The Elite Academy for angels and demons was either the most brilliant idea ever or the worst idea possible. Angels and Demons living together in peace, not a chance. Hades and Astarte were appalled and had stared at Zeus as if he had gone bonkers, it was probably the first and the last thing they had ever agreed on. Zeus was however not having any of their excuses, he told them that it was his final decision and whoever opposed it would be banished. Both of them grumbled but agreed and flew off to tell their people about the news. As expected no one was happy but agreed nonetheless because they didn't want to be banished. This was going to be one hell of an education system.
Lydia stalked down the hall, with her pure white wings spread out and a good amount of angels following her. She had an annoyed look plastered on her face and was surely going to give hell to anyone that crossed paths with her, she saw a few Demons snickering to themselves in a dark corner and a cold smile graced her lips. She approached them and loudly cleared her throat, her annoyed expression now turned to one with disgust, they immediately stopped what they were doing and gave her and her followers a glare. "What do you want?" one of the girls seethed. "Lilith, Lilith, Lilith....." Lydia tutted, "When will you learn that messing with me won't get you anywhere." Lilith was shocked at first but soon enough a look of realization crossed her face and she smirked cruelly. "I didn't do it alone though, I got help from my lovely boyfriend," she said and then much to Lydia's dismay called him. Damien, Lilith's boyfriend and Lydia's arch-enemy arrived within the blink of an eye, he smirked at Lydia who glared daggers at him. " I should have known." Lydia hissed with pure annoyance which Damien found quite amusing, she flipped them off and proceeded to exit the area before she committed the heinous act of murder. Damien thought for a while then whispered something into Lilith's ear who in turn smirked evilly and called out " Hey Lydia, all the makeup in the world won't make you less insecure." All the demons laughed and this made all the angles stop right in their tracks and turn around. One of them gasped and pointed out " This is verbal assault, may Zeus punish you and burn you to death...." Lydia put her hand up signalling her to stop, "If that's how you want to play it, Lilith, then so be it." she began " Let's see, you got weights in your pockets when you go to the doctor, your favourite candy's cotton that's why all your teeth are rotten." She stopped counting and looked up " Silly girl....." she jeered and then looking at Damien added," with some silly boy." Chuckling arrogantly she left the demons gaping and bubbling with anger.
"Ughh! That stupid being thinks that she could insult me and get away with it." Lilith screamed for the umpteenth time and Damien rolled his eyes he was sick of Lilith moping ever since she got completely destroyed by Lydia. " You!" she shrieked pointing an accusing finger at him, "Me" he responded calmly although he was far from it. "It was your idea and you didn't even defend me against that bitch." she continued and Damien huffed annoyed," First of all you shouldn't have thrown such a weak ass insult and second of all it's not my problem that you are that disgusting." He snapped, this only caused Lilith to scream and whine more. Defeated Damien left his dorm in search of a quiet and dark spot, during his search he overheard Lydia trying to console a younger angel who was obviously was bullied by a demon. Damien smiled at the thought of bullying a young angel but brushed the thought away and listened more closely to their conversation. he spoke with so much kindness and wisdom that it made him shudder with disgust. When he was done he wandered off again but this time with a certain angel on his mind. Lydia. Oh, how he enjoyed pissing her off and watching her calm herself before she murdered someone. He knew that she possessed great power and end him and his species with a snap of her fingers but would never do it until ordered to by either Zeus or Astarte. One more thing that he found intriguing about her was that she never fell for his charm, everyone in the school including the angel would give in to his charm but not her, she could see right through it and found it quite unamusing. Damien had vowed to break her perfect facade, he wanted to see her dark side whose presence was often felt by him. He smirked before thinking about another way to make her life hell.