I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt

"Where the hell are we going?"

"You'll see," Isobel replied.

Jayden huffed at her reply. He had asked her five times already and she replied the same way every time. It also had been five minutes since they got out of the tubes.

Isobel could practically feel the impatient feeling coming off of Jayden in waves. She rolled her eyes at this. Curiosity killed the cat. Not that she'd mind if he died but still. She didn't want him to die, at least not on her. The lawsuit can get a lot messy.

They were on Leitch Trace street. It was exactly in the south. It was a few miles away from the destination where Isobel was taking them.

In front of a torn-up house was a black Bentley. The car was gleaming so bright and looked so out of place that it was ridiculous. Jayden looked at the car, then looked at the building, he then looked at the car again. He had a baffled expression on his face. Jayden didn't want to judge anyone but if the dude had so much money, then get yourself a better place to live and than buy a good car. This place could collapse any moment and it just might collapse on the Bentley.

The door opened and a short ginger man came out with a tall blonde guy. The blonde screamed money while the shorter one just seemed so sweet and innocent and... young. How old was he, fifteen?

"Sei fin troppo adorabile." the man gushed. The ginger raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know I just might learn Italian to understand whether you are cursing and insulting me right in my face," he said. "Now let's get going. We should be there before our client," he said.

The blonde's face dropped but perked up again. Jayden looked at his side and Isobel was looking at the couple observing them. Jayden looked at them as well. "10 bucks says they do something tonight," Jayden smirked at her. The boy looked too sweet, there were fewer chances of it tonight. "15 on next week," Isobel smirked back at him. "Deal," she said and Jayden shook on it.

"You might be my boss Alessandro, but I swear if we lose this deal I'll personally throw you from your office's window. Do remember that you live on the 64th floor. You'll die on your way down before you even touch the ground. Look at the building and remember where I live, I'll make them put on your record that you were so high that you jumped thinking you can fly." he said.

Jayden's eyes widened. The man was a working adult, he was threatening his boss. The man lived here. This doesn't exactly fit in the sweet, innocent persona of his.

Alessandro. The man was called quickly paled and opened the door of the car for the shorter guy. The man gave him an innocent smile and went for it.

Jayden grumbled and fished in his pocket. He pulled out a five and a ten and handed it to Isobel who was grinning so wide that it was a miracle her face did not split in two.

They started walking while Isobel skipped ahead of him. "Good luck Zac," she said and the ginger waved from the car. Jayden groaned. Of course, she knew him. There was no chance in him ever winning. He was doomed from the start.

"Pretty sure that's cheating bro," he said.

Isobel turned around walking backwards and now looking at him. she was still grinding. "I never said I didn't know him."

"You never said you did." he countered.

"I wasn't under any obligation to inform you. Now c'mon, we are not very far.


The not very far turned out to be very very far. Jayden was out of water and they bought one more. Right there walking through a thick dense forest while Jayden was interrogating her.

"You know we have been walking for too long."

"I know."

"Look I understand I said scenic route but I didn't mean to walk across a fucking amazon forest."

"I know."

"If you kill me my family will try to look for me."

"I know."

"You-" Jayden started again but was cut off.

"Jesus, Jay. I didn't bring you here to cut you up. We are here because I know there is a nice place inside. Now I'm considering killing you though."

Jayden was quick to shut up. "When w-" one glare from Isobel and he was silent again. He was looking at the branches of the tree, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Who was he, Evan Hansen?

Isobel was honestly nervous. She had never brought anyone here. This was the place her father used to bring her too. Her mother never liked to go to the south but she did. It was their place for hanging out.

After his death, she was too young to come here alone but after 13 she started again. To remember the times. She loved those times. She had never come to the south-east with anyone before. It wasn't the place people normally come to for a walk. Especially the woods.

The place itself was so well hidden. It was surrounded by the thickest layer of trees. It was as if nature wanted to protect it itself. She wasn't surprised though. The place looked so heavenly and pure, she wanted to protect it as well. The only time one could find it was whether they know their way around or get truly lost in the dense woods. She wanted to tell Jay though. Someone other than she should know about. Even if it was just him. If she were to die today or tomorrow someone should remember it.

She'd gone through a few worlds and she had realized the uncertainty of life.

She knew the uncertainty of her own life.

They reached the clearing and Jayden's breath got stuck in his throat. The clearing led to a pond. It was so beautiful. The place was surrounded with thick trees bending towards the water's surface as if to protect it. Trying to cover most of the surface. The water was so clear that if he focused he could see the fish underneath.

"Izzy!" Jayden asked.

Isobel smiled at Jayden and nodded.