Esme's face had turned red after enjoying the immense pleasure more specifically after not being satiated fully. Her climaxes had been occurred three times within just few minutes. Thus her body went numb and timid under his embrace. His possessive words reverberated in her eardrums repeatedly as she felt agitated while reminding her escaping plan with Ron.
Panting heavily, she pressed her head on his bare shoulders and enhaled the misty fragrance of their hormones. Her face flashed in embarrassment profusely as she whispered softly,
" We should.. take a.. bath now.. You have wasted too much time.."
Aaron chuckled lightly carrying her exhausted body towards another bathtub and teased,
" But you enjoyed, didn't you?"
Esme hissed before hiding her face shyly into his bare chest. After reaching near the new tub, Aaron put her down into the water before joining her quickly.