

"We have a couple more things to discuss," Cara said. "The lawyer. The mafia lawyer. I talked with him on a burner phone while you were gone. He asked to set up a meeting. Of course, he said that he needs to be paid nicely. I just told him we'd keep the silence about… certain aspects… If you must."


They made their way out of the airport with a confident Isobel and Cara, a jumpy Ambre and a scared out of his mind Jayden. Of course, it didn't help that they were out of the country without informing their parents. 

Other than Cara.

Cara had told her parents that she's going to Florida. They had stared at her unblinking for a few minutes before giving in and let her do it. They knew better than to stop her. It was a preferable option to let her do what she wants that deals with the consequences (disastrous) of her getting around their permission.