
He sounded so calm and casual as if he was used to say this kind of sweet words.His long slender fingers still played with her messy hairs playfully with an attentive gaze.

Esme watched his stern face for a few times before broke out into a hoarse and anger mixed voice,

" But I want nothing from you except my freedom. You have status, assets probably more than everyone in your world. You can just give a command and thousand of beauties will be sent at your feet, king Aaron. But just let me go and live my life."

Aaron paused at his action before taking back his hand reluctantly and suddenly got up . His action gave her a bit frightened as she bit her lower lip tightly and lowered her gaze.

He thought for a while. Then suddenly his mind came up with an idea and turned back to face her timid face speaking slowly,

" Fine!"

Next second, Esme jolted in astonishment and lifted up her gaze excitedly.

But the next moment, she was rendered speechless as Aaron continued,