

The door made on wooden hinges scraped on the floor.

'I knew it. She would never stay on that side, they're teenagers' Spirit thought, tempted to protect Ingen with his mouth while he slept. 'I know...'

"Spirit here, Laura, don't do anything you'll regret," Spirit spoke through Ingen's mouth.

Laura quietly yelped in surprise.

"Spirit? You can speak, like, out loud?" she whispered

"Yes, when Ingen is asleep, and I've taken over Ingen's senses so he can't hear you."

"Well then move over, and give Ingen back, I'm not sleeping by myself."

"Then take Orin, you are far too young to sleep in the same bed as a boy."

"Look, it's not like we are going to do anything bad, I just want to snuggle." her cheeks burned red.

"Ha, that's what they all say! If you don't leave, I'm going to have to wake up Ingen."

"Eeep!" Laura hid behind the door on her side of the divider.

'There is no way I can let him know until we're together, he might get scared. Damn that meddling spirit!'

Laura laid on her bed for two sleepless hours. She got up and started writing in her journal.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the divider, Ingen woke up with a start as he remembered that Laura had a spatial glove.

'Why didn't she just make a portal to her dorm? It would have been so easy. Maybe she forgot about it?'

'Not likely. I'm sure this divider is her biggest worry right now.'

Just then a tiny portal opened above me and I could see Laura peering through it, making no attempt to go through.

"Spirit, if you're still there, fuck you for making me stay here by myself."

The portal stayed open, and Laura seemed to not notice that my eyes were normal-colored, unlike when spirit talks where they take on a color based on my blood, which at this moment flows orange.

A quill jumped out of Laura's hand and started writing in a notebook. A moment later she ripped the page off and threw it through the portal. As it floated down towards me, she closed the portal.

I grabbed the page out of the air and read it. It was a poem that went as such

"As the dusk turns to dawn on this unending night, my every fiber regrets that untactful fight, I reach out for your embrace, so we may both take flight."

'It's so cheesy!' I thought through the tears. 'I would cringe so much if I wrote this! but it's so perfectly imperfect.'

Another portal opened and Laura's hand went through and groped for the page she clearly regretted sending over.

"Here," I said as I placed her paper into her hand.

Her hand closed on the paper and darted back through the portal. The portal closed and I heard a muffled "Fuck!"

"That might have been a mistake." I thought aloud. "She's probably terrified right now."


On Laura's side.

"Fuck!" She cried

'I can't believe I sent that! I'm so stupid! What got into me? Why did I fall for him? WHY?!'

Tears gathered in Laura's eyes as they filled with regret, but her hand wasn't interested in what her brain had to say, and instead wrote and wrote, spilling Laura's emotions into her new poem. When she finalized it, she didn't stop, she kept going, over and over, still writing, still crying. Her last poem ended with "Why didn't I let him keep the page?"


"Eh, why not." With a wave of my hand, the divider retreated into the ground and I rolled over on my bed, back facing Laura's side. "Don't try anything funny now, but." Another bed appeared near mine, but not quite touching it.

Laura and I slept through the rest of that night content.

I woke up and tried to sit up, but predictably, and almost as adorably as Orin, Laura was snuggled up against me. She had moved her bed to be against mine.

'I can afford to be late.'

After about thirty minutes later, I stood up, adorable or not, I had a job to do. Flow Manipulation was about to begin and today we were starting practice.

"Huh? You're up?" Laura stood up.

"I should ask you that, miss risque." I raised a screen around myself and my wardrobe. "I have to get dressed for Flow Manipulation. You have dueling right now right?"

"Yeah, I'll go to my dorm and change."

I got changed, and when I dropped the screen the door was still barred and Laura was nowhere to be seen.

"She so did use it." I opened the door and took off towards Flow Manipulation, ignoring the pile of requests from other students to make them a glider.

'The amount of trouble the students would get into if everyone who could do pressure manipulation to fly would be intense. There is a reason they only teach you how to fly normally in the academies.'

I used a puff of air from my boots to land safely in front of the classroom. With my wings retracted I walked through the door. I was immediately blinded by the huge flashy elemental reactions, Fire this way, lightning that way, nowhere you could look was dark.

"Ingen! Nice of you to show up!" Professor Fesine said in a tone that was so sincere that it was intimidating.

"It's nice to be here!" I shouted across the learning hall "I look forward to learning! You'll find that I have not been slacking in my studies over my absence!" I took off and landed closer.

"Show me what you know," she said.