Let us go Part 1

RECOMMENDED SONG : Someone You Loved By Lewis Capaldi ~🖤

Aaron could no longer hear anything anymore. Esme's low choking voice was like a sharp dagger piercing through his heart deeply. His weak body shook lightly before a look of disbelief flashed across his blank eyes.

Sucking a rapid breath, he sutured feeling vulnerable all over,

" Esme..You.. know.."

Esme had to ground her teeth harshly to suppress her choking voice and responded quite abruptly,

" Just..drink it..Aaron.. Please.."

She emphasized the last word specifically wondering whether she was begging to him or herself. A series of uneasy sighs slipped out through her lips wanting to run away desperately but something invisible was holding her onto the spot.

She could feel the body inside her embrace was getting numb and vulnerable as if it would collapse on the ground anytime. Keeping her arms wrapped around his shoulder, she urged between her chokes,