Carson: Part 2


"I will be here when you get back." She told him before turning around and dismissing him. He went home with a heavy heart and a sense of unease.

Carson had barely made into the house before he was slammed against the wall, his head smacking against the stone rubble.


"Where were you?" His mother snarled into his face, her spit spraying against his cheeks.

"I was outside playing." He told her hoping that would be good enough. She always questioned his whereabouts but it was never this violent.

She smacked him hard against his cheek causing his head to slam once again into the wall. He blinked rapidly trying to clear the dizziness that was flooding his brain.

 "Don't you lie to me, Carson!" She screamed right into his ear. "Papa saw you with the disgusting wrench. I told you that you weren't to play with her, didn't I?"