixing."

"Well goddamn! You're a golemancer?" Ward was impressed by my golem

"Yes, and a damn bad one too! These are my mistakes!"

"Wait. How did you do that?"

"It's my enchantment, Golem Glass."

"I'm going to be right back. By the great name of Order! Please connect these places!" Ward made some gestures and disappeared into a portal.

After a moment Professor James stepped out a similar portal, unconcerned until he saw the miniature sun that was Denny.

"You made that feature actually accurate?" He gasped "What in the f- heck!?" he quickly censored himself.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Usually you need years to develop an eye for flaws in an armor system, this just skips all of that!"

"Well, that saves me a bunch of effort. If you're done here I have a golem to fix." I put my hand on Denny's chest and started manipulating his armor to fix its flaws.

"Ingen, you don't get it, if the baron finds out about this you'll be forced to give it up! If you refuse they might execute you!"

"What is with this place and trying to kill me?! What do you even mean about that!? Don't you have intellectual property rights here?!"

"No, look, Ingen, whatever you did, undo it, you need to have at least a thirty percent inaccuracy or you will break the record too much and draw a lot of attention."

"Fine! I'll just stop improving until I'm out of this gods-forsaken country!"