Searching For Her

Ayra gasped, looking down at the glass globe on the ground. It was shattered into pieces. Ralph made a face of annoyance, staring down at his bleeding hand deeply. Ayra's attention was driven from the topic and then saw his blood, falling from his hands. 

She came forward in a rush, held his hands carefully,

" Your hand.. father... It's bleeding!"

She carefully tore one part of her dress, used to wrap it around his finger. Her mother had taught her well to adapt to a simple life instead of using magic always. Hence, she used clothes first to nurture his pain.

Ralph was quite surprised to see her worried face. Before Jasmine, no one cared about his well-being. He understood that Ayra had a pure heart like Jasmine. But a pure heart was never good with demons. Ralph's heart clenched in guilt. Such a pure-hearted girl should have lived a fairy tale life instead of messing with demons.