

Adept Golem


{Musculature} Enchanted Oak

[Unnaturally Flexable] Its arms can move in angles they shouldn't

[Structurally sound] It can handle a large load before breaking

[Powerful] Faster! Better! Stronger!

[Complex] Weaker spirit cores can have trouble controlling this golem husk

{Head} Metal-braced Enchanted Oak

Armored: Pseudosteel

[Voice] Can speak. Quality of speech is based on core quality

[Keen Sight] Excellent eyesight

[Stiff Armor] More likely to deflect projectiles

[Brittle] The nature of Psedosteel makes it crack easily

{Chest} Enchanted Cedar


[Light] Not... heavy?


[Strong] Can use heavier weapons or bows with a high draw weight

[Deft] Fires very accurately and can do very precise tasks

[Flexable] Arms can be moved at extreme angles


[Agile] Can switch direction quickly

[Fast] High speed and acceleration

[Enhanced Leap] Can jump higher

[Claw Feet] Can cut into surfaces to climb, may scratch or damage floors


Armor Integrity: 63%

Eneru Efficiency: 56% (14 hours until sleep mode)

Top Speed: 42 kilometers per hour

Coolant efficiency: 89%

Core Capacity: Superior

Though the Armor Integrity stat was higher than Denny's, the new golem couldn't take as much of a hit because he was almost completely unarmored, that stat just means I used what I had properly.

I grew my old workshop that I had started to use as pocket storage shed and pulled a bow out of it.

"Hey, Two, wake up. This is your weapon."

"Designation Two received, Weapon retrieved, Awaiting Ammunition."

"Nah Two, I'm not allowed to let you have ammunition until we leave the school."

The school was extremely strict when it comes to golems with weapons, they could overpower students with weapons, but golems were a different story.


"We have to go to Professor James's room, follow me, and do not walk through walls."

When we arrived back at the golem workshop, we found that Teo had made little progress on his golem past getting rid of the imperfections I showed him before.

'Damn, I was hoping he would be smart enough to realize that a functional but imperfect golem is better than a perfectly functional golem. He has to give it a head and arms before he fixes those small mistakes. Well, I guess I'd better let him continue to make his mistake."

"Professor James!" I shouted, "I'm done!"

I heard the sound of spitting and Professor James came out of his room with coffee all over his dungarees.

"Wait! But that's due in four weeks!"

"But I'm done now, so could you please grade Two?"

"Golem, designation: Two reporting."

"You already can make it speak?!" If he had more coffee, James would have spat it out.

"Yeah, I just copied my voicebox and changed it a bit so I wouldn't get confused."

"You're insane, in fact, you're making me feel bad about my accomplishments."

"Disregarding that, can you grade it?"

"Yes, use your Golem Glass thing on it real quick, I want to see what you did with your information."


Some tiny specks of light appeared, but they weren't worth the effort to fix.

"Good, now, I would like to tell you that this golem is very good mechanically, I want to see it do something practical like carrying stuff for you."

"No problem, I will need some heavy things to put in my shed."

After a short stint of filling, my shed was ready.

"Two, carry this from here to the courtyard."

He hefted my very full storage shed onto his back and moved it outside with no issues.

"See, he can carry. You want his combat capabilities?"

"Yup, you read my mind, he uses a bow so let's go to the archery range."

We got to the range and found that other than the one enthusiast and someone practicing Flow Manipulation with arrows, it was empty.

"Alright, one arrow at a time."

I gave Two an arrow and ordered him to shoot at the target and attempt to hit the center.


The bow had a three-hundred-pound draw-weight so it had a lot of power. As soon as the dull arrow hit the target, despite barely clipping it because of a slip-up, the target shattered into a pile of milfoil leaves and burlap.

"Capable enough?"

"I consider your project a 100%" Professor James was staring, mouth agape.

"Ok then, time to go do other things! Let's go Two!"

I ran all the way home and slept until my Eneru recovered, I had expended so much of it that I barely had the Eneru to use my arm.


"I don't know Devin, he's been ignoring me for a week. What do you think?"

"He probably isn't ignoring you as much as he has a new toy and wants to play with it until it cracks."

"But what if he's just avoiding me?" Her hands wouldn't stay still

"You probably have nothing to worry about, as soon as he finishes his latest project, he will be back to hanging out with us"

"But I don't want to wait that long, I wanna be with him now." Laura's voice suddenly changed, she sounded like a toddler.

"Well, the best option is to just go into his workshop and hang out with him. If he won't take the initiative you should."

"You know what? You're right! See ya!"

Laura ran out of the room.

"Why is she so clingy with him?" Devin wondered "Whatever, I'd better just go practice."


"Ugh! Wake up will you!"

"AHHH! My wrench!" I shouted as my world changed from dreamland to Rengi

"What wrench?" Laura was curious.

"Sorry, bad dream. What's up, lady." I stood up and the bed in the middle of the room returned to the tree.

"Oh, you know, just seeing my boyfriend after a week of sitting on my ass waiting for him."

'Eep! I was so absorbed in my work that Laura slipped out of my schedule!' I thought

"Yeah, the golemancy exam was brutal. Hey, Two!"

My new golem came through a door Laura thought was my closet.

"Reporting to golemancer. What is your command?"

"You really named it 'Two'? Normally you're more creative."

"Well, I kinda thought that you could help me name him. Plus I wanted to show Professor James as soon as possible."

"Ok, maybe we could call him..."