The Chase

Isobel duked and the bat flew over her head. She quickly turned her head to see the bat turning around to aim at her again. She burst into a run and ran from there. She skidded to a stop and ran between the shelves as the bat screeched behind her. Isobel picked a book from the self and threw over her shoulder in hopes to hit the bat. No such luck at the bad lowered itself and continued flying. 

Isobel wanted to cry out in frustration but she was too occupied looking for a way to save herself. She zapped between the shelves as she ran for her life. There was a long table in the corner and she climbed over and tucked herself behind it. She looked around her and froze. There laid Ms Morgan, unconscious, her glasses askew and her face terrified. She shook the older woman, but there was no response. Isobel put her fingers on a neck to check for the pulse but almost screamed out loud.

She felt a warm liquid as she touched.

It was blood.