The Date

"Is this the duo chosen by the program?" A man questioned as he opened the file and read through all the Bio-data. 

'How can it be even possible?'

"That's right," his partner confirmed. "However, I think the program has made a mistake. This isn't even remotely believable!"

The man frowned as he looked at it again. It didn't look convincing to him as well, he had to agree. 

"The program never makes a mistake," he said solemnly as he rubbed his forehead and decided right away. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's bring them here." 

His partner could only sigh as he quickly rushed out to fulfill the order.


Isabelle suddenly sneezed. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she rubbed her itchy nose. It was annoying and it kept interrupting her date. 

The brown-haired man in front of her smiled reassuringly and shook his head to dismiss her 'sorry' and offered her a tissue.

"So where were we? Ah, yes. You were going off on a child," he reminded, making Isabelle squint her eyes at his wording.

"Stop, Ryan!" Isabelle complained cutely while gently pinching his arm. "You are making me sound like a bad person!"

Isabelle looked into his eyes and they were twinkling with playfulness and mirth.

"Are you insinuating I am a bad person?" She asked with her eyes still narrowed.

Ryan shook his head furiously. 

"No, no, my liege. How can I, a mere peasant, say such words to you. You are the greatest lord and most adored. Such a humble ruler as you has never been born!" He enacted by putting a hand on his heart and bowing his head. 

Isabelle scoffed at his theatrics. 

'Tsk, such a dramatic man,' she chided fondly in her mind.

"Anyway, It's not like it was my fault. The boy was yelling at the pack of cereal. A pack of cereal, I repeat. Talk about emotional frustration, Jeez!" she informed him, making Ryan shake his head. If he saw a child yelling a box of cereal then he wouldn't tell the child to 'buy it rather than shattering the glasses in the store with his high-pitched voice'.

"So then the kid started crying, and I left silently. You should never be seen at the scene of the crime," She completed the story making Ryan laugh even harder.

"Nevermind, I take my words back. You are an evil person," Ryan told her as he bit into his croissant.

"It's all the red hair, I am telling you. My throne is right in the lowest circle of hell. Satan is my maid, but he is a lousy worker." Ryan couldn't believe Isabelle could even say words like this with a straight face. The girl sitting three feet away from him was something else. He had never met anyone who had such a witty personality. She was funny, sassy, smart, and beautiful. A whole package he had to admit to himself.

"This is the most enjoyable date I have ever had," he confessed with a smile as he squeezed Isabelle's hand on the table.

Isabelle blushed at his words and hid her small smile behind her coffee mug. This was the best date she has ever been to as well. Ryan could connect with her with no problem and have been her crush for a really long time. 

Isabelle hummed in agreement with his words, "I suppose I can give you more chances to ask me out again and again," She sighed with great pain as she frowned at the man in front of him and shook her head in disappointment. Ryan could not even help his lips from turning upwards. 

'I hope you ask me out again,' she wanted to say but Isabelle was anything but a person who made things easy. She went the coarse way because it made it all much more fun and her snarky remarks were a part of her just like her arms and legs.

"And can the peasant, such as I, get a small kiss as a souvenir?" he teased and shot her a flirtatious smile that made Isabelle's heart beat faster in her chest. Ryan was just so handsome and the smile on his chiseled face could light up the whole town if he wished. Isabelle could only feel herself fall even deeper for the man.

"I don't know, can you?" she snarked as she fought to keep her composure. Ryan took a moment to think as he tapped a finger on his cheek right above his dimple. "I guess I can," he said with conviction and leaned forward. 

Isabelle's face burned brightly as she leaned in herself. She could feel the heat rising on her cheeks as she looked at the brunette man in front of her who was merely inches away from her face. His blue eyes were dilated and darkened slightly. The gaze was so intense it made her shiver when she looked in those orbs. Slowly she leaned even closer to connect their lips and closed her eyes as she waited for Ryan to join them.

"Izzy, your nose, y-you are bleeding!" He stuttered with concern laced in his voice as he saw the red coppery liquid dripping down her nostril.

Isabelle's eyes snapped open. She slowly touched below her nose and true to his words there was a warm liquid there. Ryan quickly gathered some tissues and handed them to her with which she dabbed her skin.

"Toss your head back and pinch your bridge. I've heard it helps with nosebleeds," Ryan suggested and Isabelle followed his instructions.

Even after a couple of minutes, the bleeding didn't stop so she excused herself. "I-I am going to clean up in the bathroom."

"Are you sure you don't want me to call the emergency?!" Ryan yelled after her retreating form and received a denying shake of the head.

"Are you alright in there?"

Isabelle jumped at the sudden muffled voice outside the door. Her cheeks burned red as she realized Ryan had followed her for her safety.

"Yeah, I am fine! Just cleaning up," She yelled as she washed her nose and upper lips with water. She dried it with the paper towel but it still came red after the contract.

"I am sorry for ruining the date, Ryan," She said remorsefully as she watched the red liquid still gushing out. 

'Damn it! I need to go to the hospital!'

"Hah, silly girl," Ryan chuckled from outside. "We can do this again and again. You gave me your explicit permission, don't you remember, my liege?" 

Isabella laughed at his words.

Reassured there will be another date she went to open the door to get out. However, the hand she was using to turn the knob hit nothing. In fact, she didn't have a hand at all!

Isabelle's eyes widened and she looked down at the other one to find it slowly turning into smoke as well. 

Isabelle opened her mouth to scream but only a puff of smoke came out. Her entire body tingled as she felt weightless before she lost consciousness and the darkness engulfed her view.

'Am I dying?!'