The Block Of Fire!

His low, commanding voice terrified Elizabeth who really regretted the second moment for ignoring him like dust. Her palms became a little sweaty and when she turned around to hear the next command from him, she found him staring at her with intensity. Alexander was always very hard to read or predict. One time, he was sweet like melon and the next moment, he could be ferocious like tiger.

She battled to keep her expression cool and replied without meeting his eyes,

" What do you want me to do more, Crown Prince?"

Alexander continued looking into her eyes without breaking apart. He wondered how much determined she was to ignore him. At the very beginning of their days together, he found it the most smooth solution which was to ignore each others so that Arthur could get along with her well. Now when the reality was knocking at his door, he found it difficult to ignore his feelings especially when she was all around with him but never talked with him.