Getting Marked



"Now to be able to track both of you down, let's get you marked shall we?"

Both Isobel and Jayden gave each other a scared and surprised look.



Both Isobel and Jayden took a step back at the same time after hearing the word. Oh, she wasn't getting marked for anything. No marks, no anything.

"What do you mean by 'getting marked'?" Isobel asked.

"You never said anything about being marked!" Jayden yelled at the same time.

Alasdair rolled his eyes at both of them. "It's like a tattoo, but without needles. It will be only seen by the staff so don't get your knickers in a twist. It's sort of your identification band. The mark also helps us to locate you. Oh and a chip. Right behind your ear." Alasdair said, pulling his ear forward and tapping behind it. "It will have your program to help you on your missions. Don't worry, it won't be visible. Won't even hurt." He explained.

Both Isobel and Jayden took a step back again.

"I don't want a bloody chip in my brain! What if it explodes? huh!? It will be bye-bye Isobel." She spat. she was NOT walking around with half of her skull blown up.

Jayden nodded in agreement. He didn't want a stupid thing in his brain. If his parents saw the tattoo he will be thrown on the streets faster than he can even say the word 'streets'.

"She's right! What if the thing tried controlling me? Oh my god, I'll be a cyborg!" He exclaimed horrified with the idea. Jayden didn't particularly like the idea of being a slave to robots. They are going to treat him like dirt on their shoes and collar him up and make him work. He had seen enough movies to know never anything good comes out from robots ruling the planet. They will all die.

Alasdair knew exactly what was going on in Jayden's brain and he wanted to smack him. What did he take him for? Did he think he was an idiot? Did he think he'd ever agreed to anything like this if it was to get out of control? No. He wouldn't make a decision without calculating the risk and thinking about the consequences.

"You won't become a cyborg, you complete imbecile. That's not how it works. You'll just be possessed by artificial intelligence. A.I. if you must." She huffed after explaining. Jayden just looked at her with a confused look and she rolled her eyes. She did not have the energy to deal with idiots right now and she wasn't going to.

"You both are idiots if you think I'll take such a risk." Isobel gaped at being called an idiot, especially in the same category as Jayden. "You can control the chip and shut it down any time you want. If the ultimate control laid in someone else's hand then we wouldn't do it. The data is all yours to access. It's to help you. And no Mr Denton you won't become a slave. Honestly, science fiction books and movies on earth are so misleading. Anything of that sorts won't happen. No one is going to control anybody." Alasdair explained. Lord give him the strength to deal with this lot. They were getting, no, they were stomping on his nerves and he was about to kill someone. He was going to give them a booklet to explain it later but oh no, they will create a scene first.

"It will all be explained in the user manual, which I will give you once we reach the room and you quit your bickering for a moment. It's like dealing with a bunch of toddlers. Now shut your mouth and follow me." Alasdair snapped and ordered them.

Both Isobel and Jayden flushed in embarrassment as they realised the way they were acting. The man was already having too much on his plate and their immaturity wasn't helping him. They both hung their heads in shame and followed the man to a series of hallways and rooms.

Finally, they entered a room with a couple of, well, beings in lab coats. They weren't all humans so Isobel didn't know how she was to define everyone in the room. Creature sounded offensive so she just settled for beings. It will take some time to get used to aliens and humans mingling up but hey, she wasn't complaining.

They were both led to the chairs next to the wall. And a guy with antennas on his head gave them two manuals. They both thanked him and he smiled a smile which gave Isobel chills.

It read-

'Managing C.O.S.M.O.S'

'Catastrophe obviating succourer's management operating system.'

'Your very own assistant system to help you save the worlds.'

Isobel raised an impressed eyebrow at the clever play of words. She looked at Jayden and he was a bit confused.

"What does obviating mean?" He asked. Idiot. Alasdair grumbled 'idiot' under his breath.

"Preventing something." Isobel replied.

"And succourer?" He asked again.

"Someone who helps you when you need it." She replied again, sighing this time. Jayden nodded.

Both of them started to read. It basically showed how it will give them details about the person whose body they will be in. It made sense. For example, if they ended up in a body in Russia they can't just learn Russian out of nowhere. So, what it will do is, it will transfer the skills to their brain.

The usage was simple, they just had to mentally talk to it like how you talk to yourself. Though it was advised to shut it off while sleeping as it might create confusion in the chip because of dreams.

They both completed the booklet and nodded, handing it back to the guy who gave them. The guy just shook his head and Alasdair said that they could keep it if they ever need to reference it in future.

"Now I suppose working of the C.O.S.M.O.S is clear?" He said. When he received two nods he carried on. "The mark, you will have it on your left shoulder. It's a way to recognise each other and any other staff to recognise you when you come here. It can't be seen by anyone except the one working with us. The mark injects it in you to be able to see it. Like right now, you can't see ours." Alasdair said and the antenna guy pushed his shirt off his left shoulder. It was blank to them.

Both of them nodded in understanding.

Jayden let out a relieved breath. His parents won't see it. That's fine. That's all he needed.

He led them to the chairs in the middle of the room. The golden, blue and green lines were swirling around it. It had a screen attached on the back of the headrest, a square sheet of metal attached to a pipe, and a small glue gun type of thing attached to another pipe. Both of them sat on the chairs next to each other.

"Mr Marquez?" Jayden called. Alasdair looked at him. "Will we be paid for stopping the doomsday?" He asked. Isobel looked at Alasdair as well, this interested her as well.

"Yes. A thousand Neagirian dollars for every mission." He answered. He knew this question was going to come.

Jayden and Isobel looked at each other grinning the Cheshire cat smile and high-fived each other. Money for saving the world was a fine deal. They were in no mood to reject some money, especially when they were doing it for a good cause. This was just perfect.

"Bring it on!" Isobel said laughing and Jayden let out a whoop in reply.