Sacrifice In Peace

Ayra felt her mind getting dizzy after Enchantress uttered those words. Her words sounded disoriented but her heart hammered loudly against her chest especially after she emphasized the last parts.

Killer? Slayer? What was she indicating to exactly?

Ayra withdrew her feet from the ground and turned around to hear Enchantress blabbering consistently. Her momentum didn't look serious but Ayra knew that a mad woman would never lie at this state. Walking back to her side, Ayra demanded for a clear answer impatiently,

" Enchantress? What did you mean? Tell me clearly, Enchantress! Please.. What did you put in my curse? Enchantress.."

Ayra shook her few times, hoping to hear something more clearly. But Enchantress kept repeating her words only. Her mind and soul weren't connected to the previous life anymore. Hence, she didn't had enough knowledge to give her any answer.