The First Night

Our work took us into the night, Golem Glass wasn't made in a day and neither was Fly Glass. I assembled the spyglass and housing in seconds, making a contraption that looked like a spyglass with a lump. What took forever was the enchanting process, with my entrophy and intuitive manipulation along with the Speakwrite and Thinkwrites, we were scribing at remarkable speed, but we were still prototyping the actual enchantment, this was no copy and paste.

About an hour after the sun set we decided to stop, our bodies and minds couldn't keep up with the work.

"They gave me a real house the other day, want to see?" I asked.

"Really? Why have you been staying at the mansion then?"

"I wanted to be closer to the little workshop here. My room's a little small for two though."

Laveki got a bit closer and put a finger on my chest. "Thinking ahead are we?"

I put my hand on her head and messed with her hair. "Sure am, without me you would be sleeping in the workshop like you normally do." I gave her a knowing smile.

"Just fly me there." She playfully pushed me.

I cleared my throat loudly and took her to my house.

"I love flying this way, stars above, my own little sun below."

"Yeah, it'd be more romantic if I weren't strapped in like a tied ham!"

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

I spotted my little brick house and landed gently at the door. The wooden tendrils holding Laveki to my chest quickly retracted. I opened the door to a perfectly clean house without much in it.

"I didn't customize it because I wasn't expecting to use it, at least for a long time."

The house had only one above ground floor, but still managed two small bedrooms and a master bedroom. It had a kitchen and dining room as well as a bathroom. There was a basement with a storage room and wine cellar attached to the kitchen. The only problem was that all of the rooms were bereft of anything but the bare necessities. The master bedroom only had a large bed, the bathroom only had a toilet and basin etc.

"Before we leave for the invasion, we are totally fixing this place up." Laveki gave me an excited bounce.

"For now, it's time for bed." I grabbed Laveki by the hand and gently pulled her to the master bedroom. "Not much left to do now that the tour's over."

The next thing I knew it was morning and we had been up nearly all night doing anything but sleeping. We both got dressed and I flew us back to the mansion, and while Laveki was off changing, I got right back to work.


A few days passed like this, but today was the day I finished the first iteration of the Fly Glass.

"There is only a few segments left here for the aerodynamics spot, maybe I should use a calibrating dynamic sensor instead of my heuristics?" I used intuitive manipulation to make both on separate, smaller, pages, I tested them both.

"The dynamic sensor is simply less accurate, it takes too much information and is prone to mistakes." I applied the heuristics and moved on to the next problem.

"I'm here!" Laveki opened the door. "What's next on the to-do list?"

"I'm through everything 'cept the weight stat, I can't get it right with something this large and only a visual input."

"Skip it, they will already know the weight based on the weight of the parts and fasteners."

"Then we just have to bind the page to the spyglass."

I looked over at her, she was wearing a tough wool coat and a pair of cargo pants that she was making full use of. She tossed me the spyglass.

"Thanks, mind helping me out a bit?"

She sat down next to me. "Sure, binding should be the easy part."

"I wouldn't be so sure, there is a reason we have people who focus on Eneru capacity over ingenuity just to enchant."

I took her hand and set my stump on the page, she grabbed the other side, completing the circle. I began the spell to bind the page to the spyglass. A few hours later our first prototype was done.

"Inspect." I pointed the Fly Glass at a model of the Cutter series.

[Airship detected, scanning.]

A minute or two passed.


-Model Airship-


Length- 1 meter

Width- 20 centimetres

Height- 30 centimetres


Aerodynamics- Good

Engine power (Estimated)- 100 horsepower x 5 (amount of engines)

Armament- Light, Anti-air, Good

Armor- Fair

Crew Comfort- Great

Cargo- Great

Overall: Decent Destroyer, Weak Anti-Boat capabilities.

"Alright, seems to work, lets go see if they are done with the first ship." I took Laveki by the hand and spun her into my arms.

"Wait, before you glide us there, I want to test out the MH15." She told my golem to take the compression sphere out front.

"Follow me then." I stepped out of my window and landed with my Airsteppers, the front door of the mansion was always occupied by people who wanted jobs at my upcoming factory.

Fent took the same route and landed behind me, shortly followed by Laveki with her very own Airsteppers. She let out her helicopter.

The helicopter was made of aluminum and had a brassy paint that made it look like it came right out of a steampunk novel. It had two counter-rotating blade chassis with three blades each, seven seats and a completely contained cockpit.

Laveki wrapped her arms around my neck from behind and whispered into my ear.


With a smile I gave her my evaluation.

"Aerodynamics are great, I still think contra-props are genius, seven people is a good number for personal use, it looks like it would tilt forward slightly, and if it can carry Fent and his two sidekicks then it's perfect for us to travel in."

She smiled. "On the money, it does tip forwards a bit."

She got in the pilot's seat and I got into co-pilot, the three golems piled in back once Fent's subordinates caught up.

Chi chi chucka chuck

The helicopter's engine started and the people at the front door took notice. Once we were off the ground I could see them pointing and shaking their fists.

'I should probably address them at some point.'

"Oh! Look, it's done!" I pointed at the first finished Ark. "I figured they'd have it done a little before the christening, take us down."