
We landed on the outskirts of Reike, back with the group.

"Ok, we have a plan and you guys, except for Ben, have to stay here."

I put Ben under my arm and drank an Eneru-restoring potion that mom gave me, feeling the euphoria that came with drinking one. I took off towards the school that was, thanks to Devin, not very far.

After about ten minutes of flight, we set down in front of the school, and our escort of ten high-grade golems surrounded us, with Professor James at the head.

"The school's arrays are worthless in the face of their creator." Dad waved his hand and shut down the defenses in front of us.

I laid down and had my Changeling armor assume the form of a large mound of dirt as I glided over the ground. The mimic in my armor acted as a pseudopod, carrying me across the ground/

After a few close calls with the teachers, I wound up at the entrance of the boy's dorm. I got up and dashed wildly for Yomo's room. I used the best physical enhancement I had for tight turns and high jumps. I jumped entire staircases with teachers on my tail. When I finally reached Yomo's room I slammed the door shut.

"Yomo! Make your decision, fight with us or against us. There are no more delays!"

The teachers battered the door with pressure as I started to reinforce it with the furniture.

Yomo sounded like he had been waiting for me to say that when he exclaimed "I'm in!"

At that, I tackled Yomo out the window and deployed my glider.

"And Larry thought diving out my window was dangerous!" I laughed despite the circumstances.

We landed back at the golem escort that was being battered by the teachers.

"Yomo! You have to use both hot and cold, NOW!"

Yomo started casting his favorite personal spell, Burning Blizzard.

It required a few runes, some flow manipulation, and intuitive manipulation all at once.

"Ignus, Torrus, Cetx, Torrus!"

Twin vortexes of Fire and Ice were conjured from thin air, sparing Yomo's allies because of their conflicting temperatures, but leaving nothing of those who stood in their way.

The recorder caught it all. I moved the recorder closer to Yomo and included myself in the shot, kneeling to him.

"I give you Yomo who is of royal blood! The current prince claims to be the only one who can cast both fire and ice spells, but as Yomo has proven, he is just as eligible! Now! Feast your eyes on the cowardly traitors who would assassinate him!"

I took off directly up and filmed the battle, which until Burning Blizzard, had been very one-sided. Since the golems were granted extra freedom to move because Burning Blizzard was protecting their charge, they started to go on the offense, taking down the active combatants before they could get off their best spells.

"See the cowardly Constables, who carry out the King's will, try to assassinate the King's own kin because he was born with this power! I call for the King to abdicate his throne to his rightful heir!"

I cut the feed there and started to broadcast it to the network of Displays that occupy the town centers of every barony in Gluaze. Without a thought to the nearly defeated Constables and teachers, I dove to the wreckage of my Tree Tower, and with intuitive manipulation, I uncovered my safe. An unintended side effect of this was a very sudden growth spurt from the tree.

"They've been suppressing its growth with plant mages! I have a plan."

I forced a bit of my Eneru through the tree and directed its growth through its roots.


Yomo was fighting off Eneru exhaustion after Burning Blizzard so when a Constable charged him with a sword in hand, he couldn't do much but watch. Then, suddenly and miraculously, roots came from beneath the constable and captured his ankles, causing him to fall on his face.

'We got a plant mage on our side now?' He thought, but then he looked at Ernest, Ingen's dad, and saw a proud smile on his face.

Following his gaze showed him Ingen with his hands on the enormous stump of his old tree. Larry strode through a portal that opened nearby and put his hands on the stump near Ingen's. A quick glance at his nearby assailant revealed that he was going through Eneru exhaustion. It wasn't just him though, all of the Constables were being drained.


"Ready?" I asked, looking at Larry

He nodded through the strain of holding so much Eneru.

"Overload me."

He put his hands on my back and I felt a rush of energy, eventually, it became painful. Familiar black lightning started to arc off my horns.

Without another second of delay, the roots that had at most hugged the ankles of the Constables now engulfed them, then turned into towers of flame. The teachers who were just defending the school were spared, instead just having their hands tied and mouths covered.

"ITS TIME TO GO!" I shouted while a golem carried me through my Eneru exhaustion.

With that, we became ghosts, disappearing and scattering without hope of being followed.