I have spoiled you too much!

Esme shifted her eyes towards Aaron who had a murderous look that could destroy heaven and hell. The fact that he felt audibly protective of her, this newly feeling was divine. Esme gazed at Carol's lying figure as she heard his hasty footsteps coming towards them.

Without waiting for anymore interrogation, Aaron pressed his hard boot on Carol's bleeding arm earning out a mournful scream. The other maids quickly knelt on the ground fearfully as if their lives had come to an end.

Aaron gnashed his teeth angrily and asked in a hoarse tone,

" Who told you to harm her? Speak out! Who.. told you Carol.. Is that Vanessa?"

Esme's face turned stiff as she looked down on Carol coldly. She glanced on Vanessa's doorstep and didn't see any sign of her. From her perspective, Esme already assumed that Carol was definitely sent by Vanessa. Moreover Carol won't achieve anything hurting Esme.

Carol groaned in pain as she responded pleading for mercy,